Oracle 19C 資料庫引數推薦(二)

引數名 19c預設值 標準參考值 引數相關參考檔案 COMMAND
fast_start_mttr_target 0 300 FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET enables you to specify the number of seconds the database takes to perform crash recovery of a single instance. alter system set fast_start_mttr_target=300 scope=spfile sid='*';
filesystemio_options none Buffered I/O    asynch
Direct I/O    setall
SETALL不支援 Linux against 4kb native sector disks
alter system set filesystemio_options=asynch scope=spfile sid='*';
large_pool_size 0 最小512M,通常設定為SGA的5%;sga=128G,設定為6GB; sga=256G,設定為12GB; sga>=512G,設定為16GB;
大池,rman備份恢復、程式並行執行會使用大池,推薦值至少為256M; alter system set large_pool_size=待定 scope=spfile sid='*';
memory_max_target 0 0 控制SGA和PGA記憶體動態分配,推薦不設定,取消SGA和PGA記憶體動態分配功能 alter system set memory_max_target=0
 scope=spfile sid='*';
memory_target 0 0 控制SGA和PGA記憶體動態分配,推薦設定為0或不設定,取消SGA和PGA記憶體動態分配功能 alter system set memory_target=0
 scope=spfile sid='*';
open_cursors 300 1000 Doc ID 208857.1:SCRIPT - to Set the 'SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS' and 'OPEN_CURSORS' Parameters Based on Usage alter system set open_cursors=1000 scope=spfile sid='*';
optimizer_adaptive_plans TRUE FALSE 禁用掉了SQL自適應查詢最佳化特性
(Doc ID 2187449.1) controls whether the optimizer creates adaptive plans and defaults to TRUE
alter system set optimizer_adaptive_plans=FALSE scope=spfile sid='*';
parallel_execution_message_size 16384 32768 預設值對大多數應用來說是足夠的。值越大,要求共享池越大。較大的值會帶來較好的效能,但會消耗較多的記憶體。 alter system set parallel_execution_message_size=32768 scope=spfile sid='*';
parallel_force_local FALSE TRUE
控制並行程式是否可以跨RAC節點,推薦值為true,不讓跨節點執行並行SQL alter system set parallel_force_local=TRUE scope=spfile sid='*';
parallel_max_servers 80 不能預設值/按需設定 推薦值cpu_count的1/2,或者根據實際情況設定,最大不要超過cpu_count alter system set parallel_max_servers=待定 scope=spfile sid='*';
parallel_min_servers 8 不能預設值/按需設定 PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS is the number of parallel execution processes Oracle creates when the instance is started. These processes will be kept alive
 to service parallel statements.
alter system set parallel_min_servers=0 scope=spfile sid='*';

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