1、本文的軟體是Photoshop CS5版本
In this week’s tutorial we will create a gallery layout. I will not be using the 960 grid in this tutorial, the purpose is to show beginners out there how important the Ruler Tool is when you are designing in Photoshop. We will also tackle how to create and use patterns and using mask and filters.
Step 1: Setting up the Document
Start by creating a 1200px x 1850px document in Photoshop.
As I mentioned earlier we will be using the Ruler Tool. Make sure that rulers and guides is turned on.
- Rulers: Ctrl + R
- Guides: Ctrl + ;
- 標尺:Ctrl + R
- 參考線:Ctrl + ;
Also one thing important in using Ruler Tool is the Info(Information) Panel. The use of this is when you are measuring using the ruler the information will be shown in the information panel. Make sure that this is shown in your panels at the right. If it is not shown you can access this by going to Windows – Info.
此外在使用標尺工具中重要的一件事是資訊皮膚。它的用途是當你正在測量時,將標尺資訊顯示在資訊皮膚中。請確保這在您右邊的皮膚中顯示。如果它不顯示,您可以通過點選:視窗 > 資訊去顯示它。
The total width of your site will be 960px. So, let’s create our first guide by going to View – New Guide, set the value to 120px. Repeat the step of create a guide but now change the value to 1080px, this will make a total of 960px in the center of our canvas.
你的網頁的總寬度會是960px。所以,讓我們建立我們第一條參考線,點選:檢視 > 新建參考線,設定值為120px。重複步驟建立一條參考線,不過把值改為1080px,這會使你的畫布的中間部分一共有960px寬。
Step 2: Creating the Header
TheHeader section is composed of Logo, Navigation, and Search. First thing you need to do is to create a folder name it Header and inside of it create sub folders and name them Logo, Navigation, and Search. It is important that you group all the things you do properly in order to be organized and easily locate things in the future for coding purposes.
Inside Header folder create a new layer and name it bg. Using Rectangle Tool create a 100% x 100px. By looking at the Info Panel you can view the dimension of the shape that you’re making. Or you can do this by creating a new guide by going to View – New Guide – 100px Horizontal. It’s up to you what way you choose.
在Header資料夾裡新建bg圖層。用矩形工具建立100%*100px的矩形。檢視資訊皮膚時,你可以看見你建立的形狀的尺寸。或者你可以新建一條參考線來完成這件事,點選:檢視 > 新建參考線,引數設定為:水平100px。這取決於你用什麼方法來完成。
Add this Blending Option
- Gradient Overlay: #dcdcdc, #ffffff
- 漸變疊加: #dcdcdc, #ffffff
Next thing you do is create two lines using Line Tool 55px distance from the top. But I suggest to use Rectangular Marquee Tool to make the line pixel perfect.
- Line 1: #cfcfcf
- Line 2: #ffffff
- 直線1: #cfcfcf
- 直線2: #ffffff
As you can see in the preview of our header there is a pattern above the lines. Create a new document 9px x 7px, background content Transparent. Using Pencil Tool with a fill color of #cfcfcf create a pattern as shown in the screenshot below. When you are done go to Edit – Define Pattern and name it whatever you wish to call it.
就像你看到的我們頭部區域的預覽,那兒有一個圖案在直線的上方。建立新文件,尺寸:9px*7px,背景是透明的。用鉛筆工具按照下面的截圖建立圖案,填充色: #cfcfcf。當你完成後,點選:編輯 > 定義圖案,取個你想取的名字。
Using Paint Bucket Tool instead of foreground change it to pattern and select the pattern we made. Apply this pattern by making a selection and fill with pattern using Paint Bucket Tool.
Step 3: Creating Logo
This is just a simple site name logo. Start by using Text Tool and type your desired site name.
字型:Helvetica BOLD,字號:30px,TEMPLATE的顏色: #494367;SHOW的顏色: #A5AB0D
Add this Blending Option
- Inner Shadow: #000000
- 內陰影: #000000
Step 4: Creating Navigation
Again using Text Tool lets place our navigation links.
字型:Helvetica BOLD,字號:16px,About的顏色: #252525;其餘文字的顏色: #555555
Add this Blending Option
- Drop Shadow: #ffffff
- 投影: #ffffff
Step 5: Creating Search
To create our search bar use Rounded Rectangle Tool and set the radius to 10px, then create a shape as shown in the screenshot below.
