一提到Reference 百分之九十九的java程式設計師都懵逼了


原來的標題是:"一提到Reference 99.99%的java程式設計師都懵逼了",為啥改成漢字了呢?吐槽一下,因為CSDN出bug了,如果你用了%做標題,你的文章就別想用它的編輯器修改了,它的js指令碼寫的不夠健壯,報錯了;


java程式設計師都知道如果一個物件沒有任何引用了,那麼這個物件在gc的時候就被回收了,大部分java程式設計師是基於我們常見的強引用去理解引用的,強引用這種方式雖然簡單直接,但是對於一些特殊的java物件,如快取資料在記憶體緊張時自動釋放掉空間防止oom、直接記憶體物件回收之前需自動釋放掉其佔用的堆外記憶體,當socket物件被回收之前關閉連線,當檔案流物件被回收之前自動關閉開啟的檔案等操作,強引用就無能為力了,為了實現這些特殊需求,java還引入了除了強引以外的引用型別來輔助物件回收操作 或 監控物件的生存週期。




1. 兩個佇列pending與ReferenceQueue的作用;

2. Reference物件4種狀態的轉換;

3. ReferenceHander執行緒的處理過程,它是如何將Pending與ReferenceQueue關聯起來的;

4. Pending佇列資料來源;





  Reference(Treferent) {




   Reference(T referent,ReferenceQueue<?super T>queue){

        this.referent =referent;

        this.queue = (queue==null)? ReferenceQueue.NULL:queue;




對於帶ReferenceQueue引數的構造方法,如果傳入的佇列為null,那麼就會給成員變數queue賦值為ReferenceQueue.NULL佇列,這個NULL是ReferenceQueue物件的一個繼承了ReferenceQueue的內部類,它重寫了入隊方法enqueue,這個方法只有一個操作,直接返回 false,也就是這個對列不會存取任何資料,它起到狀態標識的作用;



private Treferent;        /* Treated specially by GC */

  //pending佇列, pending成員變數與後面的discovered物件一起構成了一個pending單向連結串列,注意這個成員變數是一個靜態物件,所以是全域性唯一的,pending為連結串列的頭節點,discovered為連結串列當前Reference節點指向下一個節點的引用,這個佇列是由jvm的垃圾回收器構建的,當物件除了被reference引用之外沒有其它強引用了,jvm的垃圾回收器就會將指向需要回收的物件的Reference都放入到這個佇列裡面(好好理解一下這句話,注意是指向要回收的物件的Reference,要回收的物件就是Reference的成員變數refernt持有的物件,是refernt持有的物件要被回收,而不是Reference物件本身),這個佇列會由ReferenceHander執行緒來處理(ReferenceHander執行緒是jvm的一個內部執行緒,它也是Reference的一個內部類,它的任務就是將pending佇列中要被回收的Reference物件移除出來,如果Reference物件在初始化的時候傳入了ReferenceQueue佇列,那麼就把從pending佇列裡面移除的Reference放到它自己的ReferenceQueue佇列裡(為什麼是它自己的?pending佇列是全域性唯一的佇列,但是Reference的queue卻不是,它是在構造方法裡面指定的,前面說過這裡Cleaner物件是個特例),如果沒有ReferenceQueue佇列,那麼其關聯的物件就不會進入到Pending佇列中,會直接被回收掉,除此之外ReferenceHander執行緒還會做一些其它操作,後面會講到

 /* List of References waiting to beenqueued.  The collector adds

     * References to this list, while theReference-handler thread removes

     * them. This list is protected by the above lock object. The

     * list uses the discovered field to linkits elements.


    privatestatic Reference<Object>pending =null;


   /* When active:   next element in a discovered reference listmaintained by GC (or this if last)

     *    pending:   next element in thepending list (or null if last)

     *  otherwise:   NULL


transientprivate Reference<T>discovered/* used by VM */



   volatileReferenceQueue<?super T>queue;



   /* When active:   NULL

     *     pending:  this

     *   Enqueued:   next reference inqueue (or this if last)

     *   Inactive:   this



   Reference next;





   /* Object used to synchronize with thegarbage collector.  The collector

     * must acquire this lock at the beginningof each collection cycle.  It is

     * therefore critical that any code holdingthis lock complete as quickly

     * as possible, allocate no new objects,and avoid calling user code.


   staticprivateclass Lock { };

   privatestatic Locklock =new Lock();



