#!/usr/bin/env python # visit https://tool.lu/pyc/ for more information # Version: Python 3.8 import random def encrypt_file(file_path): random.seed(114514) # WARNING: Decompyle incomplete file_path = "./flag" encrypt_file(file_path)
import random import os def decrypt_data(encrypted_data): random.seed(114514) decrypted_data = bytearray() for byte in encrypted_data: key = random.randint(0, 128) decrypted_data.append(byte ^ key) return decrypted_data def read_file(file_path, mode='rb'): with open(file_path, mode) as file: return file.read() def write_file(file_path, data, mode='wb'): with open(file_path, mode) as file: file.write(data) def decrypt_file(encrypted_file_path, output_file_path): encrypted_data = read_file(encrypted_file_path) decrypted_data = decrypt_data(encrypted_data) write_file(output_file_path, decrypted_data) if __name__=='__main__': encrypted_file_path = 'flag.enc' output_file_path = 'flag_decrypted.txt' decrypt_file(encrypted_file_path, output_file_path) #flag{U_R_g00d_at_do1n_pyc}
多次出現Heart Rate,結合題目描述應該就是找這個,只檢視Heart Rate相關
flag{md5(Mi Smart Band 5_Redmi K40_128)}
#task.py #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from secret import flag,init from Crypto.Util.number import * from sage.all import * from gmpy2 import iroot m = bytes_to_long(flag.encode()) r = getPrime(128) p = init # for i in range(r-1): # p += next_prime(init) # assert iroot(p,3)[1] == 1 q = getPrime(12) # N = p*q*r N = r**4*q e = getPrime(17) c = pow(m,e,N) print(f"r = {r}") print(f"e = {e}") print(f"c = {c}") # r = 287040188443069778047400125757341514899 # e = 96001 # c = 7385580281056276781497978538020227181009675544528771975750499295104237912389096731847571930273208146186326124578668216163319969575131936068848815308298035625
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, inverse r = 287040188443069778047400125757341514899 e = 96001 c = 7385580281056276781497978538020227181009675544528771975750499295104237912389096731847571930273208146186326124578668216163319969575131936068848815308298035625 # Assuming the modulus for the exponentiation should indeed be r**4 n = r**4 # Compute the modular inverse of e mod φ(n), where φ(n) could be a function of r, like (r-1)*(r**3) # We need the correct value of φ(n) for the RSA decryption formula m = c^d mod n, where d = e^(-1) mod φ(n) # Here, assuming φ(n) = r^4 - r^3 as a simplification, you might need to adjust this based on actual RSA setup phi_n = r**4 - r**3 d = inverse(e, phi_n) # Decrypt message m = pow(c, d, n) # Convert number to bytes message = long_to_bytes(m) print(message) #flag{3b0ce326141ea4f6b5bf2f37efbd1b42}
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from sage.all import * from secret import flag from Crypto.Util.number import * from math import log2 class Knapsack: def __init__(self,n,m): self.M = [] self.n = n self.m = self.pre(m) self.A = 0 self.B = 0 def pre(self,m): tmp_m = bin(m)[2:] t = [] for tmp in tmp_m: t.append(int(tmp)) return t def get_M(self): seq = [randint(2**34,2**35) for _ in range(self.n)] self.M = seq def calc_density(self): t = log2(max(self.M)) d = self.n/t print(d) def enc(self): self.get_M() self.calc_density() C = 0 for t in range(len(self.m)): C += self.m[t] * self.M[t] print(f"C = {C}") print(f"M = {self.M}") if __name__=="__main__": m = bytes_to_long(flag.encode()) n = m.bit_length() k = Knapsack(n,m) k.enc() # C = 231282844744 # M = [27811518167, 19889199464, 19122558731, 19966624823, 25670001067, 30690729665, 23936341812, 31011714749, 30524482330, 21737374993, 17530717152, 19140841231, 33846825616, 17334386491, 28867755886, 29354544582, 21758322019, 27261411361, 31465376167, 26145493792, 27075307455, 33514052206, 25397635665, 21970496142, 30801229475, 22405695620, 18486900933, 27071880304, 17919853256, 18072328152, 21108080920]
