The -prop command line option allows us to set any of the properties we could set:
$ emulator -avd test -no-window -no-audio -no-boot-anim -port 5580
-prop persist.sys.language=ja -prop persist.sys.country=JP &
To verify that our settings were successful, we can use the getprop command to
verify them, for example:
$ adb –s emulator-5580 shell "getprop persist.sys.language"
$ adb –s emulator-5580 shell "getprop persist.sys.country"
If you want to clear all the user data after playing with the persistent settings, you
can use the following command:
$ adb -s emulator-5580 emu kill
$ emulator -avd test -no-window -no-audio -no-boot-anim -port 5580\
And the emulator will start afresh.
Option Description Speeds [kbits/s]
-netspeed gsm GSM/CSD up: 14.4, down: 14.4
-netspeed hscsd HSCSD up: 14.4, down: 43.2
-netspeed gprs GPRS up: 40.0, down: 80.0
-netspeed edge EDGE/EGPRS up: 118.4, down: 236.8
-netspeed umts UMTS/3G up: 128.0, down: 1920.0
-netspeed hsdpa HSDPA up: 348.0, down: 14400.0
-netspeed full no limit up: 0.0, down: 0.0
-netspeed <num> select both upload and up: as specified, down: as
download speed specified
-netspeed <up>:<down> select individual up and up: as specified, down: as
down speed specified
-netdelay gprs GPRS min 150, max 550
-netdelay edge EDGE/EGPRS min 80, max 400
-netdelay umts UMTS/3G min 35, max 200
-netdelay none no latency min 0, max 0
-netdelay <num> select exact latency latency as specified
-netdelay <min>:<max> select min and max latencies minimum and maximum
latencies as specified
This is an example of an emulator using these options to select the GSM network
speed of 14.4 kbits/sec and a GPRS latency of 150 to 500 msec.
$ emulator -avd test -port 5580 -netspeed gsm -netdelay gprs
The -prop command line option allows us to set any of the properties we could set:
$ emulator -avd test -no-window -no-audio -no-boot-anim -port 5580
-prop persist.sys.language=ja -prop persist.sys.country=JP &
To verify that our settings were successful, we can use the getprop command to
verify them, for example:
$ adb –s emulator-5580 shell "getprop persist.sys.language"
$ adb –s emulator-5580 shell "getprop persist.sys.country"
If you want to clear all the user data after playing with the persistent settings, you
can use the following command:
$ adb -s emulator-5580 emu kill
$ emulator -avd test -no-window -no-audio -no-boot-anim -port 5580\
And the emulator will start afresh.
Option Description Speeds [kbits/s]
-netspeed gsm GSM/CSD up: 14.4, down: 14.4
-netspeed hscsd HSCSD up: 14.4, down: 43.2
-netspeed gprs GPRS up: 40.0, down: 80.0
-netspeed edge EDGE/EGPRS up: 118.4, down: 236.8
-netspeed umts UMTS/3G up: 128.0, down: 1920.0
-netspeed hsdpa HSDPA up: 348.0, down: 14400.0
-netspeed full no limit up: 0.0, down: 0.0
-netspeed <num> select both upload and up: as specified, down: as
download speed specified
-netspeed <up>:<down> select individual up and up: as specified, down: as
down speed specified
-netdelay gprs GPRS min 150, max 550
-netdelay edge EDGE/EGPRS min 80, max 400
-netdelay umts UMTS/3G min 35, max 200
-netdelay none no latency min 0, max 0
-netdelay <num> select exact latency latency as specified
-netdelay <min>:<max> select min and max latencies minimum and maximum
latencies as specified
This is an example of an emulator using these options to select the GSM network
speed of 14.4 kbits/sec and a GPRS latency of 150 to 500 msec.
$ emulator -avd test -port 5580 -netspeed gsm -netdelay gprs
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