







 1 type ArrayList<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.List<'T>
 2 let filtLine (line:string) = not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) && line <> "(" && line <> ")" 
 3 let getLineData (line:string) = line.Split(' ','\t','\"') |> Array.filter filtLine
 4 let getFloat str = snd (System.Single.TryParse(str))
 5 let getInt str = snd (System.Int32.TryParse(str))
 6 let getw x y z = 1.0f - x*x - y*y - z*z |> fun p -> if p < 0.f then 0.f else float32 (-Math.Sqrt(float p))
 8 //--------mesh裡用的結構
 9 type Md5Joint() = 
10     member val Name = "" with get,set
11     member val Index = -2 with get,set
12     //位移
13     member val Position = Vector3.Zero with get,set
14     //旋轉
15     member val Quat = Quaternion.Identity  with get,set       
16     member val ParentIndex = -2 with get,set    
17     member this.SetValue(line:string,ind:int) =
18         let ls = getLineData line// line.Split(' ','\t') |> Array.filter (fun p -> not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p)))//&& p <> @"\t" && p.Length > 0)
19         let pos,quat =
20             let gf str = snd (System.Single.TryParse(str))
21             let x,y,z,a,b,c = (gf ls.[2]),(gf ls.[3]),(gf ls.[4]),(gf ls.[5]),(gf ls.[6]),(gf ls.[7])
22             let d = getw a b c
23             Vector3(x,y,z),Quaternion(a,b,c,d)
24         this.Name <- ls.[0]
25         this.ParentIndex <- snd (System.Int32.TryParse(ls.[1]))
26         this.Position <- pos
27         this.Quat <- quat
28         this
30 //Vert包含紋理座標,以及關聯的權重,根據權重求頂點
31 type Md5Vert() =
32     member val Index = -1 with get,set
33     member val Texcoord = Vector2.Zero with get,set
34     member val WeightStart = 0 with get,set
35     member val WeightCount = 0 with get,set
36     //經過權重求頂點實際位置
37     member val Position = Vector3.Zero with get,set 
38     member val Normal = Vector3.Zero with get,set       
39     member this.SetValue(line:string) =
40         let ls =getLineData line// line.Split(' ','\t') |> Array.filter (fun p -> not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p)))
41         let gf str = snd (System.Single.TryParse(str))
42         this.Index <- snd (System.Int32.TryParse(ls.[1]))
43         this.Texcoord <- Vector2(gf ls.[2],gf ls.[3])
44         this.WeightStart <- snd (System.Int32.TryParse(ls.[4]))
45         this.WeightCount <- snd (System.Int32.TryParse(ls.[5]))
46         this
47     member this.DataArray with get() =[| this.Texcoord.X;this.Texcoord.Y;this.Position.X;this.Position.Y;this.Position.Z|]
49 //三角形(包含Vert的索引)
50 type Md5Tri() =
51     member val Index = -1 with get,set
52     member val VertorIndexs = Array.create 3 0 with get,set
53     member this.SetValue(line:string) =
54         let ls = getLineData line // line.Split(' ','\t') |> Array.filter (fun p -> not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p)))
55         let gi str = snd (System.Int32.TryParse(str))
56         this.Index <- gi ls.[1]
57         this.VertorIndexs <- [|gi ls.[2];gi ls.[3];gi ls.[4]|]
58         this
60 //權重,(權重頂點用於計算Md5Vert,權重的JointIndex用於得到對應joint的四元數)
61 type Md5Weight() =
62     member val Index = -1 with get,set
63     member val JointIndex = -1 with get,set
64     member val Bias = 0.f with get,set
65     member val Position = Vector3.Zero with get,set
66     member this.SetValue(line:string) =
67         let ls = line.Split(' ','\t') |> Array.filter (fun p -> not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p)))
68         let gf str = snd (System.Single.TryParse(str))
69         this.Index <- snd (System.Int32.TryParse(ls.[1]))
70         this.JointIndex <- snd (System.Int32.TryParse(ls.[2]))
71         this.Bias <- gf ls.[3]
72         this.Position <- Vector3(gf ls.[5],gf ls.[6],gf ls.[7])
73         this
75 type Md5Mesh() =
76     let mutable vbo,ebo = 0,0
77     member val TexID = 0 with get,set
78     member val ShaderPath = "" with get,set
79     member val Verts = ArrayList<Md5Vert>() with get,set
80     member val Faces = ArrayList<Md5Tri>() with get,set
81     member val Weights = ArrayList<Md5Weight>() with get,set
82     member this.ElementCount with get() = this.Faces.Count * 3



