

import time

import pygame

import ChinaChess.constants

from ChinaChess import constants, pieces, computer


import ChinaChess.my_game as mg




class MainGame():

    window = None

    Start_X = ChinaChess.constants.Start_X

    Start_Y = ChinaChess.constants.Start_Y

    Line_Span = ChinaChess.constants.Line_Span

    Max_X = Start_X + 8 * Line_Span

    Max_Y = Start_Y + 9 * Line_Span

    from_x = 0

    from_y = 0

    to_x = 0

    to_y = 0

    clickx = -1

    clicky = -1

    mgInit = mg.my_game()

    player1Color = constants.player1Color

    player2Color = constants.player2Color

    Putdownflag = player1Color

    piecesSelected = None

    piecesList = []

    def start_game(self):

        MainGame.window = pygame.display.set_mode([constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT])

        pygame.display.set_caption(" 中國象棋 ")

        # 把所有棋子擺好


        while True:


            # 獲取事件



            # 遍歷所有棋子,顯示所有棋子


            # 判斷遊戲勝利


            # 輪到電腦了


            # 獲取所有的事件




    def drawChessboard(self):

        mid_end_y = MainGame.Start_Y + 4 * MainGame.Line_Span

        min_start_y = MainGame.Start_Y + 5 * MainGame.Line_Span

        for i in range(0, 9):

            x = MainGame.Start_X + i * MainGame.Line_Span

            if i == 0 or i == 8:

                pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [x, MainGame.Start_Y], [x, MainGame.Max_Y], 1)


                pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [x, MainGame.Start_Y], [x, mid_end_y], 1)

                pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [x, min_start_y], [x, MainGame.Max_Y], 1)

        for i in range(0, 10):

            y = MainGame.Start_Y + i * MainGame.Line_Span

            pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [MainGame.Start_X, y], [MainGame.Max_X, y], 1)

        speed_dial_start_x = MainGame.Start_X + 3 * MainGame.Line_Span

        speed_dial_end_x = MainGame.Start_X + 5 * MainGame.Line_Span

        speed_dial_y1 = MainGame.Start_Y + 0 * MainGame.Line_Span

        speed_dial_y2 = MainGame.Start_Y + 2 * MainGame.Line_Span

        speed_dial_y3 = MainGame.Start_Y + 7 * MainGame.Line_Span

        speed_dial_y4 = MainGame.Start_Y + 9 * MainGame.Line_Span

        pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y1],

                         [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y2], 1)

        pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y2],

                         [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y1], 1)

        pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y3],

                         [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y4], 1)

        pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y4],

                         [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y3], 1)

    def piecesInit(self):

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player2Color, 0, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player2Color, 8, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player2Color, 2, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player2Color, 6, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.King(MainGame.player2Color, 4, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player2Color, 1, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player2Color, 7, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player2Color, 1, 2))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player2Color, 7, 2))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player2Color, 3, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player2Color, 5, 0))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 0, 3))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 2, 3))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 4, 3))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 6, 3))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 8, 3))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player1Color, 0, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player1Color, 8, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player1Color, 2, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player1Color, 6, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.King(MainGame.player1Color, 4, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player1Color, 1, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player1Color, 7, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player1Color, 1, 7))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player1Color, 7, 7))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player1Color, 3, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player1Color, 5, 9))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 0, 6))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 2, 6))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 4, 6))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 6, 6))

        MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 8, 6))

    def piecesDisplay(self):

        # 遍歷所有棋子,顯示所有棋子

        for item in MainGame.piecesList:


            # MainGame.window.blit(item.image, item.rect)

    def getEvent(self):

        # 獲取所有的事件

        eventList = pygame.event.get()

        for event in eventList:

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:


            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

                mouse_x = pos[0]

                mouse_y = pos[1]

                if (mouse_x > MainGame.Start_X - MainGame.Line_Span / 2 and mouse_x < MainGame.Max_X + MainGame.Line_Span / 2) and (

                        mouse_y > MainGame.Start_Y - MainGame.Line_Span / 2 and mouse_y < MainGame.Max_Y + MainGame.Line_Span / 2):

                    print(str(mouse_x) + "" + str(mouse_y))


                    if MainGame.Putdownflag != MainGame.player1Color:


                    click_x = round((mouse_x - MainGame.Start_X) / MainGame.Line_Span)

                    click_y = round((mouse_y - 外匯跟單gendan5.comMainGame.Start_Y) / MainGame.Line_Span)

                    click_mod_x = (mouse_x - MainGame.Start_X) % MainGame.Line_Span

                    click_mod_y = (mouse_y - MainGame.Start_Y) % MainGame.Line_Span

                    if abs(click_mod_x - MainGame.Line_Span / 2) >= 5 and abs(

                            click_mod_y - MainGame.Line_Span / 2) >= 5:

                        print(" 有效點: x=" + str(click_x) + " y=" + str(click_y))

                        # 有效點選點

                        self.from_x = MainGame.clickx

                        self.from_y = MainGame.clicky

                        self.to_x = click_x

                        self.to_y = click_y



                        MainGame.clickx = click_x

                        MainGame.clicky = click_y

                        self.PutdownPieces(MainGame.player1Color, click_x, click_y)



    def PutdownPieces(self, t, x, y):

        selectfilter = list(

            filter(lambda cm: cm.x == x and cm.y == y and cm.player == MainGame.player1Color, MainGame.piecesList))

        if len(selectfilter):

            MainGame.piecesSelected = selectfilter[0]


        if MainGame.piecesSelected:


            arr = pieces.listPiecestoArr(MainGame.piecesList)

            if MainGame.piecesSelected.canmove(arr, x, y):

                self.PiecesMove(MainGame.piecesSelected, x, y)

                MainGame.Putdownflag = MainGame.player2Color


            fi = filter(lambda p: p.x == x and p.y == y, MainGame.piecesList)

            listfi = list(fi)

            if len(listfi) != 0:

                MainGame.piecesSelected = listfi[0]

    def PiecesMove(self, pieces, x, y):

        for item in MainGame.piecesList:

            if item.x == x and item.y == y:


        pieces.x = x

        pieces.y = y

        print("move to " + str(x) + " " + str(y))

        return True

    def Computerplay(self):

        if MainGame.Putdownflag == MainGame.player2Color:

            print(" 輪到電腦了 ")

            computermove = computer.getPlayInfo(MainGame.piecesList, self.from_x, self.from_y, self.to_x, self.to_y,


            if computer == None:


            piecemove = None

            for item in MainGame.piecesList:

                if item.x == computermove[0] and item.y == computermove[1]:

                    piecemove = item

            self.PiecesMove(piecemove, computermove[2], computermove[3])

            MainGame.Putdownflag = MainGame.player1Color

    # 判斷遊戲勝利

    def VictoryOrDefeat(self):

        result = [MainGame.player1Color, MainGame.player2Color]

        for item in MainGame.piecesList:

            if type(item) == pieces.King:

                if item.player == MainGame.player1Color:


                if item.player == MainGame.player2Color:


        if len(result) == 0:


        if result[0] == MainGame.player1Color:

            txt = " 你失敗了哦! "


            txt = " 你勝利了哦! "

        MainGame.window.blit(self.getTextSuface("%s" % txt), (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - 100, 200))

        MainGame.Putdownflag = constants.overColor

    def getTextSuface(self, text):



        font = pygame.font.SysFont('kaiti', 18)

        txt = font.render(text, True, constants.TEXT_COLOR)

        return txt

    def endGame(self):

        print(" 退出 ")


if __name__ == '__main__':


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