- Motion Planning Library
V-REP 從3.3.0開始,使用運動規劃庫OMPL作為外掛,通過呼叫API的方式代替以前的方法進行運動規劃(The old path/motion planning functionality is still functional for backward compatibility and available, but it is recommended not to use it anymore),這樣更具靈活性。
運動規劃就是在給定的位置Start與位置Goal之間為機器人找到一條符合約束條件的路徑。具體的案例可以是為移動機器人規劃出到達指定地點的最短距離,或者是為機械臂規劃出一條無碰撞的運動軌跡,從而實現物體抓取等。目前運動規劃的研究取得長足進展,柵格法、 路標法、 人工勢場法等全域性或區域性規劃演算法被相繼提出。隨著研究的深入,基本的運動規劃問題不斷擴展,空間的維度也隨之增加。但基於確定性空間的精確解法是以巨大的儲存空間和計算量為代價的,僅僅在低維空間或者特殊條件下才可能存在精確的解法。在高維空間面前,運動規劃的解析演算法面臨極大的困難。
Motion planning task from Start to Goal while avoiding obstacles and joint limits
傳統方法的問題在於,始終無法避免在一個確定性空間內對障礙物進行確定的建模和描述,而這對於複雜環境和高維空間很難做到。基於取樣的運動規劃方法在這一點與傳統方法有本質的不同,它僅僅通過對位形空間或狀態空間中的取樣點進行碰撞檢測來獲取障礙物資訊,並在此基礎上進行運動規劃。取樣規劃方法避免了對空間的建模,即對障礙空間和自由空間進行描述的複雜的前期計算,這使它完全能夠處理高維空間和複雜系統的運動規劃問題。 應用最廣的兩種基於隨機取樣的運動規劃方法是:概率路標法 (Probabilistic Road Maps, PRM) 和快速探索隨機樹法(Randomly Exploring Randomized Trees, RRT)。OMPL是一個運動規劃的C++開源庫,其包含了很多運動規劃領域的前沿演算法,總體來說OMPL主要是一個取樣規劃的演算法庫(OMPL specializes in sampling-based motion planning)
- 基於取樣的運動規劃
除了基於圖搜尋的方法,還有另外一大類基於樹狀結構的搜尋演算法,其中最著名的就是快速擴充套件隨機樹法(Randomly Exploring Randomized Trees,RRT)了。RRT演算法是從起始點開始向外擴充一個樹狀結構,而樹狀結構的擴充方向是通過在規劃空間內隨機採點確定的。與PRM類似,該方法是概率完備且不最優的。
- V-REP OMPL plugin
- a collidable or measurable robot entity: this entity represents the device that should avoid obstacles and is referred to hereafter as robot.
- a start dummy: the start dummy represents the initial configuration (or start configuration)of the robot. The robot entity should be built on top of the start dummy. Make sure that the center of the robot approximately matches the position of the start dummy. 即需要建立start dummy(相當於一個marker)用於標記機器人的初始構型/位姿。
- a goal dummy: the goal dummy represents the desired configuration(or goal configuration) of the robot. The path planning algorithms will try to move the start dummy towards the goal dummy while avoiding collisions between the robot and obstacle.
- a collidable or measurable obstacle entity: this entity represents the obstacles that the robot should avoid, while following a path from the start to the goal configuration.
(3)呼叫simExtOMPL_createStateSpace和simExtOMPL_setStateSpace建立所需的狀態空間(State space: The parameter space for the robot. This space represents all possible configurations of the robot in the workspace. A single point in the state space is a state);
(4)呼叫simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs設定不應與環境發生碰撞的物件(Specify which entities are not allowed to collide);
(6)呼叫simExtOMPL_compute計算路徑;呼叫simExtOMPL_destroyTask刪除路徑規劃任務(Note: state space components created during simulation are automatically destroyed when simulation ends)。
注意OMPL計算出的路徑只是無數多解裡面的一個,無法保證這個解最優,因此可以重複計算多次,選擇一條更好/短的路徑。The path provided by simExtOMPL_compute is usually just one path among an infinite number of other possible paths, and there is no guarantee that the returned path is the optimal solution. For that reason it is common to compute several different paths, then to select the better one (e.g. the shorter one).