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes C = 231282844744 M = [27811518167, 19889199464, 19122558731, 19966624823, 25670001067, 30690729665, 23936341812, 31011714749, 30524482330, 21737374993, 17530717152, 19140841231, 33846825616, 17334386491, 28867755886, 29354544582, 21758322019, 27261411361, 31465376167, 26145493792, 27075307455, 33514052206, 25397635665, 21970496142, 30801229475, 22405695620, 18486900933, 27071880304, 17919853256, 18072328152, 21108080920] L = block_matrix([[1, matrix(ZZ, M).T], [0, C]]).LLL() for row in L: if row[-1] == 0 and len(set(row[:-1])) == 1: # Assuming all elements in the row, except the last one, are the same ans = [abs(i) for i in row[:-1]] ans = int(''.join(map(str, ans)), 2) print(long_to_bytes(ans))
import openpyxl import requests import time from urllib.parse import urlencode burp0_url = "" def separate_name_and_id(input_file, output_file): wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(input_file) ws = wb.active for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_col=1, max_row=ws.max_row, values_only=True): if row[0]: name, id_number = row[0].split('----') #提取名字和身份證 print(name, id_number) age = 2024-int(id_number[6:10]) if(int(id_number[10:12])>4): age -= 1 sexx=u"男" burp0_json={"address": "asd", "age": str(age), "ethnicity": "as", "experience": "1", "idcard": id_number, "name": "a", "phonenumber": "12312331233", "position": "as", "sex": sexx} sexx2 = u"女" burp0_json1={"address": "asd", "age": str(age), "ethnicity": "as", "experience": "1", "idcard": id_number, "name": "a", "phonenumber": "12312331233", "position": "as", "sex": sexx2} try: r0=requests.post(burp0_url, json=burp0_json) r1=requests.post(burp0_url, json=burp0_json1) print(r0.request.body) print(r0.text,r1.text) #time.sleep(0.5) except requests.exceptions: print("err") #time.sleep(2) #ws.append([name.strip(), id_number.strip()]) #wb.save(output_file) wb.close() if __name__ == "__main__": input_file = "data1.xlsx" output_file = "separated_data.xlsx" #沒啥用,廢棄掉了 separate_name_and_id(input_file, output_file)
7.mysql 清理
根據要求,現在要從資料庫中徹底刪除一些使用者的資料,請連線提供的mysql容器,刪除ctf所有表中,使用者id為5142、2123、1169、8623這四個使用者的資料。要求徹底清理這些使用者,不能在伺服器[中找到殘留,同時不能改動其他使用者資料。當操作成功後,系統會在ctf.flag表中錄入flag資料。(mysql ctf使用者密碼 pswd@123)
DELETE FROM ShoppingCart WHERE user_id in ("5142","2123","1169","8623"); DELETE FROM TransactionHistory WHERE user_id in ("5142","2123","1169","8623"); DELETE FROM UserLog WHERE user_id in ("5142","2123","1169","8623"); DELETE FROM Wallet WHERE user_id in ("5142","2123","1169","8623"); DELETE FROM User WHERE id in ("5142","2123","1169","8623");
alter table User engine = innodb; alter table UserLog engine = innodb; alter table TransactionHistory engine = innodb; alter table ShoppingCart engine = innodb; alter table Orders engine = innodb;
import hashlib import random import string # Define the character set as alphanumeric characters charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits while True: # Generate a random 4-character string from the charset rand_str = ''.join(random.choice(charset) for _ in range(4)) + 'CyhQp8lsgzYjTNUD' # Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the string hash_output = hashlib.sha256(rand_str.encode()).hexdigest() # Check if the hash matches the target hash if hash_output == '11f8af166cc28e24b4646cc300436f4d4bf8e11b2327379331a3eca2d5fc7c0c': print(rand_str[:4]) # Print the first 4 characters if a match is found break ''' [2, 7, 6, 9, 5, 1, 4, 3, 8] [2, 9, 4, 7, 5, 3, 6, 1, 8] [4, 3, 8, 9, 5, 1, 2, 7, 6] [4, 9, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 1, 6] [6, 1, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 9, 4] [6, 7, 2, 1, 5, 9, 8, 3, 4] [8, 1, 6, 3, 5, 7, 4, 9, 2] [8, 3, 4, 1, 5, 9, 6, 7, 2] 4 3 8 9 5 1 2 7 6 '''
9.Prime Conundrum
知道了delta可以對leak的那條式子進行二元copper求解s,t,透過hint和s求解p, 算私鑰解密即可