As you can see in the preview above, the left side of our search bar is slanting. So, we need to transform our shape by selecting the layer and press Ctrl + T then Right Click to the work area and select Distort.
如你所見的預覽圖中,我們搜尋欄中的左邊是斜的。所以,我們要變換我們的形狀,選則圖層並按Ctrl + T,然後在工作區域右鍵,選擇扭曲。按照下圖進行變形,高度設定70是合適的,只要寬度變成325px,左邊就正好穿過交點。
Next we need to mask the bottom part of our shape to be equal in our header. First set the foreground to #000000, then select the layer bg in our header and make a selection of it. While it is selected select the shape of our search the press the Mask Icon in the layers panel area beside the fx icon. Just refer to the screenshot below.
下一步,我們需要遮罩掉我們的形狀的底部,使其等於我們的頭部區域。首先設定前景色為 #000000,然後在我們的頭部區域的bg圖層做出一個選區。當它被選中,選擇我們搜尋欄的形狀,然後在圖層皮膚中區fx圖示(新增圖層樣式圖示)旁邊的蒙版圖示。參照下面的截圖。
Add this Blending Option
- Inner Shadow: #000000
- Inner Glow: #fff
- Gradient Overlay: #e6e6e6, #dcdcdc
- 內陰影: #000000
- 內發光: #ffffff
- 漸變疊加: #e6e6e6, #dcdcdc
Now let’s create the search button. Make a selection of the search bar, contract it by 2px, and fill it with any color. To contract go to Select – Modify – Contract.
現在讓我們建立搜尋欄按鈕。建立搜尋欄的選區,收縮2px,然後用任意顏色填充(新建圖層,然後用油漆桶工具填充顏色)。通過點選:選擇 > 修改 > 收縮,收縮選區
Select Rectangular Marquee Tool, by pressing Alt key you will notice that there is a - sign beside the selection pointer, this sign means to deselect selection. Now you can deselect the section you want to deselect.
Add this Blending Option
- Inner Glow: #ffffff
- Gradient Overlay: #dcdcdc, #f9f9f9
- Stroke: #c2c2c2
- 內發光: #ffffff
- 漸變疊加: #dcdcdc, #f9f9f9
- 描邊: #c2c2c2
Open up the search icon, align it and add a 1px drop shadow #ffffff.
因為圖示有自己的顏色,因此,再給圖示新增顏色疊加: #c2c2c2,以使風格統一
再給搜尋欄新增文字:search for something..。字型:Arial 斜體,字號:14px,顏色: #666666
Step 6: Creating Slider
Create a folder above Header folder and name it Slider. Using Rectangle Tool with a fill color of #413f6b create a 100% by 250px.
在Header資料夾上新建Slider資料夾。用矩形工具建立一個寬100%高250px的矩形(0,99,1200,250),填充顏色: #413f6b
Add this Blending Option
- Inner Shadow: #ffffff
- 內陰影: #ffffff
Convert the shape layer to Smart Filters by going to Filter – Convert for Smart Filters. Now, go to filter again and add noise
通過點選:濾鏡 > 轉換為智慧濾鏡把該形狀圖層轉換為智慧物件。現在,再次點選:濾鏡 > 新增雜色
Create a folder inside Slider and name it Controls. Controls should have sub folders named: NextPrev and Slider Control. Inside NextPrev let’s create our Next and Previous buttons start by selecting Ellipse Tool with a fill color of #676589 and create a shape 40px x 40px.
在Slider組裡新增Controls資料夾。Controls有兩個子資料夾:NextPrev和Slider Control。在NextPrev中,我們用橢圓工具建立我們的Next和Previous按鈕,顏色填充: #676589,形狀尺寸:40px * 40px。(120,204,40,40)
Download the arrow icon provided in the resources and place it on our canvas. Resize and position it as shown in the screenshot below.
We are going to mask the shape, first set the foreground color to #000000, next make a selection of the arrow icon by Ctrl + Click to the layer and Inverse the selection by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I. While it is selected select the Ellipse shape and press the Mask Icon beside the fx icon in the layers panel.