1 visualizePath = function(path) 2 if not _lineContainer then 3 -- simAddDrawingObject: Adds a drawing object that will be displayed in the scene 4 -- Lua parameters: 5 --sim_drawing_lines:items are pixel-sized lines(6 values per item (x0;y0;z0;x1;y1;z1) + auxiliary values) 6 --size: size of the item (width of lines or size of points are in pixels, other sizes are in meters 7 --parentObjectHandle: handle of the scene object where the drawing items should keep attached to. if the scene 8 --object moves, the drawing items will also move,-1 if the drawing items are relative to the world (fixed) 9 --maxItemCount: maximum number of items this object can hold. 10 --ambient_diffuse: default ambient/diffuse color (pointer to 3 rgb values). Can be NULL 11 _lineContainer = simAddDrawingObject(sim_drawing_lines, 3, 0, -1, 99999, {0.2,0.2,0.2}) 12 end 13 14 -- Adds an item (or clears all items) to a previously inserted drawing object. 15 -- itemData: data relative to an item. If the item is a point item, 3 values are required (x;y;z). 16 -- If the item is a line item, 6 values are required, If nil the drawing object is emptied of all its items 17 simAddDrawingObjectItem(_lineContainer, nil) -- clear all items 18 19 if path then 20 local pc = #path / 3 21 for i=1, pc - 1,1 do 22 lineDat = {path[(i-1)*3+1], path[(i-1)*3+2], initPos[3], path[i*3+1], path[i*3+2], initPos[3]} 23 simAddDrawingObjectItem(_lineContainer, lineDat) 24 end 25 end 26 end 27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 29 robotHandle = simGetObjectHandle('StartConfiguration') 30 targetHandle = simGetObjectHandle('GoalConfiguration') 31 32 initPos = simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1) --Specify -1 to retrieve the absolute position 33 initOrient = simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle, -1) 34 35 -- Create a task object, used to represent the motion planning task 36 -- Lua synopsis: number taskHandle = simExtOMPL_createTask(string name) 37 t = simExtOMPL_createTask('t') 38 39 -- Create a component of the state space for the motion planning problem 40 -- stateSpaceHandle=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace(name,type,objectHandle,boundsLow,boundsHigh,useForProjection) 41 ss = {simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('2d',sim_ompl_statespacetype_pose2d,robotHandle,{-0.5,-0.5},{0.5,0.5},1)} 42 43 -- Set the state space of this task object 44 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(number taskHandle, table stateSpaceHandles) 45 simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(t, ss) 46 47 -- Set the search algorithm for the specified task. Default algorithm used is KPIECE1 48 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(number taskHandle, number algorithm) 49 simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(t,sim_ompl_algorithm_RRTConnect) 50 51 52 -- Set the collision pairs for the specified task object. 53 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs(number taskHandle, table collisionPairHandles) 54 --[[ 55 Lua parameters: 56 collisionPairHandles: a table containing 2 entity handles for each collision pair. A collision pair is represented 57 by a collider and a collidee, that will be tested against each other. The first pair could be used for robot 58 self-collision testing, and a second pair could be used for robot-environment collision testing. The collider can 59 be an object or a collection handle. The collidee can be an object or collection handle, or sim_handle_all, in which 60 case the collider will be checked agains all other collidable objects in the scene. 61 --]] 62 simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs(t,{simGetObjectHandle('L_start'),sim_handle_all}) 63 64 startpos = simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1) 65 startorient = simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle, -1) 66 startpose={startpos[1], startpos[2], startorient[3]} 67 68 -- Set the start state for the specified task object 69 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setStartState(number taskHandle, table state) 70 -- state: a table of numbers, whose size must be consistent with the robot's state space specified in this task object 71 simExtOMPL_setStartState(t, startpose) 72 73 goalpos = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle,-1) 74 goalorient = simGetObjectOrientation(targetHandle,-1) 75 goalpose = {goalpos[1], goalpos[2], goalorient[3]} 76 77 -- Set the goal state for the specified task object 78 simExtOMPL_setGoalState(t, goalpose) 79 80 -- Use OMPL to find a solution for this motion planning task. 81 -- number result,table states=simExtOMPL_compute(number taskHandle,number maxTime,number maxSimplificationTime=-1,number stateCnt=0) 82 -- return value: states--a table of states, representing the solution, from start to goal. States are specified linearly. 