寧波東方理工大學 | 甬江論壇2024報名通道持續開放



The application deadline of August15, 2024 for the Yongriver Forum 2024 is approachingand

we have received applications from hundreds outstanding scholars worldwide. We warmly welcome scholarsinterested in this forum to submit your application by August15, 2024!

寧波東方理工大學 | 甬江論壇2024報名通道持續開放

01 論壇背景




Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo (EIT) cordially invites outstandingandenthusiasticscholarswho are committed to excellence in research and teaching to participate in the 2024 Yongriver Forum. This forum aims to discuss pressing scientific and technological topics and facilitate the exchange of the latest research findings in a variety of scientific fields. Selected scholars will have the opportunity for onsite or online interviews for tenure-track or tenured faculty positionsat EIT.

寧波東方理工大學 | 甬江論壇2024報名通道持續開放

02 論壇學科領域

Scope of the Forum






The forum focuses on but not limited to the following scientific areas:


Basic and Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Life Science.


Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing, New Materials, Chemical and Molecular Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Clean Energy and Sustainable Technologies.

Information Science and Technology:

Electronics, Microelectronics, Integrated Circuits, Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Automation Control, Information and Communication Engineering.

寧波東方理工大學 | 甬江論壇2024報名通道持續開放

03 申報條件


Applicants must have obtained a doctoral degree in relevant disciplines, have published high-quality academic papers in top journals in their respective professional fields, have good communication skills in Chinese and English, and be able to teach in English.

04 教研員工的薪酬待遇

Salary and Benefits


EIT offers its faculty members globally competitive salary and benefit packages, including substantial startup fundings for research equipment acquisition, laboratory technicians, and graduate students and postdocs. Comprehensive health insurance, retirement benefits and relocation assistance are also offered to meet individual circumstances and needs.

寧波東方理工大學 | 甬江論壇2024報名通道持續開放

05 論壇申請流程







·5 篇近期代表性論文全文影印件

·3-5 位推薦人姓名、工作單位與聯絡方式


理學部: 胡老師 0574-86603206

工學部: 葉老師 0574-86603220

資訊學部: 楊老師 0574-86603232

數字孿生院:劉老師 0574-86578196

Please scan the barcode below to submit your application. The deadline for submission is August15 , 2024. Shortlisted candidates will receive invitation to participate in the Yongriver Forum by August 22, 2024. Please include the following materials in your application:

·Curriculum vitae (CV) including a full list of publications.

·Copy of five of your selected publications.

·Research Statement outlining your current and future research agenda.

·Teaching Statement outlining your teaching experience and philosophy.

·Contact information of 3 professional references.

For further information, please reach out to the respective Colleges/Institute.

College of Science

Hu Qiong:+86-574-86603206

College of Engineering

Ye Yijing:+86-574-86603220

College of Information Science and Technology

Yang Fan: +86-574-86603232

Ningbo Institute of Digital Twin (IDT)

Liu Chang:+86-574-86578196

寧波東方理工大學 | 甬江論壇2024報名通道持續開放



To apply, please scan the QR code or open the link in your browser, then fill in your relevant information and upload attachments. The application deadline is August15, 2024. Formal invitation letters forattending the forum will be sent out by August22, 2024. Selected applicants will have the opportunity to be interviewed for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions at EIT.For more information, please click “EIT Global“.
