SEHS4517 Web Application Development


SEHS4517 Web Application Development and Management

Semester 1, 2024-2025


Individual Assignment (30% of the assessment of this course) This individual assignment aims:

To conduct research on relevant reference materials or sources.

To develop an interactive web application using HTML5 and PHP.


Choose an organization that requires member registration. Examples of this organization include asoccer fan club, fitness club, dance group, music group, professional organization, charity, … TheChairman of this organization wants you to develop ONE web page with the filename

welcome.html that contains an introduction for the organization. The introduction should NOT exceed 600 words. That web page also contains an online registration form for the potentialmembers to join that organization. The online registration form contains the following fields for auser to input:


The registration form contains one button labelled with “Register” for sending the user input byPOST method to the CGI program called member.php. The registration form also contains a buttonlabelled with “Clear” to reset the user input. You can have your own design for these buttons andthe registration form by adding colors, background and pictures only. (Note: NO videos and NO audios are allowed).

You are also requested to develop TWO web server programs that process the user input from theregistration form. Once the user presses the “Register” button onthe registration form you havemade, the user input will be sent to a web server program called member.php which will generate a

web page that shows the user input. You will design how the user input information is displayed onthis newly generated web page.

This newly generated web page contains two buttons. You can have your own design of thesebuttons. One button is labelled with “Back” which is used for the user to press to go back to the webpage showing the registration form you have made and allows the user to re-enter the particulars on Page 2 of 4

he registration form. The other button is labelled with “Confirm” which is used to confirm the user

nput. Once the “Confirm” button is pressed, another代 寫SEHS4517 Web Application Development web server program called check.php will bectivated to check if the user’s input age is larger than or equal to 18 years of ageIf the user’s input age is larger than or equal to 18 years of age, then the web server program will

generate a “thank you” web page. The message on the “thank you” web page is created by you andshould NOT exceed 50 words. You can have your own design of this “thank you” web page.If the user’s input age is less than 18 years of age, then the web server program will generate a“sorry” web page, telling the user that the user is too young to be a member and is not allowed to bethe member. The message on the “sorry” web page is created by you and should NOT exceed 50

words. You can have your own design of this “sorry” web page.Requirements:

Use HTML5 that follows XHTML syntax rules to design the web page containing the

registration form. The filename for this web page is welcome.html.

Use PHP to develop the web server programs member.php and check.php that process the user

input from the registration form.

You can use pictures for this assignment, but NO videos and NO audios are allowed in this


At the beginning of your source codes (i.e., HTML5 and PHP), there are comments stating the


This subject information (i.e. SEHS3245 Web Systems and Technologies)

This assignment information (i.e., Individual Assignment)

Submission date (i.e., 12 October 2024)

Your full name

Your student ID number


  1. From each student, put your web page source code (i.e., HTML tags), PHP programs and your

web page design (screen capture is fine. Screen capture can be carried out by holding down

ALT key, then pressing Print Sc key, then paste into a document) into a Microsoft Word 2016

document. Convert the Microsoft Word 2016 document to PDF format by choosing File, then

Print, then under Printer, choose Microsoft Print to PDF, click OK. Change the filename to be

A appended with your full name and your student ID number. If your name is Chan Tai Man

and your student ID number is

24012345S, then the filename is

A_ChanTaiMan_24012345S.pdf. Page 3 of 4

  1. Put the .pdf file, the .html file, the .php files and picture files (if any) into a folder. Make a zipfile of the folder containing all your work:

o Click on the folderand go outside of the folder where your work is saved

o Right-click on the folder that contains all your work, then, depending on your computer,

do EITHER of the following:

 Select 7-Zip then select the second-last option Add to “” (assuming thatyou are in a folder called project)

 Select Send-to and then Compressed (zipped) folder

o New .zip file should be created.

o Note: 7-zip is a freeware downloadable through the Internet.

  1. Right-click on this .zip file, then select Rename, then change the name to A appended with your

full name and student ID number. If your name is Chan Tai Man and your student ID number is

24012345S, then the filename should be

  1. Submit the .zip file to Blackboard by 10PM, 12 October 2024 (Saturday).While submitting the softcopy via Blackboard, a timestamp will be placed on the softcopy of yourassignment. There is a sharp cut-off time at Blackboard, so late submission will be recorded at

Blackboard. Softcopy submitted via email or other means will NOT be accepted unless Blackboardis not available. As many students will submit their assignments toBlackboard at around the deadline time, it normally takes longer for uploading your assignment. So, it is strongly suggestedthat you start submitting earlier, say at least 45 minutes before the deadline. Marks will be deductedfor late submission. Successful submission of this assignment includes the submission of all items

specified in this section.

Marking Scheme:

Design 50% and Content 50%

The content of the web page will be marked. The design of the web page using the knowledgeyou have learned in this subject will also be marked, Use of graphics, background andhighlighting effect will be marked but DO NOT include any video or audio effect to the webpage. Use of hyperlinks to provide a convenient way to navigate around different sections in

the web page will be marked.

Plagiarism will be penalized severely. Marks will be deducted for assignments that areplagiarized in whole or in part, regardless of the sources.Mark deduction items include spelling mistakes, poor writing style, copy and paste directlyfrom any web resources, etc.ENDPage 4 of 4
