2、 解決方案
import json
class Company( object):
def __init__( self, company_id):
self. company_id = company_id
self. name = ''
# other 10 attributes with simple type
self. departments = [] #list of Dept objects
class Dept( object):
def __init__( self, dept_id):
self. dept_id = dept_id
self. name = ''
# other 10 attributes with simple type
self. persons = [] #list of Person objs
class Person( object):
def __init__( self, per_id):
self. per_id = per_id
self. name = ''
# other 10 attributes with simple type
self. skills = [] #list of Skill objs
class Skill( object):
def __init__( self, skill_id):
self. skill_id = skill_id
self. name = ''
# other 10 attributes with simple type
self. foos = [] #list of Foo objs
class Foo( object):
def custom_encoder( obj):
if isinstance( obj, Company):
return { 'company_id': obj. company_id, 'name': obj. name, 'departments': obj. departments}
elif isinstance( obj, Dept):
return { 'dept_id': obj. dept_id, 'name': obj. name, 'persons': obj. persons}
elif isinstance( obj, Person):
return { 'per_id': obj. per_id, 'name': obj. name, 'skills': obj. skills}
elif isinstance( obj, Skill):
return { 'skill_id': obj. skill_id, 'name': obj. name, 'foos': obj. foos}
elif isinstance( obj, Foo):
return { 'foo_id': obj. foo_id, 'name': obj. name}
return obj
def custom_decoder( obj):
if 'company_id' in obj:
return Company( obj[ 'company_id'])
elif 'dept_id' in obj:
return Dept( obj[ 'dept_id'])
elif 'per_id' in obj:
return Person( obj[ 'per_id'])
elif 'skill_id' in obj:
return Skill( obj[ 'skill_id'])
elif 'foo_id' in obj:
return Foo( obj[ 'foo_id'])
return obj
# 序列化
company_obj = Company( 1)
json_string = json. dumps( company_obj, default = custom_encoder, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)
# 反序列化
company_obj = json. loads( json_string, object_hook = custom_decoder)
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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