The Frist Article
Hello this world i adore you.
Now that i'm on this path, never regret never give up, when i fall ,i stand up ,when i fall again ,i stand up again, when i fall again , you must have to think why are failure why are you can't successfull , why are you always think in a same way, why not change. why / whit these questions . Hanut me all the time. cut it off and start over
Sometimes we need to deal with personal feelings, irritating feel give to you, you can't run way or hide. just like your're dealing with bug,it gives you a headache, quite helpless, but i have to face it , and work out.
I want change to make a difference in my life, i know that is very hard, but i just want to change. of course it's for a good thing change. a few years later if i get there for other side of success. all thing unpredicatable. i really want to be i imaginary the man. if someone ask my what is you chips? i will tell him ,i have nothing. only have the courage to lose, and A desire for success. ever ever ever. i want to be down-to-earth now. the mind is not fickle . by my troth.
write by : Alex 18/3/26 21:00
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