Cross-company stock transport order
Cross-company stock transport order
Intra-company stock transport order即一個company code內的兩個plant之間的stock transport order,發貨和收貨即結束,無需billing;Cross-company stock transport order即分別屬於不同company code的兩個工廠之間的stock transport order,也稱為inter-company stock transport order,需要做billing。
下面以從plant T001 transfer goods至不同company code的plant Z001為例,Cross-company stock transport order的配置步驟如下:
1.為supplying plant下指定stock transport(不分公司內和公司間)所用的sales org,distribution channel,division,系統自動根據此sales area來找到相應的customer(即receiving plant)
路徑:IMGàMaterials ManagementàPurchasingàPurchase OrderàSet up Stock Transport OrderàDefine Shipping Data for Plants
2.為receiving plant指定customer number,此customer實際上為receiving plant,它需要再在上一步指定的sales area下定義。在系統自動透過PO開DN時,系統將此customer number做為ship-to party。
路徑:IMGàMaterials ManagementàPurchasingàPurchase OrderàSet up Stock Transport OrderàDefine Shipping Data for Plants
3.建立checking rule
路徑:IMGàMaterials ManagementàPurchasingàPurchase OrderàSet up Stock Transport Orderà Create Checking Rule
4.定義checking rule,即哪種checking rule和哪種availability check相關,系統開DN時會根據此來檢查庫存。
路徑:IMGàMaterials ManagementàPurchasingàPurchase OrderàSet up Stock Transport Orderà Define Checking Rule
5.Assign delivery type and checking rule,此步驟透過PO type與supplying plant的組合來確定自動建立DN時DN的delivery type以及checking rule。Delivery type 1為intra-company的delivery type,應設定為NL,delivery type 2為cross-company的delivery type,應設定為NLCC。
路徑:IMGàMaterials ManagementàPurchasingàPurchase OrderàSet up Stock Transport Orderà Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule
6. Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Under delivery Tolerance
此步應作如下限制:如果兩個plant屬於同一個company code,則PO type應設定為UB或類似;如果兩個plant不屬於同一個company code,則PO type 應設定為NB或類似。應為定義UB時control欄位為T,使得intra-company不用VF01做billing。
路徑:IMGàMaterials ManagementàPurchasingàPurchase OrderàSet up Stock Transport Orderà Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance
In this step, you define which document type is to be used for a certain combination of supplying plant and receiving plant.
If the supplying and receiving plants belong to the same company code, choose the document type 'UB' or a comparable document type of your own. A physical stock transfer is then carried out without a billing document.
If you use your own document types for purchase orders, you should ensure that 'T' (for transport) is entered in the 'Control' field for the relevant document type in Customizing for Purchasing under
If the supplying and receiving plants belong to different company codes, choose the document type 'NB' or a comparable document type of your own. A physical stock transfer is then carried out with delivery and billing document.
If you use your own document types for purchase orders, you should ensure that the 'Control' field is empty for the relevant document type in Customizing for Purchasing under
If the end user chooses a different document type than the one specified in Customizing, he or she will receive a warning message. This message can be redefined as a user-specific error message.
Depending on the supplying and issuing plants, you can also specify whether or not the stock transfer is to be executed according to the one-step procedure. With the one-step-procedure, the goods receipt in the receiving plant is posted at the same time as the goods issue in the issuing plant.
在IMGà Logistics Executionà Shippingà Deliveriesà Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries可定義何種Delivery type用哪種item category;然後item category可在IMGà Sales and Distributionà Sales à Sales Documents à Schedule Lines à Assign Schedule Line Categories裡定義哪種item category用哪種schedule line,進而找到相應的movement type
關於stock transfer order的movement type:
在IMGà Logistics Executionà Shippingà Deliveriesà Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries可定義何種Delivery type用哪種item category;然後item category可在IMGà Sales and Distributionà Sales à Sales Documents à Schedule Lines à Assign Schedule Line Categories裡定義哪種item category用哪種schedule line,進而找到相應的movement type
NLCCàNLNàNNà Movement type
NLàNLCàNCàMovement type
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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