The levels of access control from “most access” to “least access” are public, protected, package access (which has no keyword), and private.
訪問控制符 | 同類 | 同包子類 | 同包其它類 | 不同包子類 | 不同包其它類 |
public | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
protected | √ | √ | √ | √ | × |
預設 | √ | √ | √ | × | × |
private | √ | × | × |
A library is a group of these class files. Each source file usually has a public class and any number of non-public classes, so there’s one public component for each source file. If you want to say that all these components (each in its own separate .java and .class files) belong together, that’s where the package keyword comes in.
Package access:It means that all the other classes in the current package have access to that member, but to all the classes outside of this package, the member appears to be private.
public access:
一個類申明為public,但是其中某個方法並不是public的,則這個方法在不同包中的類中是不可見的,但是在同包的類中是可見的,實際上void bite()是包控制許可權
package access.dessert;
public class Cookie {
public Cookie() {
System.out.println("Cookie constructor");
void bite() { System.out.println("bite"); }
} ///:~
package access;
import access.dessert.*;
public class Dinner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cookie x = new Cookie();
x.bite(); // Can’t access
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The method bite() from the type Cookie is not visible
at access.Dinner.main(
The private keyword means that no one can access that member except the class that contains that member, inside methods of that class. Other classes in the same package cannot access private members, so it’s as if you’re even insulating the class against yourself
Each overloaded method must take a unique list of argument types.
When you don’t put in any constructors, it’s as if the compiler says, “You are bound to need some constructor, so let me make one for you.” But if you write a constructor, the compiler says, “You’ve written a constructor so you know what you’re doing; if
you didn’t put in a default it’s because you meant to leave it out.”
object. In a constructor, the this keyword takes on a different meaning when you give it an argument list. It makes an explicit call to the constructor that matches that argument list.
//: initialization/
// Calling constructors with "this"
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;
public class Flower {
int petalCount = 0;
String s = "initial value";
Flower(int petals) {
petalCount = petals;
print("Constructor w/ int arg only, petalCount= "
+ petalCount);
Flower(String ss) {
print("Constructor w/ String arg only, s = " + ss);
s = ss;
Flower(String s, int petals) {
//! this(s); // Can’t call two!
this.s = s; // Another use of "this"
print("String & int args");
Flower() {
this("hi", 47);
print("default constructor (no args)");
void printPetalCount() {
//! this(11); // Not inside non-constructor!
print("petalCount = " + petalCount + " s = "+ s);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Flower x = new Flower();
} /* Output:
Constructor w/ int arg only, petalCount= 47
String & int args
default constructor (no args)
petalCount = 47 s = hi
摘自think in java
The meaning of static
With the this keyword in mind, you can more fully understand what it means to make a method static. It means that there is no this for that particular method. You cannot call non-static methods from inside static methods2 (although the reverse is possible),
and you can call a static method for the class itself, without any object. In fact, that’s primarily what a static method is for. It’s as if you’re creating the equivalent of a global method. However, global methods are not permitted in Java, and putting the
static method inside a class allows it access to other static methods and to static fields.
Some people argue that static methods are not object-oriented, since they do have the semantics of a global method; with a static method, you don’t send a message to an object, since there’s no this. This is probably a fair argument, and if you find yourself
using a lot of static methods, you should probably rethink your strategy. However, statics are pragmatic, and there are times when you genuinely need them, so whether or not they are “proper OOP” should be left to the theoreticians.
Within a class, the order of initialization is determined by the order that the variables are defined within the class.
直接看例子吧:// Specifying initial values in a class definition.
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;
class Bowl {
Bowl(int marker) {
print("Bowl(" + marker + ")");
void f1(int marker) {
print("f1(" + marker + ")");
class Table {
static Bowl bowl1 = new Bowl(1);
Table() {
void f2(int marker) {
print("f2(" + marker + ")");
static Bowl bowl2 = new Bowl(2);
class Cupboard {
Bowl bowl3 = new Bowl(3);
static Bowl bowl4 = new Bowl(4);
Cupboard() {
void f3(int marker) {
print("f3(" + marker + ")");
static Bowl bowl5 = new Bowl(5);
public class StaticInitialization {
public static void main(String[] args) {
print("Creating new Cupboard() in main");
new Cupboard();
print("Creating new Cupboard() in main");
new Cupboard();
static Table table = new Table();
static Cupboard cupboard = new Cupboard();
} /* Output:
Creating new Cupboard() in main
Creating new Cupboard() in main
- class Parent{
- static String name = "hello";
- static {
- System.out.println("parent static block");
- }
- public Parent(){
- System.out.println("parent constructor");
- }
- }
- class Child extends Parent{
- static String childName = "hello";
- static {
- System.out.println("child static block");
- }
- public Child(){
- System.out.println("child constructor");
- }
- }
- public class StaticIniBlockOrderTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- new Child();//語句(*)
- }
- }
class Parent{ static String name = "hello"; static { System.out.println("parent static block"); } public Parent(){ System.out.println("parent constructor"); } } class Child extends Parent{ static String childName = "hello"; static { System.out.println("child static block"); } public Child(){ System.out.println("child constructor"); } } public class StaticIniBlockOrderTest { public static void main(String[] args) { new Child();//語句(*) } }
解答:當執行完語句(*)時,結果是這樣一個順序:parent static block,child static block,parent constructor,child constructor。
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