求助,python 程式碼執行後提示 “Failed to import the site module”


D:\softInstall\python3.6\python.exe D:/test/corweixindemo/src/runner.py
Failed to import the site module
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\softInstall\python3.6\lib\site.py", line 544, in
File "D:\softInstall\python3.6\lib\site.py", line 530, in main
known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)
File "D:\softInstall\python3.6\lib\site.py", line 282, in addusersitepackages
user_site = getusersitepackages()
File "D:\softInstall\python3.6\lib\site.py", line 258, in getusersitepackages
user_base = getuserbase() # this will also set USER_BASE
File "D:\softInstall\python3.6\lib\site.py", line 247, in getuserbase
from sysconfig import get_config_var
ImportError: cannot import name 'get_config_var'

Process finished with exit code 1