 1         let file = new StreamReader(fileName)
 2         while not file.EndOfStream  do
 3             let str = file.ReadLine()
 4             match str with
 5             | StartsWith "joints" true  -> 
 6                 let mutable isJoint = true
 7                 while isJoint  do
 8                     let joint = file.ReadLine()
 9                     isJoint <- not (joint.Contains("}"))
10                     if isJoint then this.Joints.Add(Md5Joint().SetValue(joint,this.Joints.Count))                    
11             | StartsWith "mesh" true ->
12                 let mutable isMesh = true
13                 let md5mesh = Md5Mesh()
14                 this.Meshs.Add(md5mesh)
15                 while isMesh do
16                     let mesh = file.ReadLine()
17                     match mesh with
18                     | StartsWith "shader" true  -> 
19                         let dict = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)
20                         let fileName = (getLineData mesh).[1]// mesh.Split(' ','\t') |> Array.filter (fun p -> not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p))) |> fun p -> p.[1].Trim('\"')
21                         md5mesh.ShaderPath <- Path.Combine(dict,fileName)
22                     | StartsWith "vert" true  -> 
23                         md5mesh.Verts.Add(Md5Vert().SetValue(mesh))
24                     | StartsWith "tri" true  -> 
25                         md5mesh.Faces.Add(Md5Tri().SetValue(mesh))
26                     | StartsWith "weight" true  -> 
27                         md5mesh.Weights.Add(Md5Weight().SetValue(mesh))
28                     | StartsWith "}" true  -> 
29                         isMesh <- false
30                     | _ -> printfn "%s" ("---------"+str) 
31             | _ -> printfn "%s" str        
32         file.Close()


 1 //先求得頂點的實際資料
 2         this.Meshs.ForEach(fun mesh -> 
 3             mesh.Verts.ForEach(fun vert ->
 4                 for i in [vert.WeightStart .. vert.WeightStart + vert.WeightCount - 1] do
 5                     let weigth = mesh.Weights.[i]
 6                     let joint = this.Joints.[weigth.JointIndex]
 7                     vert.Position <- vert.Position + (joint.Position + Vector3.Transform(weigth.Position,joint.Quat)) * weigth.Bias
 8                 )
 9             ) 
10         this.Meshs.ForEach(fun mesh -> mesh.CreateVBO())   






 1 type Md5JointInfo() =
 2     member val Name = "" with get,set
 3     member val Index = -2 with get,set
 4     member val ParentIndex = -2 with get,set    
 5     member val Flags = 0 with get,set
 6     member val StartIndex = 0 with get,set
 7     member this.SetValue(line:string,ind:int) =
 8         let ls = getLineData line
 9         this.Name <- ls.[0]
10         this.ParentIndex <- getInt ls.[1]
11         this.Index <- ind
12         this.Flags <- getInt ls.[2]
13         this.StartIndex <- getInt ls.[3]
14         this
16 type Md5BaseFrame() =
17     member val Index = -2 with get,set
18     //位移
19     member val Positions = ArrayList<Vector3>() with get,set
20     //旋轉
21     member val Quats = ArrayList<Quaternion>() with get,set  
22     member this.SetValue(line:string) =
23         let ls = getLineData line
24         let pos,quat =
25             let gf str = snd (System.Single.TryParse(str))
26             let x,y,z,a,b,c = (gf ls.[0]),(gf ls.[1]),(gf ls.[2]),(gf ls.[3]),(gf ls.[4]),(gf ls.[5])
27             let d = getw a b c
28             Vector3(x,y,z),Quaternion(a,b,c,d)
29         this.Positions.Add(pos)
30         this.Quats.Add(quat)
32 type Md5Frame() =
33     member val Index = -2 with get,set
34     member val Points = ArrayList<float32>() with get,set
35     member this.SetValue(line:string) =
36         let ls = getLineData line
37         let ds = ls |> (fun p -> getFloat p)
38         this.Points.AddRange(ds)
40 //楨動畫計算得出如下內容
41 type Md5SkeletonJoin() =
42     member val ParentIndex = -2 with get,set
43     //位移
44     member val Position = Vector3.Zero with get,set
45     //旋轉
46     member val Quat = Quaternion.Identity with get,set  
47 type Md5FrameSkeleton = ArrayList<Md5SkeletonJoin>