import itertools from tqdm import tqdm def small_roots(f, bounds, m=1, d=None): if not d: d = f.degree() R = f.base_ring() N = R.cardinality() f /= f.coefficients().pop(0) f = f.change_ring(ZZ) G = Sequence([], f.parent()) for i in range(m + 1): base = N ^ (m - i) * f ^ i for shifts in itertools.product(range(d), repeat=f.nvariables()): g = base * prod(map(power, f.variables(), shifts)) G.append(g) B, monomials = G.coefficient_matrix() monomials = vector(monomials) factors = [monomial(*bounds) for monomial in monomials] for i, factor in enumerate(factors): B.rescale_col(i, factor) B = B.dense_matrix().LLL() B = B.change_ring(QQ) for i, factor in enumerate(factors): B.rescale_col(i, 1 / factor) H = Sequence([], f.parent().change_ring(QQ)) for h in filter(None, B * monomials): H.append(h) I = H.ideal() if I.dimension() == -1: H.pop() elif I.dimension() == 0: roots = [] for root in I.variety(ring=ZZ): root = tuple(R(root[var]) for var in f.variables()) roots.append(root) return roots return [] P = 91307300383014465303389363075431698588933838431961163766796972428733255940234665671679789435258337578396879726483195947952476118985507696067550566875810703327064257916213956673893327976728584687137639337961422903593701591152074826447530099276756806166361533554689114264018344629905535188048343259754284652017 Q = 149089411480331249267443825847904508235946280550542428853480950085018092182435890098430254117786823782088885695848943795846175490059759543848516828825072642481794902650586147465149175976488985613001468444893241645390860978312924241181340390543064512602477917112031391367608345501790785857442379515898677467337 n = 97339579366356507946846401691835843338581994635020856947574389213640653953117584127557153363761256108433474475102197685296591968229050609482457622390855692102761025647645801250282912327521623082583744902369819132264725498938021235699466656447009532567358416017236962637028458839659218745744825556065623673913 N = 72077628115206161977315177371814064093288033362281459918751639032623658967593542855291047617938064177930014574391486973767462937337649946356572406647109942552336519343063401327708412361664750917582404375485334706345485264831286788789648126355202140531434534406410829696252616051882952860015344370516517084357909896281965899571934196572691 leak = 45439323369250400352006541741265096780554398472451037280607564706700682873365442581062404781075514235328183754475227917775810587457541607767765455164339314322631781126065808432845447798024685402323868389611285038950397054020330610558058133599416135943335731904873776868614834960217751934513462319743149481906 c = 31456530156035981140909630437789986968079386074106871160743980387785993275753486380185420818239283975922682050323918081691381897642776414263991442096807392948925867761878299044300335666219533277719472330029607869735373712681522022301659090108633692457216985013550482473362675907949633024047291607542103649091410575340884845190483766424507 hint = 13318665442465244206832303588726230530847297247590371628366697082014350966833522479782161994817212671730145702818662148370306660550486536176566012104254910 z = 740476059013240018009340328107 PR.<x,y>=PolynomialRing(Zmod(n)) f=P*x + Q*y + z -leak ans=small_roots(f,bounds=(2^70,2^70),m=3,d=3) ans s = 30656796668419630391 t = 35875762848049841267 p = hint + s q = n // p assert p*q == n e = 65537 from Crypto.Util.number import * d = inverse(e,(p-1)*(q-1)*(z-1)) m = pow(c,d,n) long_to_bytes(int(m))
# from z3 import * A = [] for x in range(101): for y in range(101): z = x^y if (x+y)*z == x**2 + y**2: if x*y != z: if x != y: A.append([x,y,z]) from Crypto.Cipher import AES import random # 與加密時相同的種子,確保生成相同的金鑰 for i in A: x,y,z = i random.seed(x+y+z) key = random.randbytes(16) # print(key) # 讀取加密的資料 PATH = r"encrypted_flag.bin" with open(PATH, "rb") as file_in: nonce = file_in.read(16) # Nonce 的長度為 16 位元組 tag = file_in.read(16) # Tag 通常與塊大小相同,對於 AES 為 16 位元組 ciphertext = file_in.read() # 讀取剩餘部分作為密文 # 解密過程 # print(nonce) # print(tag) # print(ciphertext) cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_EAX,nonce=nonce) try: decrypted_text = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag) print("The flag is:", decrypted_text) except: pass
boneh and durfee 一把梭
