INTERVAL 'integer [- integer ]' { YEAR | MONTH } [ (precision) ] [ TO { YEAR | MONTH } ]
'integer [-integer]' specifies integer values for the leading and optional trailing field of the literal. If the leading field is YEAR and the trailing field is MONTH, then the range of integer values for the month field is 0 to 11.
precision is the maximum number of digits in the leading field. The valid range of the leading field precision is 0 to 9 and its default value is 2.
Restriction on the Leading Field :If you specify a trailing field, then it must be less significant than the leading field. For example, INTERVAL '0-1' MONTH TO YEAR is not valid.
"integer [-integer]"指定前導和可選的尾隨欄位的整型值。如果前導的欄位是年份,而尾隨欄位是月,月欄位的整數值範圍為0到11。
"precision" 指定前導欄位的最大位數。前導欄位精度的有效範圍為0到9,其預設值為2。
前導列的限制:如果您指定了一個尾隨欄位,那麼它就必須小於前導欄位。例如,INTERVAL '0-1'月到YEAR是無效的。
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1' year from dual;--當前時間+1年
select sysdate,sysdate+numtoyminterval(1,'year') as res from dual;--當前時間+1年
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1-0' year to month from dual;--當前時間+1年
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1-1' year to month from dual;--當前時間+1年1月
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100' year(3) from dual;--當前時間+100年
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100-1' year(3) to month from dual;--當前時間+100年1月
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100' year(2) from dual;--報錯ORA-01873: 間隔的前導精度太小,因為100是3位數,而2只指定了兩位
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100-1' year(2) to month from dual;--報錯ORA-01873: 間隔的前導精度太小,因為100是3位數,而2只指定了兩位
INTERVAL '{ integer | integer time_expr | time_expr }'
{ { DAY | HOUR | MINUTE } [ (leading_precision) ]
| SECOND [ (leading_precision [, fractional_seconds_precision ]) ]
[ TO { DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND [ (fractional_seconds_precision) ] } ]
'integer' specifies the number of days. If this value contains more digits than the number specified by the leading precision, then Oracle returns an error.
'time_expr' specifies a time in the format HH[:MI[:SS[.n]]] or MI[:SS[.n]] or SS[.n], where n specifies the fractional part of a second. If n contains more digits than the number specified by fractional_seconds_precision, then n is rounded to the number of digits specified by the fractional_seconds_precision value. You can specify time_expr following an integer and a space only if the leading field is DAY.
select sysdate,sysdate+1 from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1' day from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate+numtodsinterval(1,'day') as res from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 0' day to hour from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 1' day to hour from dual;--當前時間+1天1小時
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 01:01' day to minute from dual;--當前時間+1天1小時1分鐘
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 01:01:01' day to second from dual;--當前時間+1天1小時1分鐘1秒
select sysdate,sysdate -interval '1' year,sysdate -interval '1' month,sysdate -interval '1' day,sysdate -interval '1' HOUR,sysdate -interval '1' MINUTE,sysdate-interval '1' second from dual;
INTERVAL 'integer [- integer ]' { YEAR | MONTH } [ (precision) ] [ TO { YEAR | MONTH } ]
'integer [-integer]' specifies integer values for the leading and optional trailing field of the literal. If the leading field is YEAR and the trailing field is MONTH, then the range of integer values for the month field is 0 to 11.
precision is the maximum number of digits in the leading field. The valid range of the leading field precision is 0 to 9 and its default value is 2.
Restriction on the Leading Field :If you specify a trailing field, then it must be less significant than the leading field. For example, INTERVAL '0-1' MONTH TO YEAR is not valid.
"integer [-integer]"指定前導和可選的尾隨欄位的整型值。如果前導的欄位是年份,而尾隨欄位是月,月欄位的整數值範圍為0到11。
"precision" 指定前導欄位的最大位數。前導欄位精度的有效範圍為0到9,其預設值為2。
前導列的限制:如果您指定了一個尾隨欄位,那麼它就必須小於前導欄位。例如,INTERVAL '0-1'月到YEAR是無效的。
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1' year from dual;--當前時間+1年
select sysdate,sysdate+numtoyminterval(1,'year') as res from dual;--當前時間+1年
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1-0' year to month from dual;--當前時間+1年
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1-1' year to month from dual;--當前時間+1年1月
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100' year(3) from dual;--當前時間+100年
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100-1' year(3) to month from dual;--當前時間+100年1月
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100' year(2) from dual;--報錯ORA-01873: 間隔的前導精度太小,因為100是3位數,而2只指定了兩位
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '100-1' year(2) to month from dual;--報錯ORA-01873: 間隔的前導精度太小,因為100是3位數,而2只指定了兩位
INTERVAL '{ integer | integer time_expr | time_expr }'
{ { DAY | HOUR | MINUTE } [ (leading_precision) ]
| SECOND [ (leading_precision [, fractional_seconds_precision ]) ]
[ TO { DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND [ (fractional_seconds_precision) ] } ]
'integer' specifies the number of days. If this value contains more digits than the number specified by the leading precision, then Oracle returns an error.
'time_expr' specifies a time in the format HH[:MI[:SS[.n]]] or MI[:SS[.n]] or SS[.n], where n specifies the fractional part of a second. If n contains more digits than the number specified by fractional_seconds_precision, then n is rounded to the number of digits specified by the fractional_seconds_precision value. You can specify time_expr following an integer and a space only if the leading field is DAY.
select sysdate,sysdate+1 from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1' day from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate+numtodsinterval(1,'day') as res from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 0' day to hour from dual;--當前時間+1天
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 1' day to hour from dual;--當前時間+1天1小時
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 01:01' day to minute from dual;--當前時間+1天1小時1分鐘
select sysdate,sysdate + interval '1 01:01:01' day to second from dual;--當前時間+1天1小時1分鐘1秒
select sysdate,sysdate -interval '1' year,sysdate -interval '1' month,sysdate -interval '1' day,sysdate -interval '1' HOUR,sysdate -interval '1' MINUTE,sysdate-interval '1' second from dual;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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