Thu Apr 11 06:40:14 2019
WARNING: Read Failed. group:2 disk:1 AU:675 offset:16384 size:16384
WARNING: failed to read mirror side 1 of virtual extent 0 logical extent 0 of file 260 in group [2.3852408873] from disk DATA_0001 allocation unit 675 reason error; if possible, will try another mirror side
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/jsswgsjk/jsswgsjk1/trace/jsswgsjk1_ckpt_93628.trc:
ORA-00202: control file: '+DATA/jsswgsjk/controlfile/current.260.998936297'
ORA-15081: failed to submit an I/O operation to a disk
ORA-27072: File I/O error
Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error
Additional information: 4
Additional information: 1382432
Additional information: -1
Thu Apr 11 06:40:15 2019
WARNING: Read Failed. group:2 disk:1 AU:675 offset:65536 size:16384
Thu Apr 11 06:39:29 2019
NOTE: process _b000_+asm1 (31654636) initiating offline of disk 0.3671375779 (OCR_0000) with mask 0x7e in group 3
NOTE: process _b000_+asm1 (31654636) initiating offline of disk 1.3671375780 (OCR_0001) with mask 0x7e in group 3
NOTE: process _b000_+asm1 (31654636) initiating offline of disk 2.3671375781 (OCR_0002) with mask 0x7e in group 3
NOTE: checking PST: grp = 3
GMON checking disk modes for group 3 at 13 for pid 67, osid 31654636
ERROR: no read quorum in group: required 2, found 0 disks
NOTE: checking PST for grp 3 done.
NOTE: initiating PST update: grp = 3, dsk = 0/0xdad4bfa3, mask = 0x6a, op = clear
NOTE: initiating PST update: grp = 3, dsk = 1/0xdad4bfa4, mask = 0x6a, op = clear
NOTE: initiating PST update: grp = 3, dsk = 2/0xdad4bfa5, mask = 0x6a, op = clear
GMON updating disk modes for group 3 at 14 for pid 67, osid 31654636
ERROR: no read quorum in group: required 2, found 0 disks <<<< 0個磁碟可訪問。
Thu Apr 11 06:39:29 2019
Oracle RAC ASM管理磁碟組有一種特有的心跳磁碟監控’ASM PST heartbeat’,這個監控是在oracle之後出現,系統預設設至是15s,到12.1.0.2之後oracle把預設值改為了120s。
這個PST heartbeat:往往發生在IO閃斷/繁忙/CPU繁忙時,PST檢測到同步延遲超過"_asm_hbeatiowait"值時,會通知ORACLE ASM INSTANCE dismount disk group,造成ASM instance disk group offline。一般Normal Redundancy或者High Redundancy策略下,超過半數的disk group offline就會造成Rack腦裂。
我們任何的升級在鏈路切換中,PP一般會hold住 IO 15秒鐘左右再恢復,很大可能性會引起上述timeout問題,在升級之前強烈建議更改此引數值到120。
2、檢查引數 “_asm_hbeatiowait” 的值:(檢查為:15)
select ksppinm as "hidden parameter", ksppstvl as "value"
from x$ksppi
join x$ksppcv
using (indx)
where ksppinm like '\_%' escape '\'
and ksppinm like '%asm_hb%'
order by ksppinm;
alter system set "_asm_hbeatiowait"=120 scope=spfile;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/25469263/viewspace-2650303/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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