from libnum import * N = 73662176635930217145588251109582598744318418885493494845859692592990304301546996154904097420724904838772056137908521735803973827790665774255932629529776216900362889972771913683024723128622502292694632281143536586986352764727899291750703185204118126673717387089701233154888606074285445820360105604776003690487 e = 26083019178473123328452230832076345302834454225396475868531519193551971982955975631443131705619185405190763284436613436828597887376946206551305947183212830810924956452635880343496593901027606468731840531964306285933726727512533644720818081124507069662781291949841231431546394148749720394411454774153995026037 c = 46149785989975097887441076951612740430034092652052333486778189200068487460813449057674051203125773261695615434443270333980225346411838188124458064365680435783802887397970067324393852247219619820813993601444322710186223021625645961186730735728928546458428244830359782270698452792224875596683123815246426241726 """ Setting debug to true will display more informations about the lattice, the bounds, the vectors... """ debug = False """ Setting strict to true will stop the algorithm (and return (-1, -1)) if we don't have a correct upperbound on the determinant. Note that this doesn't necesseraly mean that no solutions will be found since the theoretical upperbound is usualy far away from actual results. That is why you should probably use `strict = False` """ strict = False """ This is experimental, but has provided remarkable results so far. It tries to reduce the lattice as much as it can while keeping its efficiency. I see no reason not to use this option, but if things don't work, you should try disabling it """ helpful_only = True dimension_min = 7 # stop removing if lattice reaches that dimension ############################################ # Functions ########################################## # display stats on helpful vectors def helpful_vectors(BB, modulus): nothelpful = 0 for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]): if BB[ii, ii] >= modulus: nothelpful += 1 print(nothelpful, "/", BB.dimensions()[0], " vectors are not helpful") # display matrix picture with 0 and X def matrix_overview(BB, bound): for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]): a = ('%02d ' % ii) for jj in range(BB.dimensions()[1]): a += '0' if BB[ii, jj] == 0 else 'X' if BB.dimensions()[0] < 60: a += ' ' if BB[ii, ii] >= bound: a += '~' print(a) # tries to remove unhelpful vectors # we start at current = n-1 (last vector) def remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, current): # end of our recursive function if current == -1 or BB.dimensions()[0] <= dimension_min: return BB # we start by checking from the end for ii in range(current, -1, -1): # if it is unhelpful: if BB[ii, ii] >= bound: affected_vectors = 0 affected_vector_index = 0 # let's check if it affects other vectors for jj in range(ii + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]): # if another vector is affected: # we increase the count if BB[jj, ii] != 0: affected_vectors += 1 affected_vector_index = jj # level:0 # if no other vectors end up affected # we remove it if affected_vectors == 0: # print("* removing unhelpful vector", ii) BB = BB.delete_columns([ii]) BB = BB.delete_rows([ii]) monomials.pop(ii) BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii - 1) return BB # level:1 # if just one was affected we check # if it is affecting someone else elif affected_vectors == 1: