I'm shocked that they chose for the City to be the central hub


I'm shocked that they chose for the City to  be the central hub for career mode this year based on that negative criticism NBA 2K got from players last year. Maybe, they were unable to come up with another idea regarding the hub, and have decided to utilize the City again.

Fans can still visit the different stores to buy apparel for their player. They've also added new clothing companies this season so be sure to check out for their new clothing. However, I was not able to play the game because of a glitch in the PS5 version which means I'm unable to give a detailed description of what's new to this game mode.

NBA 2K22 is a very good video game overall, as the previous game have shown great success. I believe that PS5 or Xbox Series X owners should fully enjoy the game with the new graphics and new My Player mode story alone.

If fans have either a PS4 or Xbox One though, I will not be buying the game this year. The PS4 version appears to have had the same game as last year, as a template and copied the game. In the end, if players love the game and have a PS4 or Xbox One, by all means, buy it, but it looks like they didn't even bother with enhancing anything for older consoles.

If players want the game for Nintendo Switch, I would suggest waiting. Nintendo Switch, I would wait until the game goes for sale in stores or via the Nintendo E-Shop. It was a joy to see Luka Doncic and Dirk Nowitzki on the cover. Hopefully, Dallas Mavericks fans enjoy the game. Feel free to  write your thoughts regarding NBA 2K22 below.

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