重慶開飛機票行程單〖電ν:188.ぁ.2028.ぁ.6526張生〗q.q:6300.ぁ.55060】】】各類專票、機械租賃 房屋租賃Abstract: Smart contracts are computerized transaction protocols that can self-verify and self-execute the terms of contracts without a trusted third-party intermediary. In recent years, smart contracts have attracted intensive attention with the increasing popularity of their main computational architecture, i.e., blockchain. Blockchain-enabled smart contracts are decentralized, trustless, programmable, and tamper-resistant, they can be flexibly embedded into a variety of data and assets to help achieve secure and efficient information exchange, value transfer and asset management. Thus, they are expected to deepen the revolution of traditional business models and social production relationships, and lay the foundation for building programmable assets, systems and societies. This article is dedicated to a comprehensive analysis and systematic overview of blockchain-enabled smart contracts. Specifically, we proposed a basic model of smart contracts which employs a six-layer architecture and used it as a research framework to explain the operating mechanism and infrastructure of smart contracts. We also summarized their research challenges and recent progresses, introduced their technical advantages and typical application fields, and discussed their future development trends. This article is aimed at providing helpful guidance and reference for future research efforts of blockchain-enabled smart contracts.
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