affected_deeper = True for kk in range(affected_vector_index + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]): # if it is affecting even one vector # we give up on this one if BB[kk, affected_vector_index] != 0: affected_deeper = False # remove both it if no other vector was affected and # this helpful vector is not helpful enough # compared to our unhelpful one if affected_deeper and abs(bound - BB[affected_vector_index, affected_vector_index]) < abs( bound - BB[ii, ii]): # print("* removing unhelpful vectors", ii, "and", affected_vector_index) BB = BB.delete_columns([affected_vector_index, ii]) BB = BB.delete_rows([affected_vector_index, ii]) monomials.pop(affected_vector_index) monomials.pop(ii) BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii - 1) return BB # nothing happened return BB """ Returns: * 0,0 if it fails * -1,-1 if `strict=true`, and determinant doesn't bound * x0,y0 the solutions of `pol` """ def boneh_durfee(pol, modulus, mm, tt, XX, YY): """ Boneh and Durfee revisited by Herrmann and May finds a solution if: * d < N^delta * |x| < e^delta * |y| < e^0.5 whenever delta < 1 - sqrt(2)/2 ~ 0.292 """ # substitution (Herrman and May) PR.<u,x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ) Q = PR.quotient(x * y + 1 - u) # u = xy + 1 polZ = Q(pol).lift() UU = XX * YY + 1 # x-shifts gg = [] for kk in range(mm + 1): for ii in range(mm - kk + 1): xshift = x ^ ii * modulus ^ (mm - kk) * polZ(u, x, y) ^ kk gg.append(xshift) gg.sort() # x-shifts list of monomials monomials = [] for polynomial in gg: for monomial in polynomial.monomials(): if monomial not in monomials: monomials.append(monomial) monomials.sort() # y-shifts (selected by Herrman and May) for jj in range(1, tt + 1): for kk in range(floor(mm / tt) * jj, mm + 1): yshift = y ^ jj * polZ(u, x, y) ^ kk * modulus ^ (mm - kk) yshift = Q(yshift).lift() gg.append(yshift) # substitution # y-shifts list of monomials for jj in range(1, tt + 1): for kk in range(floor(mm / tt) * jj, mm + 1): monomials.append(u ^ kk * y ^ jj) # construct lattice B nn = len(monomials) BB = Matrix(ZZ, nn) for ii in range(nn): BB[ii, 0] = gg[ii](0, 0, 0) for jj in range(1, ii + 1): if monomials[jj] in gg[ii].monomials(): BB[ii, jj] = gg[ii].monomial_coefficient(monomials[jj]) * monomials[jj](UU, XX, YY) # Prototype to reduce the lattice if helpful_only: # automatically remove BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, modulus ^ mm, nn - 1) # reset dimension nn = BB.dimensions()[0] if nn == 0: print("failure") return 0, 0 # check if vectors are helpful if debug: helpful_vectors(BB, modulus ^ mm) # check if determinant is correctly bounded det = BB.det() bound = modulus ^ (mm * nn) if det >= bound: # print("We do not have det < bound. Solutions might not be found.") # print("Try with highers m and t.") if debug: diff = (log(det) - log(bound)) / log(2) # print("size det(L) - size e^(m*n) = ", floor(diff)) if strict: return -1, -1 else: print("det(L) < e^(m*n) (good! If a solution exists < N^delta, it will be found)") # display the lattice basis if debug: matrix_overview(BB, modulus ^ mm) # LLL if debug: print("optimizing basis of the lattice via LLL, this can take a long time") BB = BB.LLL() if debug: print("LLL is done!") # transform vector i & j -> polynomials 1 & 2 if debug: print("looking for independent vectors in the lattice") found_polynomials = False for pol1_idx in range(nn - 1): for pol2_idx in range(pol1_idx + 1, nn): # for i and j, create the two polynomials PR.<w,z> = PolynomialRing(ZZ) pol1 = pol2 = 0 for jj in range(nn): pol1 += monomials[jj](w * z + 1, w, z) * BB[pol1_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU, XX, YY) pol2 += monomials[jj](w * z + 1, w, z) * BB[pol2_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU, XX, YY) # resultant PR.