


PostgreSQL , 索引介面 , 操作符 , am , family , opclass , operator , function , order by





create extension btree_gin;  



postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname=`int4_ops`;  
 opcmethod | opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       403 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1976 |        23 | t          |          0  
       405 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1977 |        23 | t          |          0  
      2742 | int4_ops |         2200 |       10 |     45744 |        23 | t          |          0  
(3 rows)  
關聯pg_opclass.opcmethod, pg_am.oid  
postgres=# select oid,* from pg_am;  
 oid  | amname |  amhandler  | amtype   
  403 | btree  | bthandler   | i  
  405 | hash   | hashhandler | i  
  783 | gist   | gisthandler | i  
 2742 | gin    | ginhandler  | i  
 4000 | spgist | spghandler  | i  
 3580 | brin   | brinhandler | i  
(6 rows)  

int4_ops分別支援btree, hash, gin索引方法。


postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname=`int4_ops`;  
 opcmethod | opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       403 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1976 |        23 | t          |          0  
       405 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1977 |        23 | t          |          0  
      2742 | int4_ops |         2200 |       10 |     45744 |        23 | t          |          0  
(3 rows)  
關聯pg_opclass.opcintype, pg_type.oid  
postgres=# select oid,typname from pg_type where oid in (23);  
 oid | typname   
  23 | int4  
(1 row)  


postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname=`int4_ops`;  
 opcmethod | opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       403 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1976 |        23 | t          |          0  
       405 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1977 |        23 | t          |          0  
      2742 | int4_ops |         2200 |       10 |     45744 |        23 | t          |          0  
(3 rows)  
關聯pg_opclass.opcfamily, pg_amop.amopfamily  
postgres=# select * from pg_amop where amopfamily=45744;  
 amopfamily | amoplefttype | amoprighttype | amopstrategy | amoppurpose | amopopr | amopmethod | amopsortfamily   
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            1 | s           |      97 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            2 | s           |     523 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            3 | s           |      96 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            4 | s           |     525 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            5 | s           |     521 |       2742 |              0  
(5 rows)  
關聯pg_operator.oid, pg_amop.amopopr  
postgres=# select oprname from pg_operator where oid in (select amopopr from pg_amop where amopfamily=45744);  
(5 rows)  


postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname=`int4_ops`;  
 opcmethod | opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       403 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1976 |        23 | t          |          0  
       405 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1977 |        23 | t          |          0  
      2742 | int4_ops |         2200 |       10 |     45744 |        23 | t          |          0  
(3 rows)  





postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname=`int4_ops`;  
 opcmethod | opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       403 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1976 |        23 | t          |          0  
       405 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1977 |        23 | t          |          0  
      2742 | int4_ops |         2200 |       10 |     45744 |        23 | t          |          0  
(3 rows)  
關聯pg_opclass.opcfamily, pg_amop.amopfamily  
postgres=# select * from pg_amop where amopfamily=45744;  
 amopfamily | amoplefttype | amoprighttype | amopstrategy | amoppurpose | amopopr | amopmethod | amopsortfamily   
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            1 | s           |      97 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            2 | s           |     523 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            3 | s           |      96 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            4 | s           |     525 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            5 | s           |     521 |       2742 |              0  
(5 rows)  
關聯pg_operator.oid, pg_amop.amopopr  
postgres=# select * from pg_operator where oid in (select amopopr from pg_amop where amopfamily=45744);  
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanmerge | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate | oprcode |   oprrest   |     oprjoin       
 <=      |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |      23 |       23 |        16 |    525 |       521 | int4le  | scalarltsel | scalarltjoinsel  
 >       |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |      23 |       23 |        16 |     97 |       523 | int4gt  | scalargtsel | scalargtjoinsel  
 =       |           11 |       10 | b       | t           | t          |      23 |       23 |        16 |     96 |       518 | int4eq  | eqsel       | eqjoinsel  
 <       |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |      23 |       23 |        16 |    521 |       525 | int4lt  | scalarltsel | scalarltjoinsel  
 >=      |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |      23 |       23 |        16 |    523 |        97 | int4ge  | scalargtsel | scalargtjoinsel  
(5 rows)  

oprcanmerge是否支援MERGE JOIN。

oprcanhash是否支援HASH JOIN。


postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname=`int4_ops`;  
 opcmethod | opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       403 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1976 |        23 | t          |          0  
       405 | int4_ops |           11 |       10 |      1977 |        23 | t          |          0  
      2742 | int4_ops |         2200 |       10 |     45744 |        23 | t          |          0  
(3 rows)  
關聯pg_opclass.opcfamily, pg_amop.amopfamily  
postgres=# select * from pg_amop where amopfamily=45744;  
 amopfamily | amoplefttype | amoprighttype | amopstrategy | amoppurpose | amopopr | amopmethod | amopsortfamily   
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            1 | s           |      97 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            2 | s           |     523 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            3 | s           |      96 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            4 | s           |     525 |       2742 |              0  
      45744 |           23 |            23 |            5 | s           |     521 |       2742 |              0  
(5 rows)  
The B-tree operator family this entry sorts according to, if an ordering operator; zero if a search operator.  
0 表示這是個搜尋的操作符  


