Dream of the Red Chamber is arguably the most obscure of the Four Great Masterpieces, but it has also earned its reputation as the “pinnacle of Chinese classical fiction” and is arguably the encyclopedia of Chinese feudal society. In addition, the novel has spawned numerous forms of entertainment, including movies, cartoons, TV dramas, Yueju operas, kunqu operas, stage plays, games, songs, and more.
One of the reasons why Dream of the Red Chamber is so difficult to understand is the large number of characters portrayed in the novel, resulting in intricate character relationships. In 1982, Xu Gongshi published an article in the Journal of the Shanghai Teachers’ College in China, stating that there were as many as 975 characters in Dream of the Red Chamber, 732 with names and 243 without names.
The data visualization we are going to share today clearly shows the relationships between characters, events and locations in Dream of the Red Chamber, using stills of some of the actors in the 1987 version of Dream of the Red Chamber as markers for the main characters in the novel. Take Jia Baoyu as an example, you can see that his node extends dozens of relationship lines, such as his relationship with Xue Baochai is “wife” and “like”. The relationship between Li Gui and him is “follower”, and the relationship between Xi Ren and him is “servant”, etc.
In addition to character relationships, this visualization project also provides a filter of locations and events so that readers can clearly see the events associated with each character and the locations where they occurred. For people who do not know much about Dream of the Red Chamber or for first-time readers, this visualization can be very helpful. The chart seems more intuitive and complete than memorizing or listing the characters’ relationships on their own. After all, there are so many character relationships in Dream of the Red Chamber, parents, wives and children, siblings, godparents, fellow clansmen, friends, servants, etc., that it is hard to keep track of them.
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