/* Section header. */
typedef struct
Elf32_Word sh_name; /* Section name (string tbl index) */
Elf32_Word sh_type; /* Section type */
Elf32_Word sh_flags; /* Section flags */
Elf32_Addr sh_addr; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
Elf32_Off sh_offset; /* Section file offset */
Elf32_Word sh_size; /* Section size in bytes */
Elf32_Word sh_link; /* Link to another section */
Elf32_Word sh_info; /* Additional section information */
Elf32_Word sh_addralign; /* Section alignment */
Elf32_Word sh_entsize; /* Entry size if section holds table */
} Elf32_Shdr;
/* Legal values for sh_type (section type). */
#define SHT_NULL 0 /* Section header table entry unused */
#define SHT_PROGBITS 1 /* Program data */
#define SHT_SYMTAB 2 /* Symbol table */
#define SHT_STRTAB 3 /* String table */
#define SHT_RELA 4 /* Relocation entries with addends */
#define SHT_HASH 5 /* Symbol hash table */
#define SHT_DYNAMIC 6 /* Dynamic linking information */
#define SHT_NOTE 7 /* Notes */
#define SHT_NOBITS 8 /* Program space with no data (bss) */
#define SHT_REL 9 /* Relocation entries, no addends */
#define SHT_SHLIB 10 /* Reserved */
#define SHT_DYNSYM 11 /* Dynamic linker symbol table */
#define SHT_INIT_ARRAY 14 /* Array of constructors */
#define SHT_FINI_ARRAY 15 /* Array of destructors */
#define SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY 16 /* Array of pre-constructors */
#define SHT_GROUP 17 /* Section group */
#define SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX 18 /* Extended section indeces */
#define SHT_NUM 19 /* Number of defined types. */
#define SHT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* Start OS-specific. */
#define SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTES 0x6ffffff5 /* Object attributes. */
#define SHT_GNU_HASH 0x6ffffff6 /* GNU-style hash table. */
#define SHT_GNU_LIBLIST 0x6ffffff7 /* Prelink library list */
#define SHT_CHECKSUM 0x6ffffff8 /* Checksum for DSO content. */
#define SHT_LOSUNW 0x6ffffffa /* Sun-specific low bound. */
#define SHT_SUNW_move 0x6ffffffa
#define SHT_SUNW_COMDAT 0x6ffffffb
#define SHT_SUNW_syminfo 0x6ffffffc
#define SHT_GNU_verdef 0x6ffffffd /* Version definition section. */
#define SHT_GNU_verneed 0x6ffffffe /* Version needs section. */
#define SHT_GNU_versym 0x6fffffff /* Version symbol table. */
#define SHT_HISUNW 0x6fffffff /* Sun-specific high bound. */
#define SHT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* End OS-specific type */
#define SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* Start of processor-specific */
#define SHT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* End of processor-specific */
#define SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000 /* Start of application-specific */
#define SHT_HIUSER 0x8fffffff /* End of application-specific */
macro | description |
SHT_NULL | This value marks the section header as inactive. It does not have an associated section. Other members of the section header have undefined values. |
SHT_PROGBITS | This section holds information defined by the program, whose format and meaning are determined solely by the program. |
SHT_SYMTAB | This section holds a symbol table. Typically, SHT_SYMTAB provides symbols for link editing, though it may also be used for dynamic linking. As a complete symbol table, it may contain many symbols unnecessary for dynamic linking. An object file can also contain a SHT_DYNSYM section. |
SHT_STRTAB | This section holds a string table. An object file may have multiple string table sections. |
SHT_RELA | This section holds relocation entries with explicit addends, such as type Elf32_Rela for the 32-bit class of object files. An object may have multiple relocation sections. |
SHT_HASH | This section holds a symbol hash table. An object participating in dynamic linking must contain a symbol hash table. An object file may have only one hash table. |
SHT_DYNAMIC | This section holds information for dynamic linking. An object file may have only one dynamic section. |
SHT_NOTE | This section holds information that marks the file in some way. |
SHT_NOBITS | A section of this type occupies no space in the file but otherwise resembles SHT_PROGBITS. Although this section contains no bytes, the sh_offset member contains the conceptual file offset. |
SHT_REL | This section holds relocation offsets without explicit addends, such as type Elf32_Rel for the 32-bit class of object files. An object file may have multiple relocation sections. |
SHT_SHLIB | This section is reserved but has unspecified semantics. |
SHT_DYNSYM | This section holds a minimal set of dynamic linking symbols. An object file can also contain a SHT_SYMTAB section. |
SHT_LOPROC | This value up to and including SHT_HIPROC is reserved for processor-specific semantics. |
SHT_HIPROC | This value down to and including SHT_LOPROC is reserved for processor-specific semantics. |
SHT_LOUSER | This value specifies the lower bound of the range of indices reserved for application programs. |
SHT_HIUSER | This value specifies the upper bound of the range of indices reserved for application programs. Section types between SHT_LOUSER and SHT_HIUSER may be used by the application, without conflicting with current or future system-defined section types. |
Sections support one-bit flags that describe miscellaneous attributes. If a flag bit is set in sh_flags, the attribute is “on” for the section. Otherwise, the attribute is “off” or does not apply. Undefined attributes are set to zero.
