Document your solution and every step towards the final solution.
Clearly state your name and the student number on the cover page and on each of your additional pages. Staple your
documents and hand them in using the assignment box for 329A in G block. Hand in by 6th June 13:00am.
1. Task: Physical Design, Access Structures 42 points
Consider a database system that uses a variant of B+ Trees for indexing, where leaf nodes contain actual data records, as opposed to pointers to data records (Oracle: index organized table). The index in question is on a unique attribute, which contains no duplicate entries. The database system is to have the following properties:
·Blocks are 4096 bytes in size. Header size is 96 bytes. Usable memory of the nodes is filled up to 85%.
·Each record is 400 bytes in size. A pointer requires 12 bytes. A record pointer (rowid) requires 12 bytes. The search key is 8 bytes in size.
·The data file to be indexed has 10,000,000 entries (records).
(a) How large will the index be maximal? Give your answer in terms of number of blocks, as well as number of bytes. Show each step in your calculations. (13 marks)
(b) How large will the index be maximal, provided that leaf nodes store record pointers instead of actual data records? Give your answer in terms of number of blocks, as well as number of bytes. Show each step in your calculations.(9 marks)
(c) Consider a range query querying 15% of the data. The queried data forms a sequence based on the search key a, e.g. select * from where a between x and y. Which of the following forms of access will be the fastest? Determine, for each of the four choices, the maximal required number of block accesses. Explicitly state any assumptions that you may be making. (16 marks)
Document your solution and every step towards the final solution.
Clearly state your name and the student number on the cover page and on each of your additional pages. Staple your
documents and hand them in using the assignment box for 329A in G block. Hand in by 6th June 13:00am.
1. Task: Physical Design, Access Structures 42 points
Consider a database system that uses a variant of B+ Trees for indexing, where leaf nodes contain actual data records, as opposed to pointers to data records (Oracle: index organized table). The index in question is on a unique attribute, which contains no duplicate entries. The database system is to have the following properties:
·Blocks are 4096 bytes in size. Header size is 96 bytes. Usable memory of the nodes is filled up to 85%.
·Each record is 400 bytes in size. A pointer requires 12 bytes. A record pointer (rowid) requires 12 bytes. The search key is 8 bytes in size.
·The data file to be indexed has 10,000,000 entries (records).
(a) How large will the index be maximal? Give your answer in terms of number of blocks, as well as number of bytes. Show each step in your calculations. (13 marks)
(b) How large will the index be maximal, provided that leaf nodes store record pointers instead of actual data records? Give your answer in terms of number of blocks, as well as number of bytes. Show each step in your calculations.(9 marks)
(c) Consider a range query querying 15% of the data. The queried data forms a sequence based on the search key a, e.g. select * from
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