我們打算給形狀新增遮罩,首先設定前景色為 #000000,接下來通過在圖層上按Ctrl + Click建立箭頭的選區,並按Ctrl + Shift + I翻轉選區。當出現選區時,選擇橢圓形狀圖層然後按在圖層皮膚中區fx圖示(新增圖層樣式圖示)旁邊的蒙版圖示。然後把箭頭圖層隱藏。
Duplicate the shape and place it on the other side. Grab some sample images to put in our slide. Also, using Text Tool add some text: a sample title and a little content just follow the formatting of the text as shown in the screenshot below.
標題字型:Helvetica BOLD,字號:22px,顏色: #ffffff;
段落字型:Arial,字號:12px,顏色: #E0DEFF;黃色的more的顏色: #EAEC25
Now we are going to work on our Slider Controls. Using Rounded Rectangle Tool with a 10px radius create a shape as shown in the screenshot below. Transform the shape the same as we did in our Search bar.
Also mask the layer as we did previously, refer to Step: 5 Creating Search.
按Ctrl + T自由變換,在形狀上右鍵選擇扭曲,按住Shift鍵,往右拖動右下角的控制塊,直到寬度變為130;再按住Shift鍵往左拖動左下角的控制塊,直到寬度變為160。
在紫色背景層上按Ctrl + Click,獲得矩形選區,然後選中紅色形狀的圖層,按圖層皮膚上的蒙版按鈕
Add this Blending Option
- Gradient Overlay: #dcdcdc, #ffffff
- 漸變疊加: #dcdcdc, #ffffff
Using Ellipse Tool create a shape as shown in the screenshot below.
灰色的顏色: #D4D4D4,綠色的顏色: #A5AB0D
Add this Blending Option
- Drop Shadow: #ffffff
- Inner Shadow: #000000
- 投影: #ffffff
- 內陰影: #000000
This will be the result.
Using Rectangle Tool with a fill color of #000000 create a 100% by 5px shape, then set the layer mode to multiply and opacity to 30% in the layers panel.
用矩形工具建立一個寬100%高5px的矩形(0,344,1200,5),填充色: #000000,然後在圖層皮膚中設定圖層模式為正片疊底,不透明度30%
Make a selection of the slider control shape and expand it by 5px by going to Select – Modify – Expand.
建立滑動欄導航塊的選區,並通過點選:選擇 > 修改 > 擴充套件,擴充套件選取5px。
選中紫色背景圖層,按Ctrl + Click建立選區,然後選中Border圖層,點選圖層皮膚上的蒙版按鈕
左右有兩個深色色塊,不和諧,繼續修改。在Border圖層上右鍵選擇轉換為智慧物件。在之前的橫條矩形圖層上按Ctrl + Click建立選區,並按Ctrl + Shift + I反選選區
Final step to create our slider is to add highlights. First make a selection of our slider base, then select Brush Tool set the hardness to 0% and size about 400px. Fill the selection in a separate layer with #ffffff color and set the blend mode to Soft Light in the layers panel.
最後給我們的滑動欄新增高亮效果。首先給我們的滑動欄建立選區,然後選擇畫筆工具,設定硬度0%、尺寸400px。在單獨的圖層裡填充顏色: #ffffff,然後在圖層皮膚裡設定混合模式為柔光
Step 7: Featured Gallery
Create a new folder and name it Featured Gallery. Using Rectangle Tool with a fill color of #ededed create a shape 100% by 200px. Also, create two 1px lines, first line color #ffffff will be placed on the top of our shape and the second line color #c2c2c2 will be on the bottom.
建立新的資料夾Featured Gallery。用矩形工具建立一個矩形(0,349,1200,200),寬100%,高200px,顏色: #ededed。並,建立兩條1px的直線,第一條直線擺放在矩形的頂部(0,349,1200,1),顏色: #ffffff,第二條直線擺放在矩形的底部(0,548,1200,1),顏色: #c2c2c2。
可以看出,在滑動欄的控制塊的底部有條白線。在控制塊圖層上按Ctrl + Click,建立選區,按Ctrl + Shift + I反向選區。選中白色直線的圖層,點選圖層皮膚上的蒙版按鈕
Create a new layer above the shape and name it highlight. Then, make a selection of the shape. Using Brush Tool with a fill color of #ffffff brush in the center of the selection then, set the layer mode to Soft Light.
