• 3+ years related experience in IT applications support, system analysis/programming or database administration/development. Degree in computer science and related fields are preferred but not required. Understanding of marketing operations is preferred.
• Read, write, and speak English fluently. Good interpersonal skills, as well as logic thinking, basic project management, negotiation and decision-making skills are required.
• Candidate must be familiar with standard application development and support methodology. Can work independently and in a team manner to complete tasks using judgment and experience. Has the ability to manage multiple activities and priorities, and work well under pressure.
• Good customer service and communication skills
• Experience in at least one of the following tools is highly desirable,,
o Oracle database and PL/SQL programming,
o Unix shell or Perl scripting,
o Java/J2EE or CGI/Web application development,
o Siebel,
o Epiphany,
o Data warehouse/BI tools, such as Siebel Analytics, Business Objects
o ETL tools (Informatica)
Base 北京 工資面議
有意請與我聯絡 謝謝
msn nn081117@hotmail.com
qq 36765489
• 3+ years related experience in IT applications support, system analysis/programming or database administration/development. Degree in computer science and related fields are preferred but not required. Understanding of marketing operations is preferred.
• Read, write, and speak English fluently. Good interpersonal skills, as well as logic thinking, basic project management, negotiation and decision-making skills are required.
• Candidate must be familiar with standard application development and support methodology. Can work independently and in a team manner to complete tasks using judgment and experience. Has the ability to manage multiple activities and priorities, and work well under pressure.
• Good customer service and communication skills
• Experience in at least one of the following tools is highly desirable,,
o Oracle database and PL/SQL programming,
o Unix shell or Perl scripting,
o Java/J2EE or CGI/Web application development,
o Siebel,
o Epiphany,
o Data warehouse/BI tools, such as Siebel Analytics, Business Objects
o ETL tools (Informatica)
Base 北京 工資面議
有意請與我聯絡 謝謝
msn nn081117@hotmail.com
qq 36765489
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