淺談RHEL7和RHEL6的主要變化 | ||
檔案系統 | XFS | EXT4 |
核心版本 | 3.10.x-x系列 | 2.6.x-x系列 |
核心名稱 | Maipo | Santiago |
釋出時間 | 2014-06-09(3.10.0-123) | 2010-11-09(2.6.32-71) |
程式名稱 | systemd | init |
執行級別 |
runlevel0.target->poweroff.target runlevel1.target->rescue.target runlevel2.target->multi-user.target runlevel3.target->multi-user.target runlevel4.target->multi-user.target runlevel5.target->graphical.target runlevel6.target->reboot.target /etc/systemd/system/default.target |
runlevel0 runlevel1 runlevel2 runlevel3 runlevel4 runlevel5 runlevel6 /etc/inittab |
主機名稱 | /etc/hostname | /etc/sysconfig/network |
最大檔案 | 500TB | 16TB |
檢查工具 | xfs.repair | e2fsck |
啟動工具 | GRUB2 | GRUB0.97 |
服務啟動 | Systemd | Upstart |
服務管理 |
systemctl enable xxx.service systemctl start xxx.service systemctl stop xxx.service systemctl restart xxx.service 相容chkconfig,service命令 |
service enable xxx.service service stop xxx.service service start xxx.service chkconfig --level 3 5 nfs on |
防火牆 | Firewalld相容Iptables | Iptables |
網路繫結 | Team Driver | Bonding |
網路時間 | Chrony,ntpd | ntpd |
NFS版本 | NFS4.1 支援NFSv3,NFSv4.0,NFSv4.1客戶端 | NFS4 |
叢集管理工具 | Pacemaker | Rgmanager |
負載均衡工具 | Keepalived,HAProxy | Rgmanager |
桌面環境 | GNOME3,KDE4.10 | GNOME2 |
資料庫 | MariaDB | MySQL |
RHEL7和RHEL6的管理命令和配置檔案的變化 | ||
訂閱資訊 | RHEL7 |
訂閱資訊工具 | subscription-manager identity |
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid subscription-manager identity |
配置訂閱資訊 | subscription-manager rhn_register | rhn_register rhnreg_ks subscription-manager identity |
基本配置 | RHEL7 | RHEL6 |
GUI配置工具 | gnome-control-center | system-config-* |
網路配置工具 | nmcli nmtui nm-connection-editor | system-config-network |
語言配置工具 | localectl | system-config-language |
時間配置工具 | timedatectl date | system-config-date date |
時間同步 | ntpdate /etc/chrony.conf | ntpdate /etc/ntp.conf |
鍵盤配置 | localectl | system-config-keyboard |
服務管理 | RHEL7 | RHEL6 |
服務列表 |
systemctl -at service ls /{usr/lib,etc}/systemd/system/*.service |
chkconfig ls /etc/init.d/ |
服務啟動 | systemctl start name.service | service name start |
服務停止 | systemctl stop name.service | service name stop |
服務檢視 | systemctl status name.service | service name status |
服務重啟 | systemctl restart name.service | service name restart |
服務開機自啟 | systemctl enable name.service | chkconfig name on |
服務開機不自啟 | systemctl disable name.service | chkconfig name off |
新增服務 | systemctl daemon-reload | achkconfig --add |
服務列表檢視 | systemctl -t service --state=active | service --status-all |
檢視執行級別 | systemctl get-default | runlevel |
修改執行級別 |
systemctl isolate name.target init runlevel |
init runlevel |
日誌檔案 |
/etc/rsyslog.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf /var/log/journal/ /etc/systemd/journald.conf |
/etc/rsyslog.conf |
檢視日誌檔案 | /var/log/ | /var/log/journalctl |
核心硬體 | RHEL7 | RHEL6 |
啟動提示符 | append rd.break or init=/bin/bash to kernel cmdline | append 1 or s or init=/bin/bash to kernel cmdline |
關閉系統 | systemctl shutdown | shutdown |
關閉電源 | systemctl poweroff | poweroff |
掛起系統 | systemctl halt | halt |
重啟系統 | systemctl reboot | reboot |
修改執行級別 | systemctl set-default | /etc/inittab |
配置GRUB |
/etc/default/grub grub2-mkconfig grub-set-default |
/boot/grub/grub.conf |
軟體管理 | RHEL7 | RHEL6 |
安裝軟體包 |
yum install yum group install |
yum install yum groupinstall |
檢視軟體包 |
yum info yum group info |
yum info yum groupinfo |
檔案系統 | RHEL7 | RHEL6 |
建立檔案系統 | fdisk parted gdisk | fdisk parted |
LVM管理 | vgextend lvextend xfs_growfs | vgextend lvextend resize2fs |
網路介面配置 | RHEL7 | RHEL6 |
配置名稱 |
/etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf nmcli conmod |
/etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf |
主機名稱配置 |
/etc/hostname hostnamectl nmcli |
/etc/sysconfig/network |
Ip地址配置 |
ip addr nmcli dev show teamdctl brctl bridge |
ip add ifconfig brctl |
配置防火牆 |
firewall-cmd firewall-config |
iptables&ip6tables /etc/sysconfig/ip*tables system-config-firewall |
檢視埠命令 |
ss lsof |
netstat ss lsof |
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