83 r, path = simExtOMPL_compute(t, 4, -1, 800) 84 85 visualizePath(path) 86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 88 -- Simply jump through the path points, no interpolation here: 89 for i=1, #path-3, 3 do -- count from 1 to len(path)-3 with increments of 3 90 pos={path[i], path[i+1], initPos[3]} 91 orient={initOrient[1], initOrient[2], path[i+2]} 92 simSetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1, pos) 93 simSetObjectOrientation(robotHandle, -1, orient) 94 simSwitchThread() 95 end
(3)這個例子中我們只考慮機器人與其外界環境發生碰撞的可能。如果考慮機器人在運動過程中自身部件之間可能發生的碰撞,則需要新增其它collision pairs,如motionPlanningAndGraspingDemo中的例子:
-- 2 collision pairs: the first for robot self-collision detection, the second for robot-environment collision detection: collisionPairs={simGetCollectionHandle('Mico'),simGetCollectionHandle('Mico'),simGetCollectionHandle('Mico'),sim_handle_all}
(4)要選擇合適的演算法,可以參考:Available Planners
RRT Connect (RRTConnect)是RRT演算法的一種改進:This planner is a bidirectional version of RRT (i.e., it grows two trees. The basic idea is to grow two RRTs, one from the start and one from the goal, and attempt to connect them). It usually outperforms the original RRT algorithm.
stateValidation=function(state) -- Read the current state: local p=simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1) local o=simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle,-1) -- Apply the provided state: simSetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1,{state[1],state[2],p[3]}) simSetObjectOrientation(robotHandle,-1,{o[1],o[2],state[3]}) -- Test the state. Allowed are states where the robot is at least -- 'minDistance' away from obstacles, and at most 'maxDistance': -- simCheckDistance: Checks the minimum distance between two entities. -- number result,table_7 distanceData=simCheckDistance(number entity1Handle,number entity2Handle,number threshold) -- threshold: if distance is bigger than the threshold, the distance is not calculated and return value is 0 -- result: 1 if operation was successful (1 if distance is smaller than threshold) -- distanceData is nil if result is different from 1 -- distanceData[7] is the distance between the entities local res,d=simCheckDistance(collisionPairs[1],collisionPairs[2], maxDistance) local pass= (res==1) and (d[7]>minDistance) -- Following to visualize distances of the states that are valid: if pass then simAddDrawingObjectItem(cont,d) -- drawing_lines, 6 values per item (d1;d2;d3;d4;d5;d6) end -- Following to debug: -- if pass then -- simSwitchThread() -- end -- Restore the current state: simSetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1,p) simSetObjectOrientation(robotHandle,-1,o) -- Return whether the tested state is valid or not: return pass end visualizePath=function(path) if not _lineContainer then _lineContainer=simAddDrawingObject(sim_drawing_lines,3,0,-1,99999,{0.2,0.2,0.2}) end simAddDrawingObjectItem(_lineContainer,nil) if path then local pc=#path/3 for i=1,pc-1,1 do lineDat={path[(i-1)*3+1],path[(i-1)*3+2],initPos[3],path[i*3+1],path[i*3+2],initPos[3]} simAddDrawingObjectItem(_lineContainer,lineDat) end end end maxDistance = 0.05 -- max allowed distance minDistance = 0.01 -- min allowed distance cont=simAddDrawingObject(sim_drawing_lines,2,0,-1,99999,{1,0,0}) robotHandle=simGetObjectHandle('StartConfiguration') targetHandle=simGetObjectHandle('GoalConfiguration') initPos=simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1) initOrient=simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle,-1) t=simExtOMPL_createTask('t') ss={simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('2d',sim_ompl_statespacetype_pose2d,robotHandle,{-0.5,-0.5},{0.5,0.5},1)} simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(t,ss) simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(t,sim_ompl_algorithm_RRTConnect) collisionPairs={simGetObjectHandle('L_start'),sim_handle_all} --[[ Set a custom state validation. By default state validation is performed by collision checking, between robot's collision objects and environment's objects. By specifying a custom state validation, it is possible to perform any arbitrary check on a