【流雲】Qlogic Infiniband RDS高速互聯驅動程式安裝及配置



#rm -rf /lib/modules/2.6.9-55.ELlargesmp/kernel/drivers/infiniband
#rm -rf /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-55.EL-largesmp-x86_64/drivers/infiniband

這裡面的2.6.9-55.Ellargesmp是LINUX的核心版本號,根據安裝機器的OS核心而定。重啟伺服器,執行lsmod 去檢查OFED是否還在執行。


#cd /u01
#tar –zxvf InfiniServ.
#cd InfiniServ.

三、 安裝Infiniband安裝程式:

#cd /u01/InfiniServ.


SilverStorm Technologies Inc. InfiniBand G Software

1) Install/Uninstall Software
2) Reconfigure IP over IB
3) Reconfigure Driver Autostart
4) Update HCA Firmware
5) Generate Supporting Information for Problem Report
6) Host Setup via Fast Fabric
7) Host Admin via Fast Fabric
8 ) Chassis Admin via Fast Fabric
9) Externally Managed Switch Admin via Fast Fabric

X) Exit


SilverStorm Technologies Inc. IB Install ( release) Menu

Please Select Install Action:

0) IB Network Stack [ Install ] [Available]
1) IB Development [ Install ] [Available]
2) IB Boot [ Install ] [Available]
3) Fast Fabric [ Install ] [Available]
4) Virtual HBA (SRP) [ Install ] [Available]
5) Virtual NIC [ Install ] [Available]
6) IP over IB [ Install ] [Available]
7) MPI Runtime [ Install ] [Available]
8 ) MPI Development [ Install ] [Available]
9) MPI Source [ Install ] [Available]
a) uDAPL [ Install ] [Available]
b) SDP [ Install ] [Available]
c) RDS [ Install ] [Available]

P) Perform. the selected actions
I) Install All
U) Uninstall All

X) Return to Previous Menu (or ESC)

例如要安裝IB Network Stack項,我們可以通過在鍵盤上敲擊IB Network Stack前面的數字0,來切換到Install提示(此處提示共有Install,Do Not Install或Up To Date三種選擇)。
如果使用RDS for Oracle應用, 選擇全部進行安裝即可
如果使用IPOIB for Oracle應用,選擇0,1,3,6 進行安裝就可以。

Installing IB Network Stack…
Adding module dependencies…
Adding memory locking limits…
Copying ibt.ko…
Copying ics_dsc.ko…
Copying 82808XA.ko…
Copying mt23108vpd.ko…
Copying mt25218vpd.ko…
Creating IB Network Stack (iba) system startup files…
Creating IB Port Monitor (iba_mon) system startup files…
Installing IB Development…
Installing Fast Fabric…
Installing IP over IB Driver…
Copying ipoib.ko…
Assign IP over IB static IPV4 addresses now? [n]: y
You may configure an IP over IB interface for each IB port
Or you may select to have IP over IB only run on some IB ports
Or you may select to configure redundant IB ports with a
pair of IB ports running a single IP over IB interface
How many IP over IB interfaces would you like to configure? [1]:


Preparing to create IP over IB ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
Assign interface names sequentially starting with ib1? [y]:
Assign Internet Addresses sequentially from a base IP address? [y]:
Enter IPV4 address in dot notation for ib1:
Is IPV4 address ‘′ correct? (y/n): y
Enter IPV4 netmask in dot notation for ib1 []:
Creating ifcfg-ib1 for mask

IP over IB requires /etc/sysconfig/ipoib.cfg specify parameters
for each IP over IB device.
The default configuration file provides for a 2 port redundant configuration.
If you desire a different configuration for IP over IB, Manually edit the file.
Hit any key to continue…

Assign interface names sequentially starting with ib1? [y]:
提示是否要將IB介面名稱設定為ib1, 直接回車或鍵入 y 回車.
Assign Internet Addresses sequentially from a base IP address? [y]:
提示是否要分配一個IP地址,直接回車或鍵入 y 回車.
在提示Enter IPV4 address in dot notation for ib1: 鍵入 IP 地址xxx.xxx.xxx.x並回車
在提示 Is IPV4 address ‘xxx.xxx.xxx.x’ correct? (y/n): 鍵入y並回車.
在提示 Enter IPV4 netmask in dot notation for ib1 xxx.xxx.xxx.x []: 回車 以設定預設值 (


Creating IP over IB (ipoib) system startup files…
Installing MPI Runtime…
Make links for mpd in ///opt/iba/bin
Make links for mpd in ///usr/local/bin
Installing MPI Development…
Installing MPI Source…
Installing uDAPL…
Copying udapl_module.ko…
Creating uDAPL (udapl) system startup files…
Installing SDP Driver…
Copying ics_offload.ko…
Copying ics_sdp.ko…
Creating SDP (ics_sdp) system startup files…

Enable IB Network Stack (iba) to autostart? [y]:
Enable IB Port Monitor (iba_mon) to autostart? [y]:
Enable IP over IB (ipoib) to autostart? [y]:
Enable uDAPL (udapl) to autostart? [y]: n
Enable SDP (ics_sdp) to autostart? [y]: n
Hit any key to continue…

在提示 Enable xxx to autostart? [y]: 鍵入 Y或N 回車,螢幕顯示如下圖:

Generating module dependencies…
Updating HCA Firmware …
Select HCAs to Update:
1) HCA 1 (23108 Rev a1 psid “MT_0030000001″ Node GUID: 0×00066a0098004c15)
Selection (a for all, n for none) [a]:

提示是否更新HCA firmware 版本,輸入 n , 回車,螢幕出現最初畫面:

SilverStorm Technologies Inc. InfiniBand Software

1) Install/Uninstall Software
2) Reconfigure IP over IB
3) Reconfigure Driver Autostart
4) Update HCA Firmware
5) Generate Supporting Information for Problem Report
6) Host Setup via Fast Fabric
7) Host Admin via Fast Fabric
8 ) Chassis Admin via Fast Fabric
9) Externally Managed Switch Admin via Fast Fabric

X) Exit


5) 重新啟動系統
6) 重新啟動系統後,檢查HCA驅動是否正常啟動

o ipoib
o mt23108vpd
o ics_dsc
o ics_offload
o ibt
o scsi_mod
o ics_sdp





來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/1384/viewspace-342868/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
