No matter what did you say
No matter how can I cried
It likes dream we've had
I will remember everything about you and me
dreaming my dream
All the people in town
All sorrow you've sung
painting a picture for me
It just likes a fantasy no more lying we will be together always
you will stay
the places we lived before
stay in my heart
stay in my mind
come into my dream
you will be
the best one I've ever met
TO be my heart
to be my love
come into my sense
No matter what did you say
No matter how can I cried
It likes dream we've had
I will remember everything about you and me
no matter other people always say it
he is lying he is leaving
but I think they'r not saying the truth
I dun care what they laughing follow my step
you will stay
the places we lived before
stay in my heart
stay in my mind
come into my dream
you will be
the best one I've ever met
TO be my heart
to be my love
come into my sense
I believe the fate made us together
I can make it make the dream come true
you will stay
the places we lived before
stay in my heart
stay in my mind
come into my dream
you will be
the best one I've ever met
TO be my heart
to be my love
come into my sense
you will stay
the places we lived before
stay in my heart
stay in my mind
come into my dream
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