 1             let path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName),animName.Value)
 2             let animFile = new StreamReader(path)
 3             while not animFile.EndOfStream  do
 4                 let str = animFile.ReadLine()
 5                 match str with
 6                 | StartsWith "frameRate" true  -> 
 7                     this.Animation.FrameRate <- getFloat (getLineData str).[1]  
 8                 | StartsWith "hierarchy" true ->
 9                     let mutable isJoinHierarchy = true 
10                     while isJoinHierarchy  do
11                         let joint = animFile.ReadLine()
12                         isJoinHierarchy <- not (joint.Contains("}"))
13                         if isJoinHierarchy then this.Animation.JointInfos.Add(Md5JointInfo().SetValue(joint,this.Animation.JointInfos.Count))  
14                 | StartsWith "bounds" true ->
15                     let mutable isbound = true 
16                     while isbound  do
17                         let bound = animFile.ReadLine()
18                         isbound <- not (bound.Contains("}"))
19                         if isbound then 
20                             let data = getLineData bound
21                             let a,b,c,x,y,z = getFloat data.[0],getFloat data.[1],getFloat data.[2],getFloat data.[3],getFloat data.[4],getFloat data.[5]
22                             this.Animation.Bounds.Add(Vector3(a,b,c),Vector3(x,y,z))               
23                 | StartsWith "baseframe" true ->
24                     let mutable isFrame = true 
25                     let mf = this.Animation.BaseFrame       
26                     while isFrame  do
27                         let frameLine = animFile.ReadLine()
28                         isFrame <- not (frameLine.Contains("}"))
29                         if isFrame then mf.SetValue(frameLine)                                           
30                 | StartsWith "frame" true ->
31                     let mutable isFrame = true 
32                     let mf = Md5Frame()
33                     mf.Index <- getInt (getLineData str).[1]
34                     this.Animation.Frames.Add(mf)
35                     while isFrame  do
36                         let frameLine = animFile.ReadLine()
37                         isFrame <- not (frameLine.Contains("}"))
38                         if isFrame then mf.SetValue(frameLine)                     
39                 | _ -> printfn "%s" str    
40             animFile.Close()
41             //把骨骼動畫中,各節點由父骨骼節點座標轉化成模型座標
42             this.Animation.CreateFrameSkeleton()
43             //生成紋理
44             this.Meshs.ForEach(fun mesh -> if  mesh.TexID = 0 && File.Exists mesh.ShaderPath then mesh.TexID <- TexTure.Load(mesh.ShaderPath))


