hadoop權威指南中的ncdc資料下載地址及命令 .
The data are available via:
1) WWW --
2) FTP -- ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/gsod via browser
3) Command line ftp:
a) Enter: open ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov
b) Login is: ftp
c) Password is: your email address
d) To move to the correct subdirectory, enter:
cd /pub/data/gsod
The files included in this subdirectory are:
Data Files--
Annual files:
eg, gsod_2006.tar - All 2006 files (compressed) by station, in one tar file.
etc, etc - For each annual volume.
Note: Each year's data are contained in subdirectories/folders by year.
Station files:
eg, 010010-99999-2006.op.gz - Files by station year, identified by WMO number,
WBAN number (if appropriate), and year. For a cross reference of the
filenames with location, see:
Informational/Utility Files--
country-list.txt - A list showing the station number range for
each country.
ish-history.txt -- A station list to be used with the data files,
showing the names and locations for each station.
Note: Global summary of day contains a subset of the
stations listed in this station history.
readme.txt - A description of the data and its format.
e) To get a copy of the data description, enter:
get readme.txt destination (destination is your
output location and name)...e.g.--
get readme.txt c:readme.txt - copies to hard drive c:
f) Then, to get a copy of any of the other files, use
the same procedure, such as--
get gsod_2006.tar c:data.txt
g) To logoff the system when finished, enter:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26613085/viewspace-1099829/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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