Now let’s work on our sample post for our featured gallery. First, create a folder named post then put a 100px x 100px sample thumbnail on our canvas. Also, Using Text Tool add a Title and Content.
標題字型:Arial,字號:16px,顏色: #363636;內容字型:Arial,字號:12px,顏色: #636363
Create a new layer below the thumbnail and name it shadow, using Pen Tool create a shape as shown in the screenshot below. Then, go to Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur 1px, and set the Opacity to 50% in the layers panel.
在縮圖的下面建立一個新的圖層shadow,用鋼筆工具按照截圖建立形狀。然後,點選:濾鏡 > 模糊 > 高斯模糊,單位1px,並在圖層皮膚中設定不透明度為50%
Create a new folder and name it rate. Now, open up the star icon and place it to our canvas and place it as shown in the screenshot below.
Add this Blending Option
- Drop Shadow: #000000
- Gradient Overlay: #e7e918, #fffd76
- Stroke: #eaec25
- 投影: #000000
- 漸變疊加: #e7e918, #fffd76
- 描邊: #eaec25
Make a selection of the star and deselect starting from the middle to bottom and in a separate layer fill it with Linear Gradient #ffffff to Transparent then, set the Opacity to 70% in the layers panel.
This will be the result.
Duplicate the star four times.
Duplicate the post folder two times a position it as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 8: Posts
Fill the Background layer with #ededed. Create a new folder and name it Body Posts, create a sub folder and name it post. Now, create a sample 300px by 200px image thumbnail for our post and place it in our canvas. Using Rectangle Tool create a 300px by 45px shape just fill it with any color. Just refer to the screenshot below.
填充背景圖層,顏色: #ededed。建立新資料夾Body Posts,建立一個子資料夾post。現在,建立一個我們列表的300px*200px的縮圖在我們的畫布上。用矩形工具建立一個300px*45px的矩形,用任意色填充。參看下面的截圖
Add this Blending Option
- Drop Shadow: #000000
- Gradient Overlay: #f7f7f7, #ffffff
- 投影: #000000
- 漸變疊加: #f7f7f7, #ffffff
Duplicate rate folder from our featured gallery and place it in the post folder. Also, using Text Tool create a sample title, just follow the settings in the screenshot below.
從featured gallery複製rote資料夾(評價星)到post資料夾,並擺放到合適位置。並且,用文字工具建立一個示例標題,按照下面的截圖設定
標題文字,字型:Helvetica,字號:16px,顏色: #363636
For unrated star style just remove the Gradient Overlay and replace it with Inner Shadow.
Duplicate post folder five times and align it as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 9: Pagination
Select Rounded Rectangle Tool and set the radius to 5px then, create a 620px by 45px shape below those posts.
選擇圓角矩形工具,半徑5px,建立一個620px*45px的圓角矩形(120,1403,620,45)在列表的下面,顏色: #fffcfd
Add this Blending Option
- Inner Shadow: #000000
- 內陰影: #000000
Using Text Tool place the number of pages as shown in the screenshot below.
文字字型:Verdana,字號:12px。頁碼文字的顏色: #7E7E7E,頁碼1的顏色: #363636,Last的顏色: #7266FE
Step 10: Sidebar
Create a #c2c2c2 1px line 40px distance from our post, Mask the line and make the tip faded using Brush Tool with a fill color of #000000. You may have something that looks like the screenshot below.
距離我們的列表40px建立一條直線(780,549,1,300),顏色: #c2c2c2,給直線新增蒙版,作出一個淡出的效果,用畫筆工具,填充顏色: #000000。你做的東西就像下面的截圖一樣
作出淡出的效果,建議用,點選:圖層 > 向量蒙版 > 顯示全部。然後自下而上用漸變工具填充,從黑色到透明
Duplicate the line and move it to the left and change the color to #ffffff. Create a Horizontal line with the same color place it as shown in the screenshot below.
複製這條直線並移動到左邊,並改顏色為 #ffffff。用同樣的顏色建立一條水平直線並按照下面的截圖擺放。
Next, create a new layer below those lines we have just created and name it shadow. Using Selection, Gradient Tool, and Eraser Tool perform what you have seen in the screenshot below. The set the shadow layer to Multiply, Opacity to 50%.
