show con_name user
select sys_context('userenv', 'con_name'),sys_context('userenv','session_user') from dual;
show pdbs
select con_id, dbid, guid, name , open_mode from v$pdbs;
alter pluggable database all open; --開啟所有PDB
alter pluggable database PDBNAME open; --開啟名稱為PDBNAME的PDB
alter session set container=PDBNAME;--切換名稱為PDBNAME的PDB裡面去開啟
alter pluggable database all close immediate; --關閉所有PDB,不加immediate就是預設的normal
alter pluggable database PDBNAME close immediate;--關閉名稱為PDBNAME的PDB,不加immediate就是預設的normal
alter session set container=PDBNAME;--切換名稱為PDBNAME的PDB裡面去關閉
shutdown immediate
create pluggable database test admin user admin identified by admin;
alter pluggable database test open; --將test開啟
create pluggable database pdb1 admin user pdb1 identified by pdb1 file_name_convert=('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ocp/pdbseed','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ocp1/pdb1');
alter pluggable database pdb1 open; --將test開啟
create pluggable database test2 from test; --test必須是開啟的,才可以作為克隆源
alter pluggable database test2 open; --然後開啟這個pdb
alter pluggable database test2 close immediate; --關閉之後才能刪除
drop pluggable database test2 including datafiles; --刪除PDB test2並同時把資料檔案也從磁碟上刪除了,必須加上including datafiles,不加including datafiles或加keep datafiles都會報錯ORA-65179: cannot keep datafiles for a pluggable database that is not unplugged
SQL> alter pluggable database pocp1 close immediate;--之後執行cdb_data_files查不到該pdb的資料檔案,但是該pdb的資料檔案還在, show pdbs還可以看到該pdb
SQL> alter pluggable database pocp1 unplug into '/home/oracle/pocp1.xml';--之後執行cdb_data_files查不到該pdb的資料檔案,但是該pdb的資料檔案還在, show pdbs還可以看到該pdb
SQL> drop pluggable database pocp1; --unplug後drop database不加including datafiles就是預設的keep datafiles;該pdb的資料檔案還在,show pdbs看不到該pdb;加了including datafiles的話,該pdb的資料檔案被刪除了
drop pluggable database pocp1=drop pluggable database pocp1 keep datafiles
插上這個資料庫(上面的拔下操作執不執行第三步drop操作的話,執行如下語句會報錯ORA-65012: Pluggable database pocp1 already exists,上面的拔下操作執第三步時加了including datafiles則執行如下語句會報錯ORA-19505: failed to identify file,ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status)
SQL> create pluggable database pocp1 using '/home/oracle/pocp1.xml' nocopy tempfile reuse;
SQL> alter pluggable database pocp1 open;
SQL>create pluggable database TDB101 using '/home/oracle/pocp1.xml' nocopy tempfile reuse;
select file_name from cdb_data_files where con_id=1;
select file_name from cdb_data_files a,cdb_pdbs b where a.con_id=b.con_id and b.pdb_name='XX'
select pdb_name from cdb_data_files a,cdb_pdbs b where a.con_id=b.con_id and a.file_name like '%XX%';
alter session set "_exclude_seed_cdb_view"=FALSE;
select file_name from cdb_data_files where con_id=2;
select file_name,file_id,CON_ID from cdb_data_files;
select file_name,file_id,from dba_data_files;
PDB下show pdbs只能看到自己
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/30126024/viewspace-2676841/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- Part III PDB建立概述-Oracle多租戶管理員指南Oracle
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