state to determine wether it is valid or not. Argument to the callback is the state to validate, and return value must be a boolean indicating the validity of the state --]] -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setStateValidationCallback(number taskHandle, string callback) simExtOMPL_setStateValidationCallback(t,'stateValidation') startpos=simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1) startorient=simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle,-1) startpose={startpos[1],startpos[2],startorient[3]} simExtOMPL_setStartState(t,startpose) goalpos=simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle,-1) goalorient=simGetObjectOrientation(targetHandle,-1) goalpose={goalpos[1],goalpos[2],goalorient[3]} simExtOMPL_setGoalState(t,goalpose) simSetThreadAutomaticSwitch(false) -- Allows to temporarily forbid thread switches r,path=simExtOMPL_compute(t,8,-1,800) simSetThreadAutomaticSwitch(true) -- if true, the thread will be able to automatically switch to another thread while path do visualizePath(path) -- Simply jump through the path points, no interpolation here: for i=1,#path-3,3 do pos={path[i],path[i+1],initPos[3]} orient={initOrient[1],initOrient[2],path[i+2]} simSetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1,pos) simSetObjectOrientation(robotHandle,-1,orient) simSwitchThread() end end
注意child script是一個模擬控制指令碼. Each child script represents a small code or program written in Lua allowing handling a particular function in a simulation. Child scripts are attached to (orassociated with) scene objects. Child scripts can be of two different types: non-threaded child scripts or threaded child scripts:
Non-threaded child scripts are pass-through scripts. This means that every time they are called, they should perform some task and then return control. If control is not returned, then the whole simulation halts.
Threaded child scripts are scripts that will launch in a thread. The launch of threaded child scripts is handled by the default main script code, via the simLaunchThreadedChildScripts function, in a cascaded way. When a threaded child script's execution is still underway, it will not be launched a second time. When a threaded child script ended, it can be relaunched only if the execute once item in the script properties is unchecked. By default a threaded child script will execute for about 1-2 milliseconds before automatically switching to another thread. Once the current thread was switched, it will resume execution at next simulation pass (i.e. at a time currentTime+simulationTimeStep). The thread switching is automatic (occurs after the specified time). Some operation should not be interrupted in order to execute correctly (imagine moving several objects in a loop). In that case, you can temporarily forbid thread switches with the simSetThreadAutomaticSwitch function.
robotHandle = simGetObjectHandle('Start') targetHandle = simGetObjectHandle('End') t = simExtOMPL_createTask('t') ss = {simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('6d',sim_ompl_statespacetype_pose3d,robotHandle,{-1,-0.5,0},{1,0.5,1},1)} simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(t, ss) simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(t, sim_ompl_algorithm_RRTConnect) simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs(t,{simGetObjectHandle('L_start'),sim_handle_all}) startpos = simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1) startorient = simGetObjectQuaternion(robotHandle, -1) startpose = {startpos[1],startpos[2],startpos[3],startorient[1],startorient[2],startorient[3],startorient[4]} simExtOMPL_setStartState(t, startpose) goalpos = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) goalorient = simGetObjectQuaternion(targetHandle, -1) goalpose = {goalpos[1],goalpos[2],goalpos[3],goalorient[1],goalorient[2],goalorient[3],goalorient[4]} simExtOMPL_setGoalState(t, goalpose) r, path = simExtOMPL_compute(t,20,-1,200) while true do -- Simply jump through the path points, no interpolation here: for i=1, #path-7, 7 do pos = {path[i],path[i+1],path[i+2]} orient = {path[i+3],path[i+4],path[i+5],path[i+6]} simSetObjectPosition(robotHandle,-1,pos) simSetObjectQuaternion(robotHandle,-1,orient) simSwitchThread() end end
可以看出步驟與前面的例子基本一致。這裡有兩個地方需要注意:1.由於規劃的路徑是三維空間內且涉及位置和姿態的同時調整,因此在設定狀態空間時要選擇sim_ompl_statespacetype_pose3d作為型別引數;2. simGetObjectQuaternion函式返回的是描述姿態的四元數
Open Motion Planning Library: A Primer
Questions/Answers around V-REP
基於隨機取樣的運動規劃綜述. 《控制與決策》, 2005, 20(7):721-726