Duplicate the layer and place it on the top as shown in the screenshot below. It’s up to you to make adjustments, just erase the portion that you don’t like.
Select Rounded Rectangle Tool then set the radius to 10px. Create a shape as shown in the screenshot below. The width of the shape is the remaining width of our canvas and the height will be 40px.
Add this Blending Option
- Gradient Overlay: #494367, #6b6393, #494367
- 漸變疊加: #494367, #6b6393, #494367
Using Text Tool add a header title.
用文字工具新增一個標題。字型:Helvetica,字號:24px,顏色: #ffffff。並新增投影樣式
Next open up the social icons and place them on our canvas, align them as shown in the screenshot below, and also add their corresponding social icon names using Text Tool.
接下來開啟社會媒體圖示並把它們擺放到我們的畫布,按照下面的截圖擺放,並用文字工具給每個圖示新增對應的說明文字。字型:Helvetica,字號:16px,顏色: #363636
Create two new folders and name them: Categories and Our Partners. Using Text Tool and Line Tool perform what you can see on the screenshot below.
建立兩個新的資料夾:Categories和Our Partners。用文字工具和直線工具配合使用,就像下面的截圖一樣
標題的字型:Helvetica,字號:18px,左邊文字的顏色: #363636,右邊文字的顏色: #655DF3
列表的字型:Tohoma,字號:12px,顏色: #7266FE
分割線:上面的顏色: #C2C2C3,下面的顏色: #FFFFFF
Step 11: Footer
Create a new folder and name it Footer. Inside footer there are sub folders named: About, Most Love, and Site Links. Using Rectangle Tool with a fill color of #413f6b create a footer that is the right size to you.
新建資料夾Footer。在Footer檔案裡有這些子資料夾:About、Most Love、Site Links。用矩形工具建立一個合適頁尾的矩形(0,1498,1200,352),顏色: #413f6b
Add this Blending Option
- Inner Shadow: #ffffff
- 內陰影: #ffffff 應該是 #000000
Convert the shape layer to Smart Filters by going to Filter – Convert for Smart Filters, go to filter again and add noise.
通過點選:濾鏡 > 轉換為智慧濾鏡,轉換該形狀為智慧物件,再次點選濾鏡,新增雜色
We were going to add info text in our about folder. Using Text Tool put in some dummy text and for the formatting of the text just refer to the screenshot below.
標題:字型:Helvetica,字號:18px,About的顏色: #FFFFFF;右邊文字的顏色: #ECED2B
段落及版權資訊文字:字型:Helvetica,字號:12px,文字顏色: #E0DEFF
Using Text Tool add links on Site Links folder.
用文字工具在Site Links資料夾新增文字
標題:字型:Helvetica,字號:18px,Site的顏色: #FFFFFF;右邊文字的顏色: #ECED2B
列表文字:字型:Helvetica,字號:12px,文字顏色: #E0DEFF
分割線:上面的直線顏色: #2F2A47;下面直線的顏色: #5C5A89
Using Text Tool add a Post Title, Love this, and comments. Create also a 50px x 50px thumbnail and place it as shown in the screenshot below.
用文字工具新增列表標題,Love this,comments。建立50*50的縮圖並按照下面的截圖擺放
標題:字型:Helvetica,字號:18px,Most的顏色: #FFFFFF;右邊文字的顏色: #ECED2B
列表標題:字型:Arial,字號:14px,顏色: #FFFFFF
下面的小文字:字型:Arial,字號:11px,顏色: #ECED2B、#E0DEFF
分割線:上面的直線顏色: #2F2A47;下面直線的顏色: #5C5A89
Final steps are adding copyright and back to top button. Open up the arrow icon and rotate it facing top.
Add this Blending Option
- Drop Shadow: #000000
- Gradient Overlay: #dcdcdc, #ffffff
- 投影: #000000
- 漸變疊加: #dcdcdc, #ffffff
Finally we’re done!
在網上查閱到這篇教程的時候,只剩下文字說明和無效的死連結。感謝這個網站 WayBack Marchine 使我查到了這篇教程的備份,得以順利的完成本教程的翻譯。
同時,再介紹一個網站 TinEYE 它能根據你上傳的圖片找尋類似的圖片(新功能還包括,根據你指定顏色的比例來找尋相關的圖片)