interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
switchport access vlan 100
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast edge
********* Following is from
Understanding How PortFast Works
PortFast causes a switch or trunk port to enter the spanning tree forwarding state immediately, bypassing the listening and learning states.
You can use PortFast on switch or trunk ports that are connected to a single workstation, switch, or server to allow those devices to connect to the network immediately, instead of waiting for the port to transition from the listening and learning states to the forwarding state.
Caution You can use PortFast to connect a single end station or a switch port to a switch port. If you enable PortFast on a port that is connected to another Layer 2 device, such as a switch, you might create network loops.
When the switch powers up, or when a device is connected to a port, the port enters the spanning tree listening state. When the Forward Delay timer expires, the port enters the learning state. When the Forward Delay timer expires a second time, the port is transitioned to the forwarding or blocking state.
When you enable PortFast on a switch or trunk port, the port is immediately transitioned to the spanning tree forwarding state.
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