LAMBDA: A Large Model Based Data Agent
- LISA: Reasoning Segmentation via Large Language ModelSegmentation
- Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model
- Model-based learning 簡單實踐
- The runtime data area model of JVMJVM
- 論文解讀《MASTERKEY: Automated Jailbreaking of Large Language Model Chatbots》ASTAI
- CDM(Conceptual Data Model,概念資料模型)和 PDM(Physical Data Model,物理資料模型)模型
- 《MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters》論文研讀
- 2020略讀Learning Feature Embeddings for Discriminant Model based TrackingNaN
- 【es】FATAL [circuit_breaking_exception] [parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would beUIExceptionHTTP
- 06 Coloured Petri Net-based Traffic Collision Avoidance System encounter model for the analysis of
- Paper Reading: Multi-class Imbalance Classification Based on Data Distribution and Adaptive WeightsAPT
- HAAR: Text-Conditioned Generative Model of 3D Strand-based Human Hairstyles3DAI
- 論文翻譯:2021_Towards model compression for deep learning based speech enhancement
- RLHF · PBRL | RUNE:鼓勵 agent 探索 reward model 更不確定的 (s,a)
- delphi基於資料模型(data-model)JSON序列模型JSON
- 【解決方法】Dubbo報錯Data length too large,調整payload大小解決
- large pool
- 騰訊冷啟動論文閱讀《Enhancing User Interest based on Stream Clustering and Memory Networks in Large-Scale Recommender Systems》REST
- SAP S/4HANA New Simplified Data Model (NSDM) 模型介紹模型
- 論文閱讀 A Data-Driven Graph Generative Model for Temporal Interaction Networks
- Sentry 監控 - Snuba 資料中臺架構(Data Model 簡介)架構
- A Unified Deep Model of Learning from both Data and Queries for Cardinality Estimation 論文解讀(SIGMOD 2021)Nifi
- Salesforce Integration 概覽(六) UI Update Based on Data Changes(UI自動更新基於資料變更)SalesforceUI
- Physically Based Rendering
- machine learning model(algorithm model) .vs. statistical modelMacGo
- 千問AI agent qwan_agent使用AI
- lambda
- 解密Prompt系列19. LLM Agent之資料分析領域的應用:Data-Copilot & InsightPilot解密
- 【Leetcode】827. Making A Large IslandLeetCode
- A timer based on timerfd and epoll
- 智慧體Agent智慧體
- Java Agent(上)Java
- Lambda、Linq
- Based UE_Project NotesProject
- Big Data and Data Warehousing
- Reactor ModelReact
- zabbix安裝agent