Oracle資料庫work area size & pga_aggregate_target引數
1、關於PGA記憶體是自動管理還是手工管理,以及*_area_size(例如 sort_area_size)引數是否生效
workarea_size_policy:該引數定義資料庫PGA記憶體是否自動管理,同時涉及到SQL執行中各種記憶體引數設定是否生效;當PGA記憶體為自動記憶體管理(workarea_size_policy =auto),有關SQL執行的各種記憶體引數設定(例如sort_area_size 排序記憶體大小)均不生效,但至於SQL執行的各種記憶體引數設定生否真的生效,還與pga_aggregate_target值有關,具體如下:
(1)workarea _size_policy設定為auto,pga_aggregate_target設定為0 ,不會使用自動記憶體管理,因為當pga_aggregate_target設定為0時,workarea _size_policy自動設定為manual。
(2)workarea _size_policy設定為manual,pga_aggregate_target設定為非0,會使用自動記憶體管理。因為,如果設定pga_aggregate_targe為非0,workarea _size_policy自動設定為auto,因此,使用自動管理。
select name, value, isdefault, description
from v$parameter
where name in ('workarea_size_policy', 'pga_aggregate_target')
or name like 'sort%';
select * from v$parameter where name like '%area_size%';
sort_area_retained_size:該引數是控制一個session在排序結束後,該session用的記憶體排序區(最大為sort_area_size)降低到的空間值。例如:sort_area_size=100k, sort_area_retained_size=20k,當排序已經完成後,在記錄被取出返回的過程中,oracle將逐步釋放排序中使用的記憶體空間(例如使用了最大100k),直至釋放到剩餘20k即sort_area_retained_size空間大小時,該session的排序記憶體空間將不再繼續釋放,sort_area_retained_size的記憶體空間將在排序記錄的最後一條記錄取走返回後再全部釋放。
10G中文件解釋:SORT_AREA_SIZE specifies (in bytes) the maximum amount of memory Oracle will use for a sort. After the sort is complete, but before the rows are returned, Oracle releases all of the memory allocated for the sort, except the amount specified by the SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE parameter. After the last row is returned, Oracle releases the remainder of the memory.
Each sort in a query can consume memory up to the amount specified by SORT_AREA_SIZE, and there can be multiple sorts in a query. Also, if a query is executed in parallel, each PQ slave can consume memory up to the amount specified by SORT_AREA_SIZE for each sort it does.
1)PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET:該引數引數同時限制全域性PGA分配和私有工作區記憶體分配,對於單個session可調整的記憶體部分(即work areas)的限制,具體如下:
a)對於序列操作,單個SQL操作能夠使用的PGA記憶體work areas按照以下原則分配:
b)對於並行操作,單個SQL操作能夠使用的PGA記憶體work areas按照以下原則分配:
30%* PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET /DOP (DOP=Degree Of Parallelism 並行度)
select * from v$parameter where name like '%pga_aggregate_target%';
select a.sid, round(a.value/1024/1024,2)||'M' pga_area
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and = 'session pga memory';
select pid,
pga_used_mem / 1024 / 1024,
pga_alloc_mem / 1024 / 1024,
pga_freeable_mem / 1024 / 1024,
pga_max_mem / 1024 / 1024
from v$process;
select * from v$pgastat;
total PGA allocated:該引數顯示的值是目前資料庫正在使用中的PGA記憶體量,這個值是有可能大於PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET配置值的。
over allocation count:該引數記錄的是從資料庫啟動以來,PGA使用總量大於PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET配置值的累計次數。
total PGA allocated - Current amount of PGA memory allocated by the instance. Oracle attempts to keep this number below the value of the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter. However, it is possible for the PGA allocated to exceed that value by a small percentage and for a short period of time when the work area workload is increasing very rapidly or when PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to a small value.
over allocation count - This statistic is cumulative since instance startup. Over allocating PGA memory can happen if the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is too small. When this happens, Oracle cannot honor the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and extra PGA memory needs to be allocated.
Untunable Memory Size + Tunable Memory Size <= PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
a)不可調整部分(Untunable Memory Size)﹕PL/SQL arrays, stack space, session variables等等。如果設定的PGA(也就是PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET的設定)小於該部分﹐那一定會超過PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET的值﹐並且該部分是不可以shrink的,即data areas。
b)可調整部分(Tunable Memory Size)﹕sort area,hash area,bitmap create area, bitmap merge area 這部分也就oracle concept內所說的work areas。
單個session在排序或者hash 時,最大允許的work areaa 是隱含引數_pga_max_size配置值的一半(隱含引數_pga_max_size的預設值為200M) 和pga_aggregate_target引數配置值的5% 中的最小值。
對於並行操作,單個session操作能夠使用的PGA記憶體work areas是pga_aggregate_target引數配置值的30%除以併發度。例如:如果SQL的hints為 PARALLEL 4,pga_aggregate_target為200M,那麼單個session的最大PGA分配空間為15M (200M*30% / 4 = 15M )。
The limits of sorting and hashing:
There are important limitations of pga_aggregate_target: The total work area cannot exceed 200 megabytes of RAM because of the default setting for _pga_max_size. No RAM sort may use more than 5% of pga_aggegate_target or _pga_max_size, whichever is smaller. This means that no task may use more than 200 megabytes for sorting or hash joins. The algorithm further reduces this to (200/2) for sorts so the actual limit for pure sorts will be 100 megabytes.
pga_aggegate_target *5%=_smm_max_size
pga_aggegate_target *30%=_smm_px_max_size
_smm_px_max_size – This parameter is used for Oracle parallel query, and defaults to 30% of the pga_aggregate_target setting, divided by degree of parallelism (as set by a PARALLEL hint, "alter table xxx parallel" command, or the parallel_automatic_tuning initialization parameter). For example, by default a DEGREE=4 parallel query would have a maximum sort area value of 15 megabytes per session with a 200 megabyte pga_aggregate_target setting. Remember, parallel full-table scans bypass the data buffers and store the incoming data rows in the PGA region and not inside the data buffers (as defined by the db_cache_size parameter).
綜上所述:PGA記憶體為自動管理時,pga_aggregate_target引數配置值為整個資料庫的PGA記憶體量,單個session分配的PGA容量是有限制的,包含兩部分data areas和work areas,具體為:序列操作,單個session操作能夠使用的PGA記憶體work areas為 MIN(5% * PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET,100MB);並行操作為30%*PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET /DOP (DOP=Degree Of Parallelism 並行度);如果單個session在PGA中data areas載入了大量的業務資料(全表掃描,併發查詢),即data areas可以超過PGA容量限制。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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