懂你英語Level 5 Unit 2 Part 1 Vocabulary

Describing Situations
Forbidden or prohibited: to be against the rules or not allowed.
Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes.
Athletes are forbidden from taking certain kinds of drugs.
If something is allowed, it isn't forbidden or prohibited.
1. the Forbidden City(紫禁城,the Palace Museum故宮的舊稱)
2. be forbidden/ prohibited from doing sth. 被禁止做某事
Access to that part of the factory is forbiddend for security reasons.
Risky: to be a bit dangerous or unsafe.
A risky investment maybe not be a good idea for people who worry too much.
If you make a risky investment, you may lose a lot of money.
What level of risk are you willing to take?
Meeting someone on the Internet can be very risky, so be careful.
Ridiculous: to be foolish or not make any sense.
Their proposal is ridiculous because it requires too much time and money.
Without enough quality practice, it's ridiculous to expect much progress.
He is lazy and the quality of his work is poor, so it's ridiculous for him to expect a bonus.
Innovative: to come up with a new idea or way of doing things.
Innovative people are usually clever and creative.
To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something.
Innovative thinking can lead to the development of new products and services.
He isn't innovative because he resists change and always wants to do things the same way.
Conservative:to be conservative is to avoid taking risks.
Conservative investors try to make safe investments.
A conservative investor wants to minimize risks.
A conservative approach to management may discourage innovation.
1. If you don't want to take a risk, you should take a conservative approach to investing.
2. To avoid taking risks is to be conservative.
3. To come up with new way of doing things is to innovate.
4. To be foolish or not make any sense is to be ridiculous.
5. To be against the rules or not allowed is to be forbidden or prohibited.
6. Athletes are forbidden from taking certain kinds of drugs.
7. A risky investment maybe not be a good idea for people who worry too much.
Repeat & Read Sentences:
1. Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes.
2. To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something.
3. She wants to escape from her parents because they are too conservative.
4. Some parts of the factory are forbidden to visitors unless they have special permission.
5. Their proposal is ridiculous because it requires too much time and money.

Interacting with Others
To disguise: to change something's appearance so that it can't be recognized.
He wasn't good at disguising himself so weknew who he was right away.
She wore a disguise so I wasn't sure who she was.
She disguised het true intensions so nobody knew what she was planning to do.
To clarify: to explain or make something clear.
We weren't sure what he meant until he clarified his ideas.
Everyone was confused until she clarified what she meant.
We can't agree to your proposal unless you clarify a few points.
To confuse: to make things difficult to understand; the opposite of to clarify.
Everyone was confused because her presentation was so disorganized.
He confuses people because he keeps changing his ideas.
The instructions were confusing, so nobody knew what to do.
A good leader can make decisions even when the situation is confusing.
To ignore: to try not to notice or deal with something; to act as if something isn't there.
We tried to ignore her, but she finally stood up and told everyone to shut up.
People don't respect or like her, so they ignore her in the office.
He is an ignorant old fool, so should just ignore him.
To confirm: to indicate that something is correct or completed as expected.
We weren't sure if he was going to accept our offer until he called and confirmed it.
We can't start the project without a written confirmation that we agree on the details.
1. We can't afford to make a mistake, so we need to confirm the facts.
2.— What do people do if they don't want to be recognized?
— She didn't want anyone to recognize her so she wore a disguise.
3. To explain or make something clear means to clarify.
4. To act as if something isn't there is to ignore.
5. To indicate that something is correct or completed as expected is to confirm.
6. He wasn't good at disguising himself so we knew who he was right away.
7. We can't start the project without a written confirmation that we agree on the details.
Repeat & Read Sentences:
1. There are still many details that need to be clarified.
2. After the explosion, people were confused and unsure about whre to go.
3. Please confirm or deny that you were at the meeting.
4. We tried to ignore her, but she finally stood up and told everyone to shut up.
5. He wasn't good at disguising himself so weknew who he was right away.
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