johboh/nlohmann-json、Depend on it 安裝庫:透過platformio.ini檔案新增 Open platformio.ini, a project configuration file located in the root of PlatformIO project. Add the following line to the lib_deps option of [env:] section: lib_deps = ArduinoJson johboh/nlohmann-json@^3.11.3 Build a project, PlatformIO will automatically install dependencies. 2、Include it 引入庫 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> using JSON = nlohmann::json; 3、Command Line Interface 安裝庫:透過命令列新增 Open PlatformIO Core CLI Change directory (cd) to the PlatformIO project where platformio.ini is located. Copy the following pio pkg install command and paste into the CLI shell, press Enter: pio pkg install --library "johboh/nlohmann-json@^3.11.3"