How To Install Vagrant IN Ubuntu14.04



  1. Install VirtualBox.
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox
  2. Install Vagrant.
    sudo apt-get install vagrant
    (注:The Terminal will indicate that the following new packages will be installed on your machine:)
    bsdtar curl libruby1.9.1 libyaml-0-2 ruby ruby-childprocess ruby-erubis
    ruby-ffi ruby-i18n ruby-log4r ruby-net-scp ruby-net-ssh ruby1.9.1 vagrant
  3. Start Vagrant.
    vagrant init
    NOTE: The “vagrant init” command sets up a Vagrant environment by placing a Vagrant file in the appropriate directory on your machine.

vagrant up


使用:vagrant box add <name> <url> [--provider provider] [-h]
