It's not even the whole quest. In this article
The NBA 2K22 The Drama Trade Rumors bug fix has been on
the minds of every single player who has had to deal with the glitch. It makes sense considering how devastating the issue can be. It can block you out of several different things in the game.
It's not even the whole quest. In this article, I'll provide you with some pointers on how you might fix the issue. They've helped a number of people, so I'm hoping that at least one the solutions will work for you as well. That's it, now, without further delay I'll tell you where we're going.
To resolve the NBA 2K22 Drama Trade Rumors bug that stops players from finishing the game and can even stop players from doing anything, there's several things that you can do. First, you can continue watching Kendrick's rant every time on your phone.
In this case, I'm talking about your in-game phone and not your real-life phone. It is also possible to alter your apartment's name within the settings and go back and watch it. There are additional activities you can try to accomplish, for instance, run group exercises or take part in some side-activities, after which you can watch the rant.
As for an "official" solution the best thing 2K has accomplished so far is that
you install the game again, and/or or clear your cache. It's definitely worth trying if all else fails. However, it's still an immense annoyance. It's one in a number of these issues that players have encountered in the past.
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