back button history handling for iframe with jquery (IE failed me again)
<script src=js/jquery/1.3.2.js></script>
<script src=js/jquery/timers.js></script>
<a name=n1 url= />
<a name=n2 url= />
<a name=n3 url= />
<a href=#n1></a>
<a href=#n2></a>
<a href=#n3></a>
<iframe name=iframe width=1280 height=1024></iframe>
var cm = {hash: ''}
$(document).everyTime(100, function(){
var hash = location.hash
if(hash && cm.hash != hash){
cm.hash = hash
Doesn't work in IE...>_<
Turns out there are plugins for this already...[url=]jQuery history[/url] [url=]jQuery Address[/url] [url=]jQuery BBQ[/url]
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