—— 完 ——
您可以在龍蜥作業系統(Anolis OS)上安心使用已完成驗證的應用。
近期龍蜥社群與南大通用 GBase 完成產品相容互認證,驗證結果顯示產品功能正常。
以下是南大通用 Gbase 8a 相容性驗證的具體步驟。
Anolis 7.7 ANCK 64 位 -
GBase8a-NoLicense-Free-8.6.2_build43-R7-redhat7.3-x86_64(注意:注意:該二進位制版本是從南大通用官網下載的基於 Redhat 7.3 編譯的版本,我們Anolis OS 7.7上執行該版本來驗證基本的功能相容性)
8 核 32G OS
GBase 8a資料庫安裝包(GBase8a-NoLicense-Free-8.6.2_build43-R7-redhat7.3-x86_64.tar.bz2,可以在南大通用資料庫官網申請試用 )
1、建立使用者 GBase, 後續操作都在 GBase 使用者下面進行。
useradd -m gbase su - gbase
2、假設安裝包已經放到了 /home/gbase 目錄下面,解壓資料到 /home/gbase/install 目錄下面。
mkdir ~/install tar -xjvf GBase8a-NoLicense-Free-8.6.2_build43-R7-redhat7.3-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C ~/install/
cd install/GBaseInstall/ ./Install_lin.shd # 得到如下提示,輸入 Yes 接受 License 以繼續安裝 ********************************************************************************* Thank you for choosing GBase product! Please read carefully the following licencing agreement before installing any product: Disclaimer of Product Trial License: 1. Any user who tries out (including self-downloaded trial or trial version provided by General Data Technology Co., Ltd) General Data Technology Co., Ltd Software Products should read this statement carefully. Users may choose not to try Nanda General Software Products. The user's tries out General Data Technology Co., Ltd Software Products will be deemed to be an endorsement of the full content of this statement. 2. Universal software products of General Data Technology Co., Ltd have complete autonomous knowledge rights and do not infringe on the relevant rights and interests of any other unit or individual. Universal software products of General Data Technology Co., Ltd are protected by law. Any transfer, reproduction, dissemination or use in unauthorized projects are strictly prohibited without the written permission of Universal of Nanda. Otherwise, the infringer will bear full responsibility. 3. Except for the terms of service specified by General Data Technology Co., Ltd, General Data Technology Co., Ltd is not liable or liable for any accident, negligence, contract destruction, defamation, copyright or intellectual property infringement caused by the trial use of General Data Technology Co., Ltd software products and any losses (including virus infection due to downloading). 4. The relevant information of General Data Technology Co., Ltd Software Products is the original information released. If there are any changes, no further notice will be given. Software may run differently from the final version, and features and functions in pre-release software may not appear in the final version. The risk of trying out the software should be borne by you. 5. Users assume their own risks for the trial of General Data Technology Co., Ltd Software Products. General Data Technology Co., Ltd does not guarantee any form of guarantee, does not guarantee that the trial products meet the user's requirements, does not guarantee that the trial service is uninterrupted, and does not guarantee the safety of the trial products. Due to any technical reasons such as network status, communication lines and so on, users can not normally try out General Data Technology Co., Ltd Products, or the impact or loss on third parties in the process of trial, General Data Technology Co., Ltd does not bear any legal liability. 6. General Data Technology Co., Ltd respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all users who try out General Data Technology Co., Ltd Products. Without the personal permission of users or mandatory provisions of relevant laws, General Data Technology Co., Ltd will not voluntarily disclose other third parties. 7. Any unit or individual who considers that General Data Technology Co., Ltd Software products may be suspected of infringing on its legitimate rights and interests should promptly give written feedback to General Data Technology Co., Ltd or its service website, and provide identity certificates, ownership certificates and detailed tort proof. After receiving the verification of the above-mentioned legal documents, General Data Technology Co., Ltd l will make corresponding treatment as soon as possible. 8. General Data Technology Co., Ltd Corporation has the final right to interpret General Data Technology Co., Ltd Products and this statement. ********************************************************************************* Do you accept the above licence agreement (Yes/No, default=No) ? Yes ********************************************************************************* Welcome to install GBase products ********************************************************************************* Please input the GBase software installation directory (Default:/home/gbase/GBase): Installing all software packages ... Software packages installation done. ********************************************************************************* Welcome to create GBase database instance ********************************************************************************* Please input the new database instance name (default: gbase8a): Please input the port number for the new database instance (default:5258): GBase is creating the New 'gbase8a' instance ... hostkey: 2bc385b****** The host key file is genarate at GBASE_BASE/config/gbase_host.cnf. Congratulations. Your GBase installation is successful. Please execute $source ~/.bashrc manually on the first run. Please refer to the product's manuals and readme.txt to start using GBase product.
一路點選回車使用預設配置,GBase 軟體將被安裝到 /home/gbase 目錄,並將建立一個 GBase 8a 的資料庫例項,例項預設服務埠 5258,執行 source 載入環境變數。
source ~/.bashrc
gbase.server start # 可以看到如下輸出 # Starting GBase. SUCCESS!
gbase -uroot
GBase client Free Edition Copyright (c) 2004-2021, GBase. All Rights Reserved. gbase>
gbase> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | performance_schema | | gbase | | gclusterdb | | gctmpdb | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase>
3、建立測試 db。
gbase> create database test; Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase> use test; Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase>
gbase> create table hola(bonj text); Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01) gbase>
gbase> insert into test.hola(bonj) values('Mundo');
Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01)
gbase> insert into test.hola(bonj) values('Lundo');
Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01)
gbase> insert into test.hola(bonj) values('Nundo');
Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00)
gbase> select * from test.hola;
| bonj |
| Mundo |
| Lundo |
| Nundo |
3 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00)
gbase> insert into test.hola(bonj) values('Mundo'); Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01) gbase> insert into test.hola(bonj) values('Lundo'); Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01) gbase> insert into test.hola(bonj) values('Nundo'); Query OK, 1 row affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase> select * from test.hola; +-------+ | bonj | +-------+ | Mundo | | Lundo | | Nundo | +-------+ 3 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase>
gbase> select * from test.hola; +-------+ | bonj | +-------+ | Xundo | | Lundo | | Nundo | +-------+ 3 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase>
gbase> select * from test.hola; +-------+ | bonj | +-------+ | Xundo | | Lundo | | Nundo | +-------+ 3 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase>
9、退出 sql。
gbase> exit Bye
以上是南大通用 GBase 8a 相容性驗證介紹,歡迎感興趣的各位驗證適配。如有驗證需求,請聯絡: 陳佳 jackie.cj@openanolis.org
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70004278/viewspace-2888708/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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