【MOS】Creating a PDB ... Fails With ORA-17630 (文件 ID 2090019.1)
Creating a PDB Remote Clone from to 12.2 Fails With ORA-17630 (文件 ID 2090019.1)
In this Document
Symptoms |
Changes |
Cause |
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References |
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Creating a PDB remote clone from to 12.2 fails with:
create pluggable database MYDB from MYSEED@CDBMYSEED
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-17628: Oracle error 17630 returned by remote Oracle server
ORA-17630: Mismatch in the remote file protocol version client server
The error is shown in the alert.log file and in the generated trace file as follow:
create pluggable database MYPDB from MYSEED@CDB12R1 file_name_convert=('/MYSEED/','/MYPDB/')
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/trace/CDB_ora_4268_remote.trc:
ORA-17628: Oracle error 17630 returned by remote Oracle server
ORA-17630: Mismatch in the remote file protocol version client server
*** 2015-12-11T17:48:30.352800+01:00 (CDB$ROOT(1))
ORA-17628: Oracle error 17630 returned by remote Oracle server
ORA-17630: Mismatch in the remote file protocol version client server
EXEC #0x7f34ee563838:c=76000,e=2344936,p=11,cr=279,cu=13,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=254798627784
ERROR #0x7f34ee563838: err=17628 tim=254798627869
LOBTMPCREATE: type=TEMPORARY LOB,bytes=1,c=0,e=41,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,tim=254798628632
LOBWRITE: type=TEMPORARY LOB,bytes=93,c=0,e=111,p=0,cr=0,cu=7,tim=254798628845
Unpublished Bug 22289708 - ORA-17630 WHILE TRYING TO REMOTE CLONE A PDB, closed as duplicate of:
Bug 18633374 - COPYING ACROSS REMOTE SERVERS: ASMCMD-8016, ORA-17628, ORA-17630, ORA-06512,
The error is a result of looking for a particular protocol version instead of a set of protocol versions. In this case, the 12.2 client is sending both V1 & V2 as protocol versions and (the remote side in this case) is expecting a single version not both.
Download and apply Patch 18633374 on the side that does not include the fix for Bug 18633374. The fix is included in 12.2 or later.
If no patch exists for your environment, please contact Oracle Support for a backport request.
Check for any conflicting Patches using
Document 1317012.1 - How To Use MOS Patch Planner To Check And Request The Conflict Patches?
- Bug 18633374 - Error copying across remote servers with ASMCMD CP command (ASMCMD-8016, ORA-17628, ORA-17630, ORA-6512)
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