


--//snapper.sql是Tanel Poder探究會話相關等待事件的指令碼,參考連結:


SYS@book> @ ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SYS@book> @ hide _kgl_hot_object_copies
---------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ----- ---------
_kgl_hot_object_copies Number of copies for the hot object TRUE          0             0            FALSE FALSE

$ alias zzdate
alias zzdate='date +'\''trunc(sysdate)+%H/24+%M/1440+%S/86400 == %Y/%m/%d %T'\'''

--//rename job_times to job_times_20200217;
create table job_times (sid number, sessionid number,time_ela number,method varchar2(20));

$ cat bb.txt
SELECT owner
      ,property hot_flag
  FROM v$db_object_cache
 order by executions desc ;

set verify off
--//host sleep $(echo &&3/50 | bc -l )
insert into job_times values ( sys_context ('userenv', 'sid') ,sys_context ('userenv', 'sessionid'),dbms_utility.get_time ,'&&2') ;
commit ;
v_id number;
v_d date;
    for i in 1 .. &&1 loop
        execute immediate 'begin dbms_application_info.set_client_info(''mutex'');end;';
    end loop;
end ;
update job_times set time_ela = dbms_utility.get_time - time_ela where sid=sys_context ('userenv', 'sid') and sessionid=sys_context ('userenv', 'sessionid') and method='&&2';

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SYS@book> @ tpt/snapper all 436 1 "select 1,sid from v$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%'"

$ zzdate;seq 50 | xargs -I{} -P 50 sqlplus -s -l scott/book @m3.txt 1e6 p=50 {} >/dev/null;zzdate
trunc(sysdate)+10/24+31/1440+30/86400 == 2020/02/17 10:31:30
trunc(sysdate)+10/24+38/1440+30/86400 == 2020/02/17 10:38:30

SYS@book> @ tpt/snapper all 436 1 "select 1,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%'"
Sampling SID select 1,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' with interval 436 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...

-- Session Snapper v4.11 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Planet! :)
    SID, USERNAME  , TYPE, STATISTIC                                                 ,         DELTA, HDELTA/SEC,    %TIME, GRAPH       , NUM_WAITS,  WAITS/SEC,   AVERAGES

Active% | INST | SQL_ID          | SQL_CHILD | EVENT                               | WAIT_CLASS
  2086% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency
  1196% |    1 |                 |           | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency
   932% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   310% |    1 | 93sbqnyzaas4t   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   211% |    1 |                 |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
    23% |    1 |                 |           | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
    19% |    1 | 93sbqnyzaas4t   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
     5% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
     3% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
     1% |    1 | 3s8yd6xsr6fu6   | 0         | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency

--  End of ASH snap 1, end=2020-02-17 10:38:45, seconds=436, samples_taken=428
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SYS@book> set verify off
SYS@book> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains username||':'||program2||event2 username='SCOTT' trunc(sysdate)+10/24+31/1440+30/86400 trunc(sysdate)+10/24+38/1440+30/86400

-- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com )
------ ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40%        8368       19.9 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
  30%        6323       15.1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
  19%        3883        9.2 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   5%        1041        2.5 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   4%         924        2.2 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   1%         150         .4 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
   0%          56         .1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%          38         .1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   0%          25         .1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%          12          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%          11          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
   0%           8          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%           7          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   0%           3          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) latch free  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%           2          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   0%           1          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library
                             cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
16 rows selected.
--//主要是library cache: mutex X等待事件,並且形成一個鏈條。

SYS@book> @ bb.txt
------ ---------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------
SYS    DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO                     539807965 eab253aef59cd250bd8b8a13202cd0dd BODY                   53469                52816131             0
SYS    DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO                    2876716960 5a81de0b29b19e757e67708dab7737a0 TABLE/PROCEDURE        79776                       0             0

SYS@book> exec dbms_shared_pool.markhot('SYS','DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO',1);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SYS@book> exec dbms_shared_pool.markhot('SYS','DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO',2);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SYS@book> @ tpt/snapper ash 120 1 "select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1"

$ zzdate;seq 50 | xargs -I{} -P 50 sqlplus -s -l scott/book @m3.txt 1e6 markhot_p=50 {} >/dev/null;zzdate
trunc(sysdate)+10/24+55/1440+18/86400 == 2020/02/17 10:55:18
trunc(sysdate)+10/24+57/1440+16/86400 == 2020/02/17 10:57:16

