Install Bugzilla on Linux 01


最近在做Bugzilla一些增強應用,Bugzilla是perl語言編寫的,就想著先裝一套Bugzilla的執行環境起來,這個安裝起來還真費工夫,特別是裡面的perl module的一些依賴關係,讓人挺崩潰的,於是記錄整個過程如下:


1. Install Perl (5.8.1 or above)

2. Install a Database Engine

3. Install a Webserver

4. Install Bugzilla

5. Install Perl modules

6. Install a Mail Transfer Agent (Sendmail 8.7 or above, or an MTA that is Sendmail-compatible with at least this version)

7. Configure all of the above.

8. Create localconfig file using

9. Modify the localconfig file.

10. Database Server (Oracle)

11. Bugzilla using Apache

12. Login Bugzilla

13. Create a new bugzilla project

14. Upgrading to New Release using tarball

15. Issues and Troubleshooting



[Section 1~4]

1. Perl

[root@centos ~]# uname -a

Linux centos 2.6.9-78.EL #1 Thu Jul 24 23:46:01 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

[root@centos ~]# perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.5 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

Most Linux distributions comes with perl,If you don’t have it and your OS doesn’t provide official packages,


2. Database Engine

Bugzilla supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle as database servers.

I choose Oracle database Release

And you can refer to Oracle installation on

3. Web Server

If you already have apache installed, make sure you are able to access it by using http://{your-ip-address}.


[root@centos ~]# apachectl -v

Server version: Apache/2.0.52

Server built: Jul 25 2008 03:17:15

If you don’t have Apache and your OS doesn’t provide official packages, visit

4. Install Bugzilla

Download the release from you can from ftp site:

# cd /var/www/html

# ls


# tar xvfz bugzilla-3.2.5.tar.gz

Once all the files are in a web accessible directory, make that directory writable by your web server’s user.

This is a temporary step until you run the script, which locks down your installation.

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