/* Legal values for sh_flags (section flags). */
#define SHF_WRITE (1 << 0) /* Writable */
#define SHF_ALLOC (1 << 1) /* Occupies memory during execution */
#define SHF_EXECINSTR (1 << 2) /* Executable */
#define SHF_MERGE (1 << 4) /* Might be merged */
#define SHF_STRINGS (1 << 5) /* Contains nul-terminated strings */
#define SHF_INFO_LINK (1 << 6) /* `sh_info' contains SHT index */
#define SHF_LINK_ORDER (1 << 7) /* Preserve order after combining */
#define SHF_OS_NONCONFORMING (1 << 8) /* Non-standard OS specific handling
required */
#define SHF_GROUP (1 << 9) /* Section is member of a group. */
#define SHF_TLS (1 << 10) /* Section hold thread-local data. */
#define SHF_COMPRESSED (1 << 11) /* Section with compressed data. */
#define SHF_MASKOS 0x0ff00000 /* OS-specific. */
#define SHF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 /* Processor-specific */
#define SHF_ORDERED (1 << 30) /* Special ordering requirement
(Solaris). */
#define SHF_EXCLUDE (1U << 31) /* Section is excluded unless
referenced or allocated (Solaris).*/
macro | description |
SHF_WRITE | This section contains data that should be writable during process execution. |
SHF_ALLOC | This section occupies memory during process execution. Some control sections do not reside in the memory image of an object file. This attribute is off for those sections. |
SHF_EXECINSTR | This section contains executable machine instructions. |
SHF_MASKPROC | All bits included in this mask are reserved for processor-specific semantics. |
If this section appears in the memory image of a process, this member holds the address at which the section’s first byte should reside. Otherwise, the member contains zero.
This member’s value holds the byte offset from the beginning of the file to the first byte in the section. One section type, SHT_NOBITS, occupies no space in the file, and its sh_offset member locates the conceptual placement in the file.
This member holds the section’s size in bytes. Unless the section type is SHT_NOBITS, the section occupies sh_size bytes in the file. A section of type SHT_NOBITS may have a nonzero size, but it occupies no space in the file.
This member holds a section header table index link, whose interpretation depends on the section type.
This member holds extra information, whose interpretation depends on the section type.
Some sections have address alignment constraints. If a section holds a doubleword, the system must ensure doubleword alignment for the entire section. That is, the value of sh_addr must be congruent to zero, modulo the value of sh_addralign. Only zero and positive integral powers of two are allowed. Values of zero or one mean the section has no alignment constraints.
Some sections hold a table of fixed-sized entries, such as a symbol table. For such a section, this member gives the size in bytes for each entry. This member contains zero if the section does not hold a table of fixed-size entries.
手拆ELF(一) 知道節區表的偏移地址為0x000019a8,節區頭大小為40位元組,有29個節區頭,節區頭表大小為29*40=1160=0x488
young@ubuntu:~/c/elf$ readelf -S elf32
There are 29 section headers, starting at offset 0x19a8:
Section Headers:
[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
[ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0
[ 1] .interp PROGBITS 00000154 000154 000013 00 A 0 0 1
[ 2] .note.ABI-tag NOTE 00000168 000168 000020 00 A 0 0 4
[ 3] .note.gnu.build-i NOTE 00000188 000188 000024 00 A 0 0 4
[ 4] .gnu.hash GNU_HASH 000001ac 0001ac 000020 04 A 5 0 4
[ 5] .dynsym DYNSYM 000001cc 0001cc 000130 10 A 6 1 4
[ 6] .dynstr STRTAB 000002fc 0002fc 000136 00 A 0 0 1
[ 7] .gnu.version VERSYM 00000432 000432 000026 02 A 5 0 2
[ 8] .gnu.version_r VERNEED 00000458 000458 0000a0 00 A 6 3 4
[ 9] .rel.dyn REL 000004f8 0004f8 000040 08 A 5 0 4
[10] .rel.plt REL 00000538 000538 000068 08 AI 5 22 4
[11] .init PROGBITS 000005a0 0005a0 000023 00 AX 0 0 4
[12] .plt PROGBITS 000005d0 0005d0 0000e0 04 AX 0 0 16
[13] .plt.got PROGBITS 000006b0 0006b0 000010 08 AX 0 0 8
[14] .text PROGBITS 000006c0 0006c0 000434 00 AX 0 0 16
[15] .fini PROGBITS 00000af4 000af4 000014 00 AX 0 0 4
[16] .rodata PROGBITS 00000b08 000b08 000089 00 A 0 0 4
[17] .eh_frame_hdr PROGBITS 00000b94 000b94 00005c 00 A 0 0 4
[18] .eh_frame PROGBITS 00000bf0 000bf0 000180 00 A 0 0 4
[19] .init_array INIT_ARRAY 00001e9c 000e9c 000004 04 WA 0 0 4
[20] .fini_array FINI_ARRAY 00001ea0 000ea0 000004 04 WA 0 0 4
[21] .dynamic DYNAMIC 00001ea4 000ea4 000108 08 WA 6 0 4
[22] .got PROGBITS 00001fac 000fac 000054 04 WA 0 0 4
[23] .data PROGBITS 00002000 001000 000008 00 WA 0 0 4
[24] .bss NOBITS 00002008 001008 000004 00 WA 0 0 1
[25] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 001008 000029 01 MS 0 0 1
[26] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 001034 000520 10 27 43 4
[27] .strtab STRTAB 00000000 001554 000357 00 0 0 1
[28] .shstrtab STRTAB 00000000 0018ab 0000fc 00 0 0 1
Key to Flags:
W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
p (processor specific)
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