select trunc(sysdate) from dual; --2014/3/5 今天的日期為2011-3-18
select trunc(sysdate, 'mm') from dual; --2014/3/1 返回當月第一天.
select trunc(sysdate, 'yy') from dual; --2014/1/1 返回當年第一天
select trunc(sysdate, 'dd') from dual; --2014/3/5 返回當前年月日
select trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy') from dual; --2014/1/1 返回當年第一天
select trunc(sysdate, 'd') from dual; --2014/3/2 (星期天)返回當前星期的第一天
select trunc(sysdate, 'hh') from dual; --2014/3/5 10:00:00 當前時間為14:41
select trunc(sysdate, 'mi') from dual; --2014/3/5 10:57:00。
SQL> select *from t1 ;
---------- --------
20140201 LIU
20140205 YANG
20140227 MA
20140228 Li
20140301 WU
20140302 WANG
20140303 DONG
SQL> with t1 as (select to_date('20140201','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'LIU' name from dual
2 union select to_date('20140205','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'YANG' name from dual
3 union select to_date('20140227','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'MA' name from dual
4 union select to_date('20140228','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'LI' name from dual
5 union select to_date('20140301','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'WU' name from dual
6 union select to_date('20140302','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'WANG' name from dual
7 union select to_date('20140303','yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd, 'DONG' name from dual
8 )
9 select * from t1 where yyyymmdd between case when to_char(&&v_date,'dd')
10 trunc(add_months(&v_date,-1),'mm') else trunc(&v_date,'mm') end
11 and case when to_char(&v_date,'dd')
12 else trunc(last_day(&v_date),'dd') end
13 /
輸入 v_date 的值: sysdate
原值 9: select * from t1 where yyyymmdd between case when to_char(&&v_date,'dd')
新值 9: select * from t1 where yyyymmdd between case when to_char(sysdate,'dd')
原值 10: trunc(add_months(&v_date,-1),'mm') else trunc(&v_date,'mm') end
新值 10: trunc(add_months(sysdate,-1),'mm') else trunc(sysdate,'mm') end
原值 11: and case when to_char(&v_date,'dd')
新值 11: and case when to_char(sysdate,'dd')
原值 12: else trunc(last_day(&v_date),'dd') end
新值 12: else trunc(last_day(sysdate),'dd') end
-------------- ----
01-3月 -14 WU
02-3月 -14 WANG
03-3月 -14 DONG
附 trunc函式數字用法如下:
select trunc(123.458) from dual; --123
select trunc(123.458, 0) from dual; --123
select trunc(123.458, 1) from dual; --123.4
select trunc(123.458, -1) from dual; --120
select trunc(123.458, -4) from dual; --0
select trunc(123.458, 4) from dual; --123.458
select trunc(123) from dual; --123
select trunc(123, 1) from dual; --123
select trunc(123, -1) from dual; --120
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/21251711/viewspace-1102673/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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