- 什麼是邏輯迴歸?
- 邏輯迴歸有哪些作用?
- 如何求解邏輯迴歸的引數?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
num_observations = 5000
# 依據均值和協方差生成資料
# np.random.multivariate_normal方法用於根據實際情況生成一個多元正太分佈矩陣
x1 = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, .75],[.75, 1]], num_observations)
x2 = np.random.multivariate_normal([1, 4], [[1, .75],[.75, 1]], num_observations)
simulated_separableish_features = np.vstack((x1, x2)).astype(np.float32)
simulated_labels = np.hstack((np.zeros(num_observations),np.ones(num_observations)))
plt.scatter(simulated_separableish_features[:, 0], simulated_separableish_features[:, 1],
c = simulated_labels, alpha = .4)
# 1. 引用
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# 2. 調整引數
clf = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, C = 1e15)
# 3. 擬合,訓練
clf.fit(simulated_separableish_features, simulated_labels)
# 4. 預測
## 這裡不用預測
# 邏輯迴歸
def sigmoid_eg(x1,x2, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3):
z = (theta_1*x1+ theta_2*x2+theta_3).astype("float_")
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z))
def gradient_eg(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3):
sigmoid_probs = sigmoid_eg(x1,x2,theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
return 1/len(y)*np.sum((y - sigmoid_probs)*x1), 1/len(y)*np.sum((y - sigmoid_probs)*x2), 1/len(y)*np.sum((y - sigmoid_probs))
def GradDe_eg(x1,x2,y,Max_Loop=20, alpha=0.1):
#alpha = 0.00000001
#Max_Loop = 200
# 初始值
theta_1 = 0.1
theta_2 = -0.4
theta_3 = 0.56
for l in range(Max_Loop):
delta1,delta2,delta3 = gradient_eg(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
theta_1 = theta_1 + alpha*delta1
theta_2 = theta_2 + alpha*delta2
theta_3 = theta_3 + alpha*delta3
if l%1000==0:
print('delta%d ='%(l),[delta1,delta2,delta3])
print('theta%d ='%(l),[theta_1, theta_2,theta_3],'\n')
return [theta_1, theta_2,theta_3]
weights = GradDe_eg(simulated_separableish_features[:,0],simulated_separableish_features[:,1],simulated_labels,200000,0.9)
def sigmoid_eg(x1,x2, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3):
z = (theta_1*x1+ theta_2*x2+theta_3).astype("float_")
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z))
def Cost(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3):
sigmoid_probs = sigmoid_eg(x1,x2, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
return -np.mean(y * np.log(sigmoid_probs) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - sigmoid_probs))
def gradient_nt(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3):
sigmoid_probs = sigmoid_eg(x1,x2, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
return np.array([np.sum((y - sigmoid_probs) * x1),
np.sum((y - sigmoid_probs) * x2),
np.sum(y - sigmoid_probs)])
# 三階海塞矩陣求解公式
def hessian(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3):
sigmoid_probs = sigmoid_eg(x1,x2, theta_1,theta_2,theta_3)
d1 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x1 * x1)
d2 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x1 * x2)
d3 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x1 )
d4 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x2 * x1)
d5 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x2 * x2)
d6 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x2 )
d7 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x1 )
d8 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)) * x2 )
d9 = np.sum((sigmoid_probs * (1 - sigmoid_probs)))
H = np.array([[d1, d2,d3],[d4, d5,d6],[d7,d8,d9]])
return H
theta_1 = 0.001
theta_2 = -0.4
theta_3 = 0.6
sigmoid_probs = sigmoid_eg(simulated_separableish_features[:,0],simulated_separableish_features[:,1],theta_1,theta_2,theta_3)
def newtons_method(x1,x2, y):
# Initialize Cost & parameters
theta_1 = 0.001
theta_2 = -0.4
theta_3 = 0.6
delta_l = np.Infinity
l = Cost(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
# Convergence Conditions
δ = .0000000001
max_iterations = 15
i = 0
while abs(delta_l) > δ and i < max_iterations:
i += 1
g = gradient_nt(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
hess = hessian(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
H_inv = np.linalg.inv(hess)
# @ is syntactic sugar for np.dot(H_inv, g.T)¹
delta = H_inv @ g.T
delta_theta_1 = delta[0]
delta_theta_2 = delta[1]
delta_theta_3 = delta[2]
# Perform our update step
theta_1 += delta_theta_1
theta_2 += delta_theta_2
theta_3 += delta_theta_3
# Update the log-likelihood at each iteration
l_new = Cost(x1,x2, y, theta_1, theta_2,theta_3)
delta_l = l - l_new
l = l_new
return np.array([theta_1, theta_2,theta_3])
weights_nt = newtons_method(simulated_separableish_features[:,0],simulated_separableish_features[:,1],simulated_labels)
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