<q> = PolynomialRing(ZZ) rr = pol1.resultant(pol2) # are these good polynomials? if rr.is_zero() or rr.monomials() == [1]: continue else: # print("found them, using vectors", pol1_idx, "and", pol2_idx) found_polynomials = True break if found_polynomials: break if not found_polynomials: # print("no independant vectors could be found. This should very rarely happen...") return 0, 0 rr = rr(q, q) # solutions soly = rr.roots() if len(soly) == 0: # print("Your prediction (delta) is too small") return 0, 0 soly = soly[0][0] ss = pol1(q, soly) solx = ss.roots()[0][0] # return solx, soly delta = .271 # this means that d < N^delta m = 8 # size of the lattice (bigger the better/slower) t = int((1 - 2 * delta) * m) # optimization from Herrmann and May X = 2 * floor(N ^ delta) # this _might_ be too much Y = floor(N ^ (1 / 2)) # correct if p, q are ~ same size P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ) A = int((N + 1) / 2) pol = 1 + x * (A + y) solx, soly = boneh_durfee(pol, e, m, t, X, Y) d = int(pol(solx, soly) / e) print(d) m = power_mod(c, d, N) print(n2s(int(m)))
複製文字到瀏覽器檢索,發現有200C,所以直接零寬字元,用Cyberchef轉換為Escape Unicode,發現大量出現了以下零寬字元
發現該壓縮包資料校驗不透過,說明包體被修改過,修改前發現壓縮加密格式為ZipCrypto沒找到其他資訊,使用passware toolkit爆破,可得壓縮包密碼為114514,再觀察下包體發現他被ZipCrypto加密後卻不需要輸入密碼,將加密為從08改為09正常輸入密碼即可解壓解壓後發現採用了特殊的字符集,目測是將左右進行翻轉替換後可得flag
過濾Source 1.5.1之後,匯出json,
import json datainput = open('USB3.json', "r", encoding="utf-8") output = open("USB3.txt", "w",encoding="utf-8") d = json.load(datainput) for i in d: print(i["_source"]["layers"]["usbhid.data"]) output.write(i["_source"]["layers"]["usbhid.data"]+'\n')
normalKeys = { "04":"a", "05":"b", "06":"c", "07":"d", "08":"e", "09":"f", "0a":"g", "0b":"h", "0c":"i", "0d":"j", "0e":"k", "0f":"l", "10":"m", "11":"n", "12":"o", "13":"p", "14":"q", "15":"r", "16":"s", "17":"t", "18":"u", "19":"v", "1a":"w", "1b":"x", "1c":"y", "1d":"z","1e":"1", "1f":"2", "20":"3", "21":"4", "22":"5", "23":"6","24":"7","25":"8","26":"9", "27":"0","28":"<RET>","29":"<ESC>","2a":"<DEL>", "2b":"\t", "2c":"<SPACE>","2d":"-","2e":"=","2f":"[","30":"]","31":"\\", "32":"<NON>","33":";","34":"'","35":"<GA>","36":",","37":".", "38":"/","39":"<CAP>","3a":"<F1>","3b":"<F2>", "3c":"<F3>","3d":"<F4>", "3e":"<F5>","3f":"<F6>","40":"<F7>","41":"<F8>","42":"<F9>","43":"<F10>", "44":"<F11>","45":"<F12>"} shiftKeys = { "04":"A", "05":"B", "06":"C", "07":"D", "08":"E", "09":"F", "0a":"G", "0b":"H", "0c":"I", "0d":"J", "0e":"K", "0f":"L", "10":"M", "11":"N", "12":"O", "13":"P", "14":"Q", "15":"R", "16":"S", "17":"T", "18":"U", "19":"V", "1a":"W", "1b":"X", "1c":"Y", "1d":"Z","1e":"!", "1f":"@", "20":"#", "21":"$", "22":"%", "23":"^","24":"&","25":"*","26":"(","27":")", "28":"<RET>","29":"<ESC>","2a":"<DEL>", "2b":"\t","2c":"<SPACE>", "2d":"_","2e":"+","2f":"{","30":"}","31":"|","32":"<NON>","33":"\"", "34":":","35":"<GA>","36":"<","37":">","38":"?","39":"<CAP>","3a":"<F1>", "3b":"<F2>", "3c":"<F3>","3d":"<F4>","3e":"<F5>","3f":"<F6>","40":"<F7>", "41":"<F8>","42":"<F9>","43":"<F10>","44":"<F11>","45":"<F12>"} output = [] keys = open('usb2.txt','r') for line in keys: try: if line[0]!='0' or (line[1]!='0' and line[1]!='2') or line[3]!='0' or line[4]!='0' or line[9]!='0' or line[10]!='0' or line[12]!='0' or line[13]!='0' or line[15]!='0' or line[16]!='0' or line[18]!='0' or line[19]!='0' or line[21]!='0' or line[22]!='0' or line[6:8]=="00": continue if line[6:8] in normalKeys.keys(): output += [[normalKeys[line[6:8]]],[shiftKeys[line[6:8]]]][line[1]=='2'] else: output += ['[unknown]'] except: pass keys.close() flag=0 print("".join(output)) for i in range(len(output)): try: a=output.index('<DEL>') del output[a] del output[a-1] except: pass for i in range(len(output)): try: if output[i]=="<CAP>": flag+=1 output.pop(i) if flag==2: flag=0 if flag!=0: output[i]=output[i].upper() except: pass print ('output :' + "".join(output))