Exercise: Numpy
Exercise: Numpy
Generate matrices A, with random Gaussian entries, B, a Toeplitz matrix, where A ∈Rn × m and B ∈Rm × m, for n = 200, m = 500.
利用內建函式numpy.random. normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)
numpy.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)
Draw random samples from a normal(Gaussian) distribution.
The probability density function of thenormal distribution, first derived by De Moivre and 200 years later by bothGauss and Laplace independently [R500500], is often called the bell curvebecause of its characteristic shape (see the example below).
The normal distributions occurs often innature. For example, it describes the commonly occurring distribution ofsamples influenced by a large number of tiny, random disturbances, each withits own unique distribution [R500500].
Parameters: | loc : float or array_like of floats Mean (“centre”) of the distribution. scale : float or array_like of floats Standard deviation (spread or “width”) of the distribution. size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if loc and scale are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(loc, scale).size samples are drawn. |
Returns: | out : ndarray or scalar Drawn samples from the parameterized normal distribution. |
利用內建函式scipy.linalg.toeplitz(c, r=None)
scipy.linalg.toeplitz(c, r=None)[source]
Construct a Toeplitz matrix.
The Toeplitz matrix has constant diagonals,with c as its first column and r as its first row. If r is not given, r == conjugate(c)is assumed.
Parameters: | c : array_like First column of the matrix. Whatever the actual shape of c, it will be converted to a 1-D array. r : array_like, optional First row of the matrix. If None, r = conjugate(c) is assumed; in this case, if c[0] is real, the result is a Hermitian matrix. r[0] is ignored; the first row of the returned matrix is [c[0], r[1:]]. Whatever the actual shape of r, it will be converted to a 1-D array. |
Returns: | A : (len(c), len(r)) ndarray The Toeplitz matrix. Dtype is the same as (c[0] + r[0]).dtype. |
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
import time
mu, sigma = 0, 1.0 # mean and standard deviation
n, m = 200, 500
A = np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=(n, m))
#scipy.linalg.toeplitz Used to construct the convolution operator
c = [a for a in range(1, m+1)]
B = toeplitz(c, c)
Exercise 9.1: Matrix op erations
Calculate A + A, AA >, A >A and AB. Write a function that computes A(B − λI) for any λ.
#Exercise 9.1
def Exercise_9_1(A, B, n, m):
#Calculate A + A
print("A + A:")
C = A + A
#C.tofile("A+A.txt", sep=" ", format="%s")
#Calculate AA >
print(np.dot(A, A.T))
#Calculate A >A
print(np.dot(A.T, A))
#Calculate AB
print(np.dot(A, B))
#Write a function that computes A(B − λI) for any λ
fun_lambda(A, B, 2.0);
def fun_lambda(A, B, lamda):
print("A(B − λI):")
C = B - lamda * (np.eye(m))
print(np.dot(A, C))
Exercise 9.2: Solving a linear system
Generate a vector b with m entries and solve Bx = b.
#exercise 9.2
def Exercise_9_2(A, B, n, m):
#Generate a vector b with m entries and solve Bx = b.
b = np.ones((m, 1))
x = np.linalg.solve(B, b)
Exercise 9.3: Norms
Compute the Frobenius norm of A: k Ak F and the infinity norm of B: k Bk ∞. Also find the largest and
smallest singular values of B.
#exercise 9.3
def Exercise_9_3(A, B, n, m):
#Compute the Frobenius norm of A: k Ak F
A_F = np.linalg.norm(A, 'fro')
print("the Frobenius norm:", A_F)
#the infinity norm of B: k Bk ∞.
B_F = np.linalg.norm(B, np.inf)
print("the infinity norm:", B_F)
#find the largest and smallest singular values of B
lar_sin = np.linalg.norm(B, 2)
smal_sin = np.linalg.norm(B, -2)
print("the largest singular:", lar_sin)
print("the smallest singular:", smal_sin)
Exercise 9.4: Power iteration
Generate a matrix Z, n × n, with Gaussian entries, and usethe power iteration to find the largest
eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of Z. How many iterations are neededtill convergence?
Optional: use the time.clock() method to compare computation time when varying n.
#exercise 9.4
def Exercise_9_4(A, B, n, m):
#Generate a matrix Z, n × n, with Gaussian entries
Z = np.random.standard_normal((n, n))
#use the power iteration to find the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of Z
num = 0
u_k = np.ones(n)
v_k_norm = 0
v_k = np.zeros(n)
begin = time.clock()
# calculate the matrix-by-vector product Ab
v_k = np.dot(Z, u_k)
# calculate the norm
v_k_norm_temp = v_k_norm
v_k_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_k)
# re normalize the vector
u_k = v_k / v_k_norm
num += 1
if(abs(v_k_norm_temp - v_k_norm) < 0.0005):
end = time.clock()
print("the largest eigenvalue:", v_k_norm)
print("the corresponding eigenvector:", u_k)
#How many iterations are needed till convergence
print("The number of iterations:", num)
#Optional: use the time.clock() method to compare computation time when varying n.
print("computation time when varying n:", end-begin)
Exercise 9.5: Singular values
Generate an n × n matrix, denoted by C, where each entry is 1 withprobability p and 0 otherwise. Use
the linear algebra library of Scipy to compute the singular values of C. What can you say about the
relationship between n, p and the largest singular value?
