Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model
- LISA: Reasoning Segmentation via Large Language ModelSegmentation
- 論文解讀《MASTERKEY: Automated Jailbreaking of Large Language Model Chatbots》ASTAI
- A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papersIntelAIIDE
- LAMBDA: A Large Model Based Data Agent
- Large language models as surrogate models in evolutionary algorithms: A preliminary studyGo
- 大型語言模型(Large Language Models)的介紹模型
- Paper Reading: JailbreakBench: An Open Robustness Benchmark for Jailbreaking Large Language ModelsAI
- 大語言模型無法理解連結串列 Large Language Models Fails to Understand Chained Table[up to 202407017]模型AI
- Adjacent List Model 與 Nested Set Model 兩種無限分類模型的對比模型
- large pool
- 第五課第一週程式設計作業assignment-Dinosaurus+Island+--+Character+level+language+model+final程式設計
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- [Paper Reading] KOSMOS: Language Is Not All You Need: Aligning Perception with Language Models
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- machine learning model(algorithm model) .vs. statistical modelMacGo
- Html language common symbolic entitiesHTMLSymbol
- R language notes | pipes: chainingAI
- 【Leetcode】827. Making A Large IslandLeetCode
- .NET Core Common Language Runtime (CoreCLR)
- Google分析language垃圾資訊Go
- A Survey of Natural Language Question Answering System
- 【重要論文】The dictionary and the language learner
- monaco-editor 的 Language Services
- Swift之旅_Language Guide1SwiftGUIIDE
- 死磕The Swift Programming Language——學Swift
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- Python List 列表list()方法Python
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- Python List 列表list()方法分享Python
- Solution - Codeforces 1166E The LCMs Must be Large
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- 解說pytorch中的
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- list
- Sting 轉List<String>轉List<Integer>