For example, when you want to get the ball to the ground
For example, when you want to get the ball to
the ground, or shooter, or the main player in the basket, etc. ), more often it's by making repeated attempts to find the goal in the mind. The "test template" is the most important aspect after you've created your character. Try to see if the gameplay of your character is the same as the one you imagine. If you're interested in creating players that are similar to LeBron James, you can adjust it to the values ? on the photo.
For a boost in your ability to increase your ability, you can make use of VC Coin. Even though the total capability parameter is able to be increased to the maximum of "99" when creating a character, when actually entering the game, the first level of ability for the character is only about 60 points, and the maximum will be It is set to just 85 points. If you consider this level of power and unless you're the masters of over the years in the series, it is really not enough to fight against NBA players that average 75 points.
The special currency known as VC Coin is needed to boost your character's capabilities. VC Coin can be obtained through completing different tasks in the city or by winning professional competitions. However, if you are looking to hit the maximum limit quickly, then the only option is to purchase VC Coin with real money via online services.
Be aware that when VC Coin is used, it cannot be returned. If the player desires to
create a second character or increase his capabilities, he must either acquire more VC Coin or purchase it through the above ways. If you'd like to quickly improve your players' abilities, you can consider buying more VC Coins.
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