#exercise 9.5
def Exercise_9_5(A, B, n, m):
#Generate an n × n matrix, denoted by C, where each entry is 1 with probability p and 0 otherwise
p = 0.5
C = np.random. binomial(1, p, (n, n))
#Use the linear algebra library of Scipy to compute the singular values of C
lar_sin = np.linalg.norm(C, 2)
smal_sin = np.linalg.norm(C, -2)
print("the smallest singular:", smal_sin)
print("the largest singular:", lar_sin)
#What can you say about the relationship between n, p and the largest singular value?
print("n * p:", n*p)
print("the largest singular is closed with n * p \nso that we can say they are equal!")
Exercise 9.6: Nearest neighb or
Write a function that takes a value z and an array A and finds the element in A that is closest to z. The
function should return the closest value, not index.
Hint: Use the built-in functionality of Numpy rather than writing code to findthis value manually. In
particular, use brackets and argmin.
#exercise 9.6
def Exercise_9_6(A, B, n, m):
#Write a function that takes a value z and an array A
z = -5
closest = fun_closest(A, z)
#The function should return the closest value, not index.
print("the closest value:", closest)
def fun_closest(A, z):
#finds the element in A that is closest to z
B, C = A[A>z], A[A<=z]
ceil, floor = 0, 0
#Hint: Use the built-in functionality of Numpy rather than writing code to find this value manually
ceil = np.argmin(B)
return C[np.argmax(C)]
# In particular, use brackets and argmin.
floor = np.argmax(C)
return B[ceil]
if(abs(B[ceil]-z) < abs(C[floor]-z)):
return B[ceil]
return C[floor]
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
import time
#Exercise 9.1
def Exercise_9_1(A, B, n, m):
#Calculate A + A
print("A + A:")
C = A + A
#C.tofile("A+A.txt", sep=" ", format="%s")
#Calculate AA >
print(np.dot(A, A.T))
#Calculate A >A
print(np.dot(A.T, A))
#Calculate AB
print(np.dot(A, B))
#Write a function that computes A(B − λI) for any λ
fun_lambda(A, B, 2.0);
def fun_lambda(A, B, lamda):
print("A(B − λI):")
C = B - lamda * (np.eye(m))
print(np.dot(A, C))
#exercise 9.2
def Exercise_9_2(A, B, n, m):
#Generate a vector b with m entries and solve Bx = b.
b = np.ones((m, 1))
x = np.linalg.solve(B, b)
#exercise 9.3
def Exercise_9_3(A, B, n, m):
#Compute the Frobenius norm of A: k Ak F
A_F = np.linalg.norm(A, 'fro')
print("the Frobenius norm:", A_F)
#the infinity norm of B: k Bk ∞.
B_F = np.linalg.norm(B, np.inf)
print("the infinity norm:", B_F)
#find the largest and smallest singular values of B
lar_sin = np.linalg.norm(B, 2)
smal_sin = np.linalg.norm(B, -2)
print("the largest singular:", lar_sin)
print("the smallest singular:", smal_sin)
#exercise 9.4
def Exercise_9_4(A, B, n, m):
#Generate a matrix Z, n × n, with Gaussian entries
Z = np.random.standard_normal((n, n))
#use the power iteration to find the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of Z
num = 0
u_k = np.ones(n)
v_k_norm = 0
v_k = np.zeros(n)
begin = time.clock()
# calculate the matrix-by-vector product Ab
v_k = np.dot(Z, u_k)
# calculate the norm
v_k_norm_temp = v_k_norm
v_k_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_k)
# re normalize the vector
u_k = v_k / v_k_norm
num += 1
if(abs(v_k_norm_temp - v_k_norm) < 0.0005):
end = time.clock()
print("the largest eigenvalue:", v_k_norm)
print("the corresponding eigenvector:", u_k)
#How many iterations are needed till convergence
print("The number of iterations:", num)
#Optional: use the time.clock() method to compare computation time when varying n.
print("computation time when varying n:", end-begin)
#exercise 9.5
def Exercise_9_5(A, B, n, m):
#Generate an n × n matrix, denoted by C, where each entry is 1 with probability p and 0 otherwise
p = 0.5
C = np.random. binomial(1, p, (n, n))
#Use the linear algebra library of Scipy to compute the singular values of C
lar_sin = np.linalg.norm(C, 2)
smal_sin = np.linalg.norm(C, -2)
print("the smallest singular:", smal_sin)
print("the largest singular:", lar_sin)
#What can you say about the relationship between n, p and the largest singular value?
print("n * p:", n*p)
print("the largest singular is closed with n * p \nso that we can say they are equal!")
#exercise 9.6
def Exercise_9_6(A, B, n, m):
#Write a function that takes a value z and an array A
z = -5
closest = fun_closest(A, z)
#The function should return the closest value, not index.
print("the closest value:", closest)
def fun_closest(A, z):
#finds the element in A that is closest to z
B, C = A[A>z], A[A<=z]
ceil, floor = 0, 0
#Hint: Use the built-in functionality of Numpy rather than writing code to find this value manually
ceil = np.argmin(B)
return C[np.argmax(C)]
# In particular, use brackets and argmin.
floor = np.argmax(C)
return B[ceil]
if(abs(B[ceil]-z) < abs(C[floor]-z)):
return B[ceil]
return C[floor]
mu, sigma = 0, 1.0 # mean and standard deviation
n, m = 200, 500
A = np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=(n, m))
#scipy.linalg.toeplitz Used to construct the convolution operator
c = [a for a in range(1, m+1)]
B = toeplitz(c, c)
Exercise_9_1(A, B, n, m)
Exercise_9_2(A, B, n, m)
Exercise_9_3(A, B, n, m)
Exercise_9_4(A, B, n, m)
Exercise_9_5(A, B, n, m)
Exercise_9_6(A, B, n, m)
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