 1 type Md5Animation() =
 2     let mutable currentTime = 0.f
 3     member val FrameRate = 24.f with get,set    
 4     //JointInfos集合物件的索引就是本身在檔案中的位置,他們本身的順序就是正序加1
 5     member val JointInfos = ArrayList<Md5JointInfo>() with get,set
 6     member val Bounds = ArrayList<Vector3*Vector3>() with get,set
 7     member val Frames = ArrayList<Md5Frame>() with get,set
 8     member val BaseFrame = Md5BaseFrame() with get,set    
 9     member val FrameSkeletonList = ArrayList<Md5FrameSkeleton>() with get,set
10     //二個目標,一是轉化Frames裡的資料成對應一楨的所有骨骼節點資訊
11     //二是把所有骨骼節點在父骨骼座標系中的位置轉化成模型座標系
12     member this.CreateFrameSkeleton() =
13         for frame in this.Frames do
14             let md5FrameSkeleton = Md5FrameSkeleton()
15             for jointInfo in this.JointInfos do
16                 //skeleton的順序因為JointInfos的特殊性,也是正序加1
17                 let skeleton = Md5SkeletonJoin()
18                 md5FrameSkeleton.Add(skeleton)
19                 skeleton.ParentIndex <- jointInfo.ParentIndex
20                 let position = this.BaseFrame.Positions.[jointInfo.Index]
21                 let quat = this.BaseFrame.Quats.[jointInfo.Index]
22                 let setFlags index =
23                     let flag = int (Math.Pow(float 2,float index))
24                     if jointInfo.Flags &&& flag = flag then frame.Points.[jointInfo.StartIndex + index] 
25                     else 
26                         match index with 
27                         | 0 -> position.X                    
28                         | 1 -> position.Y
29                         | 2 -> position.Z
30                         | 3 -> quat.X
31                         | 4 -> quat.Y
32                         | 5 -> quat.Z
33                         | _ -> quat.W
34                 let x,y,z,a,b,c = setFlags 0,setFlags 1,setFlags 2,setFlags 3,setFlags 4,setFlags 5
35                 let w = getw a b c
36                 //currentPos,currentQuat都是針對父骨骼來的座標,要轉化得到模型座標
37                 let currentPos,currentQuat=Vector3(x,y,z),Quaternion(a,b,c,w)
38                 skeleton.Position <- currentPos
39                 skeleton.Quat <- currentQuat
40                 if skeleton.ParentIndex >= 0 then
41                     let parentSkeleton = md5FrameSkeleton.[skeleton.ParentIndex]
42                     //先得到currentPos經過父骨骼四元數旋轉後的值
43                     let pos = Vector3.Transform(currentPos,parentSkeleton.Quat)
44                     //模型座標示下的點
45                     skeleton.Position <- parentSkeleton.Position + pos
46                     //模型座標系下的四元數
47                     skeleton.Quat <- Quaternion.Normalize(parentSkeleton.Quat * skeleton.Quat)
48             this.FrameSkeletonList.Add(md5FrameSkeleton) 
49     member this.CurrentTime 
50         with get() =
51             if currentTime > float32 this.Frames.Count/this.FrameRate then currentTime <- 0.f
52             currentTime
53         and set value = currentTime <- value
54     member this.GetCurrentFrameSkeleton() =
55         //得到當前的時間所在動畫迴圈的位置
56         let current = this.CurrentTime * this.FrameRate
57         //得到所在位置的當前楨索引,與運動到下一楨的位置
58         let currentFrame,currentStep= int (Math.Floor(float current)),current - float32 (Math.Floor(float current))
59         //得到下一楨索引,到楨尾就從頭開始
60         let nextFrame = if currentFrame < this.Frames.Count - 1 then currentFrame + 1 else 0
61         //得到當前楨,下一楨具體資訊
62         let currentSkeleton,nexSkeleton = this.FrameSkeletonList.[currentFrame],this.FrameSkeletonList.[nextFrame]
63         let joints = ArrayList<Md5Joint>()
64         for i in [|0 .. this.JointInfos.Count - 1|] do
65             //根據當前楨位置求得對應四元數與頂點的插值
66             let lerpPosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentSkeleton.[i].Position,nexSkeleton.[i].Position,currentStep)
67             let slerpQuat = Quaternion.Slerp(currentSkeleton.[i].Quat,nexSkeleton.[i].Quat,currentStep)
68             joints.Add(Md5Joint(Index = i,Position = lerpPosition,Quat = slerpQuat))
69         joints


 1 type Md5Model(fileName:string,?animName:string) =
 2    member this.Render()=
 3         //生成骨骼節點的資訊
 4         let joints = this.Animation.GetCurrentFrameSkeleton()
 5         //根據骨骼節點生成頂點.也就是蒙皮
 6         this.Meshs.ForEach(fun mesh -> 
 7             mesh.Verts.ForEach(fun vert ->
 8                 vert.Position <- Vector3.Zero
 9                 for i in [vert.WeightStart .. vert.WeightStart + vert.WeightCount - 1] do
10                     let weigth = mesh.Weights.[i]
11                     let joint = joints.[weigth.JointIndex]
12                     vert.Position <- vert.Position + (joint.Position + Vector3.Transform(weigth.Position,joint.Quat)) * weigth.Bias
13                 )
14             ) 
15         //頂點繪製
16         this.Meshs.ForEach(fun mesh -> mesh.Render())  
18 type Md5Mesh() =
19     member this.Render() =
20         let vboData = Array2D.init this.ElementCount 5 (fun i j ->
21             let a,b = i/3,i%3
22             this.Verts.[this.Faces.[a].VertorIndexs.[b]].DataArray.[j]
23             )
24         GL.InterleavedArrays(InterleavedArrayFormat.T2fV3f,0,vboData)
25         if this.TexID > 0 then
26             GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D)
27             GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D,this.TexID)       
28         GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,this.ElementCount,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|0..this.ElementCount - 1|])



   程式碼:原始碼與執行檔案 其中\bin\Release\CgTest.exe為可執行檔案


