四個id 生成器效能比較記錄



Seata 最佳化的雪花演演算法



csharp 移植程式碼

    public class IdGenerator
        private readonly long twepoch = 1588435200000L;
        private const int workerIdBits = 10;
        private const int timestampBits = 41;
        private const int sequenceBits = 12;
        private const int maxWorkerId = ~(-1 << workerIdBits);
        private long workerId;
        private long timestampAndSequence;
        private readonly long timestampAndSequenceMask = ~(-1L << (timestampBits + sequenceBits));

        public static readonly IdGenerator Instance = new IdGenerator(GenerateWorkerId());

        public IdGenerator(long workerId)

        private void InitTimestampAndSequence()
            long timestamp = GetNewestTimestamp();
            long timestampWithSequence = timestamp << sequenceBits;
            this.timestampAndSequence = timestampWithSequence;

        private void InitWorkerId(long workerId)
            if (workerId > maxWorkerId || workerId < 0)
                string message = string.Format("worker Id can't be greater than {0} or less than 0", maxWorkerId);
                throw new ArgumentException(message);
            this.workerId = workerId << (timestampBits + sequenceBits);

        public long NextId()
            long next = Interlocked.Increment(ref timestampAndSequence);
            long timestampWithSequence = next & timestampAndSequenceMask;
            return workerId | timestampWithSequence;

        public static long NewId()
            return Instance.NextId();

        private void WaitIfNecessary()
            long currentWithSequence = timestampAndSequence;
            long current = currentWithSequence >> sequenceBits;
            long newest = GetNewestTimestamp();
            if (current >= newest)

        private long GetNewestTimestamp()
            return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() - twepoch;

        public static long GenerateWorkerId()
                return GenerateWorkerIdBaseOnK8S();
            catch (Exception)
                    return GenerateWorkerIdBaseOnMac();
                catch (Exception)
                    return GenerateRandomWorkerId();

        public static long GenerateWorkerIdBaseOnMac()
            IEnumerable<NetworkInterface> all = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
            foreach (NetworkInterface networkInterface in all)
                bool isLoopback = networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback;
                //bool isVirtual = networkInterface.;
                //if (isLoopback || isVirtual)
                if (isLoopback)
                byte[] mac = networkInterface.GetPhysicalAddress().GetAddressBytes();
                return ((mac[4] & 0B11) << 8) | (mac[5] & 0xFF);
            throw new Exception("no available mac found");

        public static long GenerateWorkerIdBaseOnK8S()
            return GenerateWorkerIdBaseOnString(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("K8S_POD_ID"));

        public static long GenerateWorkerIdBaseOnString(string str)
            ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(str, nameof(str));
            int hashValue = 0;
            int cc = 2 << (workerIdBits - 1);
            foreach (char c in str)
                hashValue = (hashValue * 31 + c) % cc;
            return hashValue + 1;

        public static long GenerateRandomWorkerId()
            return Random.Shared.NextInt64(maxWorkerId + 1);


開源庫 https://github.com/yitter/IdGenerator

❄ 這是最佳化的雪花演演算法(雪花漂移),它生成的ID更短、速度更快。

❄ 支援 k8s 等容器環境自動擴容(自動註冊 WorkerId),可在單機或分散式環境生成數字型唯一ID。



全域性唯一識別符號(GUID,Globally Unique Identifier)是一種由演演算法生成的二進位制長度為128位的數字識別符號。GUID主要用於在擁有多個節點、多臺計算機的網路或系統中。


開源庫 https://github.com/codeyu/nanoid-net



  • 小巧. 130位元組 (經過壓縮和gzip處理)。沒有依賴。Size Limit 控制大小。
  • 安全. 它使用硬體隨機生成器。可在叢集中使用。
  • 緊湊. 它使用比 UUID(A-Za-z0-9_-)更大的字母表。因此,ID 大小從36個符號減少到21個符號。
  • 可移植. Nano ID 已被移植到 20種程式語言。

Nano ID 與 UUID v4 (基於隨機數) 相當。 它們在 ID 中有相似數量的隨機位 (Nano ID 為126,UUID 為122),因此它們的碰撞機率相似::

要想有十億分之一的重複機會, 必須產生103萬億個版本4的ID.

Nano ID 和 UUID v4之間有兩個主要區別:

Nano ID 使用更大的字母表,所以類似數量的隨機位 被包裝在21個符號中,而不是36個。
Nano ID 程式碼比 uuid/v4 包少 4倍: 130位元組而不是423位元組.


public class IdGeneratorTest
    public IdGeneratorTest()
        var options = new IdGeneratorOptions()
            WorkerId = 55,
            WorkerIdBitLength = 6,
            SeqBitLength = 12,

    public long IdGeneratorNewId() => IdGenerator.NewId();

    public long YitIdHelperNextId() => YitIdHelper.NextId();

    public string NewGuid() => Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    public string NanoidGenerate() => Nanoid.Generate();


BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.10, Windows 11 (10.0.22000.2538/21H2/SunValley)
Intel Core i7-10700 CPU 2.90GHz, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 7.0.403
  [Host]     : .NET 6.0.24 (6.0.2423.51814), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  DefaultJob : .NET 6.0.24 (6.0.2423.51814), X64 RyuJIT AVX2

Method Mean Error StdDev StdErr Median Min Q1 Q3 Max Op/s
IdGeneratorNewId 243.3 ns 1.33 ns 1.25 ns 0.32 ns 243.0 ns 241.42 ns 242.32 ns 244.3 ns 246.1 ns 4,109,814.4
YitIdHelperNextId 241.7 ns 66.08 ns 194.85 ns 19.48 ns 430.2 ns 43.51 ns 43.83 ns 431.8 ns 432.7 ns 4,137,225.0
NewGuid 179.5 ns 3.63 ns 6.06 ns 1.01 ns 177.1 ns 173.10 ns 175.06 ns 182.5 ns 193.3 ns 5,572,366.5
NanoidGenerate 188.6 ns 4.30 ns 12.21 ns 1.27 ns 185.1 ns 174.49 ns 179.40 ns 195.5 ns 219.8 ns 5,301,348.8