1.    Reference所引用的物件已經不存在其它強引用;

2.    Reference物件在建立的時候,指定了ReferenceQueue



/* A Reference instance is in one of four possible internal states:
     *     Active: Subject to special treatment by the garbage collector.  Some
     *     time after the collector detects that the reachability of the
     *     referent has changed to the appropriate state, it changes the
     *     instance's state to either Pending or Inactive, depending upon
     *     whether or not the instance was registered with a queue when it was
     *     created.  In the former case it also adds the instance to the
     *     pending-Reference list.  Newly-created instances are Active.
     *     Pending: An element of the pending-Reference list, waiting to be
     *     enqueued by the Reference-handler thread.  Unregistered instances
     *     are never in this state.
     *     Enqueued: An element of the queue with which the instance was
     *     registered when it was created.  When an instance is removed from
     *     its ReferenceQueue, it is made Inactive.  Unregistered instances are
     *     never in this state.
     *     Inactive: Nothing more to do.  Once an instance becomes Inactive its
     *     state will never change again.
     * The state is encoded in the queue and next fields as follows:
     *     Active: queue = ReferenceQueue with which instance is registered, or
     *     ReferenceQueue.NULL if it was not registered with a queue; next =
     *     null.
     *     Pending: queue = ReferenceQueue with which instance is registered;
     *     next = this
     *     Enqueued: queue = ReferenceQueue.ENQUEUED; next = Following instance
     *     in queue, or this if at end of list.
     *     Inactive: queue = ReferenceQueue.NULL; next = this.
     * With this scheme the collector need only examine the next field in order
     * to determine whether a Reference instance requires special treatment: If
     * the next field is null then the instance is active; if it is non-null,
     * then the collector should treat the instance normally.
     * To ensure that a concurrent collector can discover active Reference
     * objects without interfering with application threads that may apply
     * the enqueue() method to those objects, collectors should link
     * discovered objects through the discovered field. The discovered
     * field is also used for linking Reference objects in the pending list.


1.       Active:活動狀態,物件存在強引用狀態,還沒有被回收;

2.       Pending:垃圾回收器將沒有強引用的Reference物件放入到pending佇列中,等待ReferenceHander執行緒處理(前提是這個Reference物件建立的時候傳入了ReferenceQueue,否則的話物件會直接進入Inactive狀態);

3.       Enqueued:ReferenceHander執行緒將pending佇列中的物件取出來放到ReferenceQueue佇列裡;

4.       Inactive:處於此狀態的Reference物件可以被回收,並且其內部封裝的物件也可以被回收掉了,有兩個路徑可以進入此狀態,




1.    Active:   next=null

2.    Pending:  next = this ,queue = ReferenceQueue

3.    Enqueued:  queue =ReferenceQueue.ENQUEUED

4.    Inactive:    next = this  ,queue = ReferenceQueue.NULL; 







/* High-priority thread to enqueue pending References*/

   private static class ReferenceHandler extends Thread {


       ReferenceHandler(ThreadGroup g, String name) {

           super(g, name);



       public void run() {

           for (;;) {


               Reference<Object> r;


               synchronized (lock) {


                    if (pending != null) {


                        r = pending;


                        pending = r.discovered;


                        r.discovered = null;

                    } else {//如果pending佇列為空,則等待

                        try {

                            try {


                            } catch(OutOfMemoryError x) { }

                        } catch(InterruptedException x) { }




               // 如果從pending佇列出隊的r是一個Cleaner物件,那麼直接執行其clean()方法執行清理操作;

               if (r instanceof Cleaner) {






               ReferenceQueue<Object> q = r.queue;

               if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL) q.enqueue(r);





   static {

        ThreadGroup tg =Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();

        for (ThreadGroup tgn = tg;

             tgn != null;

             tg = tgn, tgn = tg.getParent());

       //執行緒名稱為Reference Handler

        Thread handler = newReferenceHandler(tg, "Reference Handler");

        /* If there were a special system-onlypriority greater than

         * MAX_PRIORITY, it would be used here










public class ReferenceQueue<T> {


   public ReferenceQueue() { }


    private static class Null<S> extendsReferenceQueue<S> {

       boolean enqueue(Reference<? extends S> r) {

           return false;




staticReferenceQueue<Object> NULL = new Null<>();


   static ReferenceQueue<Object> ENQUEUED = new Null<>();


staticprivate class Lock { };


privateLock lock = new Lock();


privatevolatile Reference<? extends T> head = null;


   private long queueLength = 0;


   boolean enqueue(Reference<? extends T> r) { /* Called only byReference class */


synchronized(lock) {


           ReferenceQueue<?> queue = r.queue;

           if ((queue == NULL) || (queue == ENQUEUED)) {

               return false;



           assert queue == this;


           r.queue = ENQUEUED;


           r.next = (head == null) ? r : head;

           head = r;




            if (r instanceof FinalReference) {


/**Vm.addFinalRefCount(int n)方法的原始碼

  publicstatic void addFinalRefCount(int n) {

       // The caller must hold lock to synchronize the update.


       finalRefCount += n;

       if (finalRefCount > peakFinalRefCount) {

           peakFinalRefCount = finalRefCount;








           return true;





   private Reference<? extends T> reallyPoll() {       /* Must hold lock */

       Reference<? extends T> r = head;

       if (r != null) {

           head = (r.next == r) ?

               null :

               r.next; // Unchecked due to the next field having a raw type inReference

           r.queue = NULL;

           r.next = r;


           if (r instanceof FinalReference) {



           return r;


       return null;




   public Reference<? extends T> poll() {

       if (head == null)

           return null;

       synchronized (lock) {

           return reallyPoll();





   public Reference<? extends T> remove(long timeout)

       throws IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException


       if (timeout < 0) {

           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative timeout value");


       synchronized (lock) {

           Reference<? extends T> r = reallyPoll();

           if (r != null) return r;

           for (;;) {


               r = reallyPoll();

               if (r != null) return r;

                if (timeout != 0) return null;




   public Reference<? extends T> remove() throws InterruptedException{

       return remove(0);