SYS@book> @ tpt/snapper ash 120 1 "select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1"
Sampling SID select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1 with interval 120 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...
-- Session Snapper v4.11 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Planet! :)
Active% | INST | SQL_ID          | SQL_CHILD | EVENT                               | WAIT_CLASS
  2311% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   909% |    1 | 93sbqnyzaas4t   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   412% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency
   397% |    1 |                 |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   246% |    1 |                 |           | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency
   214% |    1 |                 |           | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
   150% |    1 | 93sbqnyzaas4t   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
    86% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
    26% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | latch free                          | Other
     8% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
--  End of ASH snap 1, end=2020-02-17 10:57:18, seconds=120, samples_taken=119
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SYS@book> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains username||':'||program2||event2 username='SCOTT' trunc(sysdate)+10/24+55/1440+18/86400 trunc(sysdate)+10/24+57/1440+16/86400
-- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com )
------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78%        4430       37.5 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   7%         401        3.4 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   7%         398        3.4 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   6%         333        2.8 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
   2%         117          1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%          24         .2 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) latch free  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%           9         .1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) latch free
   0%           1          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
   0%           1          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
9 rows selected.

SCOTT@book> Select method,count(*),round(avg(TIME_ELA),0),sum(TIME_ELA) from job_times group by method order by 3 ;
-------------------- ---------- ---------------------- -------------
markhot_p=50                 50                  11445        572258
p=50                         50                  41783       2089136

--//明顯標識熱物件後,library cache: mutex X 等待事件大大減少,快了大約4倍.
--//標識熱物件後,依舊存在library cache: mutex X等待事件,但是因為分散開來,形成一個鏈條明顯變小。
--//另外看等待事件cursor: pin S,標識熱物件後佔 333 秒,並且SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU佔117秒。
--//而沒有標識前佔 150 秒,這是因為減少library cache: mutex X了等待,大量重複的sql語句
--//begin dbms_application_info.set_client_info(''mutex'');end; 而導致在cursor: pin S上時間增加。

begin dbms_application_info.set_client_info(''mutex'');end;

begin /*+ &&3 */ dbms_application_info.set_client_info(''mutex'');end;
--//這樣cursor: pin S會相應減少。

set verify off
--//host sleep $(echo &&3/50 | bc -l )
insert into job_times values ( sys_context ('userenv', 'sid') ,sys_context ('userenv', 'sessionid'),dbms_utility.get_time ,'&&2') ;
commit ;
v_id number;
v_d date;
    for i in 1 .. &&1 loop
        execute immediate 'begin /*+ &&3 */ dbms_application_info.set_client_info(''mutex'');end;';
    end loop;
end ;
update job_times set time_ela = dbms_utility.get_time - time_ela where sid=sys_context ('userenv', 'sid') and sessionid=sys_context ('userenv', 'sessionid') and method='&&2';

SYS@book> @ tpt/snapper ash 120 1 "select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1"

$ zzdate;seq 50 | xargs -I{} -P 50 sqlplus -s -l scott/book @m3.txt 1e6 markhotx_p=50 {} >/dev/null;zzdate
trunc(sysdate)+11/24+14/1440+52/86400 == 2020/02/17 11:14:52
trunc(sysdate)+11/24+16/1440+49/86400 == 2020/02/17 11:16:49

SYS@book> @ tpt/snapper ash 120 1 "select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1"
Sampling SID select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1 with interval 120 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...
-- Session Snapper v4.11 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Planet! :)
Active% | INST | SQL_ID          | SQL_CHILD | EVENT                               | WAIT_CLASS
  2335% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   895% |    1 | 93sbqnyzaas4t   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   451% |    1 |                 |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   376% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency
   227% |    1 |                 |           | library cache: mutex X              | Concurrency
   214% |    1 |                 |           | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
   166% |    1 | 93sbqnyzaas4t   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
    65% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Concurrency
    13% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   | 0         | latch free                          | Other
     6% |    1 | 11c4s0a35j48v   |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
--  End of ASH snap 1, end=2020-02-17 11:16:51, seconds=120, samples_taken=119
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SYS@book> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains username||':'||program2||event2 username='SCOTT' trunc(sysdate)+11/24+14/1440+52/86400 trunc(sysdate)+11/24+16/1440+49/86400

-- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com )
------ ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78%        4473       38.2 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   7%         407        3.5 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   6%         338        2.9 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   5%         262        2.2 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
   3%         171        1.5 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%          28         .2 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) latch free  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%          14         .1 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) latch free
   0%           2          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   0%           2          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X
   0%           1          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) ON CPU
   0%           1          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
   0%           1          0 -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) library cache: mutex X  -> SCOTT:(sqlplus) cursor: pin S
12 rows selected.

SCOTT@book> Select method,count(*),round(avg(TIME_ELA),0),sum(TIME_ELA) from job_times group by method order by 3 ;
-------------------- ---------- ---------------------- -------------
markhotx_p=50                50                  11398        569916
markhot_p=50                 50                  11445        572258
p=50                         50                  41783       2089136

--//cursor: pin S 佔 262,明顯較少。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2675910/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