postgres=# select * from pg_amop where amopsortfamily<>0;  
 amopfamily | amoplefttype | amoprighttype | amopstrategy | amoppurpose | amopopr | amopmethod | amopsortfamily   
       1029 |          600 |           600 |           15 | o           |     517 |        783 |           1970  
       2594 |          604 |           600 |           15 | o           |    3289 |        783 |           1970  
       2595 |          718 |           600 |           15 | o           |    3291 |        783 |           1970  
(3 rows)  
postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcfamily=1029;  
 opcmethod |  opcname  | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype   
       783 | point_ops |           11 |       10 |      1029 |       600 | t          |        603  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select * from pg_operator where oid=517;  
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanmerge | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate |    oprcode     | oprrest | oprjoin   
 <->     |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |     600 |      600 |       701 |    517 |         0 | point_distance | -       | -  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select * from pg_operator where oid=3289;  
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanmerge | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate |  oprcode   | oprrest | oprjoin   
 <->     |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |     604 |      600 |       701 |   3276 |         0 | dist_polyp | -       | -  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select * from pg_operator where oid=3291;  
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanmerge | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate |   oprcode   | oprrest | oprjoin   
 <->     |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |     718 |      600 |       701 |   1522 |         0 | dist_cpoint | -       | -  
(1 row)  


postgres=# create extension postgis;
postgres=# create extension btree_gist;
postgres=# create extension rum;
postgres=# create extension pg_trgm;

postgres=# select oprleft::regtype,oprright::regtype,oprresult::regtype,oprname,oprkind,oprcode from pg_operator where oid in (select amopopr  from pg_amop where amopsortfamily<>0);  
           oprleft           |          oprright           |    oprresult     | oprname | oprkind |              oprcode               
 point                       | point                       | double precision | <->     | b       | point_distance
 circle                      | point                       | double precision | <->     | b       | dist_cpoint
 polygon                     | point                       | double precision | <->     | b       | dist_polyp
 geometry                    | geometry                    | double precision | <->     | b       | geometry_distance_centroid
 geometry                    | geometry                    | double precision | <#>     | b       | geometry_distance_box
 geometry                    | geometry                    | double precision | <<->>   | b       | geometry_distance_centroid_nd
 geometry                    | geometry                    | double precision | |=|     | b       | geometry_distance_cpa
 geography                   | geography                   | double precision | <->     | b       | geography_distance_knn
 interval                    | interval                    | interval         | <->     | b       | interval_dist
 oid                         | oid                         | oid              | <->     | b       | oid_dist
 time without time zone      | time without time zone      | interval         | <->     | b       | time_dist
 timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone | interval         | <->     | b       | ts_dist
 money                       | money                       | money            | <->     | b       | cash_dist
 date                        | date                        | integer          | <->     | b       | date_dist
 real                        | real                        | real             | <->     | b       | float4_dist
 double precision            | double precision            | double precision | <->     | b       | float8_dist
 smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint         | <->     | b       | int2_dist
 integer                     | integer                     | integer          | <->     | b       | int4_dist
 bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint           | <->     | b       | int8_dist
 timestamp with time zone    | timestamp with time zone    | interval         | <->     | b       | tstz_dist
 tsvector                    | tsquery                     | real             | <=>     | b       | public.rum_ts_distance
 timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_timestamp_distance
 timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_timestamp_left_distance
 timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_timestamp_right_distance
 timestamp with time zone    | timestamp with time zone    | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_timestamptz_distance
 timestamp with time zone    | timestamp with time zone    | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_timestamptz_left_distance
 timestamp with time zone    | timestamp with time zone    | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_timestamptz_right_distance
 smallint                    | smallint                    | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_int2_distance
 smallint                    | smallint                    | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_int2_left_distance
 smallint                    | smallint                    | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_int2_right_distance
 integer                     | integer                     | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_int4_distance
 integer                     | integer                     | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_int4_left_distance
 integer                     | integer                     | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_int4_right_distance
 bigint                      | bigint                      | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_int8_distance
 bigint                      | bigint                      | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_int8_left_distance
 bigint                      | bigint                      | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_int8_right_distance
 real                        | real                        | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_float4_distance
 real                        | real                        | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_float4_left_distance
 real                        | real                        | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_float4_right_distance
 double precision            | double precision            | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_float8_distance
 double precision            | double precision            | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_float8_left_distance
 double precision            | double precision            | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_float8_right_distance
 money                       | money                       | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_money_distance
 money                       | money                       | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_money_left_distance
 money                       | money                       | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_money_right_distance
 oid                         | oid                         | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_oid_distance
 oid                         | oid                         | double precision | <=|     | b       | rum_oid_left_distance
 oid                         | oid                         | double precision | |=>     | b       | rum_oid_right_distance
 anyarray                    | anyarray                    | double precision | <=>     | b       | rum_anyarray_distance
 text                        | text                        | real             | <->     | b       | similarity_dist
 text                        | text                        | real             | <->>    | b       | word_similarity_dist_commutator_op
(51 rows)





DEFAULT FOR TYPE int8 USING btree FAMILY integer_ops AS
  -- standard int8 comparisons
  OPERATOR 1 < ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= ,
  OPERATOR 3 = ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= ,
  OPERATOR 5 > ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint8cmp(int8, int8) ,
  FUNCTION 2 btint8sortsupport(internal) ,
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int8, int8, int8, boolean, boolean) ;

DEFAULT FOR TYPE int4 USING btree FAMILY integer_ops AS
  -- standard int4 comparisons
  OPERATOR 1 < ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= ,
  OPERATOR 3 = ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= ,
  OPERATOR 5 > ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint4cmp(int4, int4) ,
  FUNCTION 2 btint4sortsupport(internal) ,
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int4, int4, int4, boolean, boolean) ;

DEFAULT FOR TYPE int2 USING btree FAMILY integer_ops AS
  -- standard int2 comparisons
  OPERATOR 1 < ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= ,
  OPERATOR 3 = ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= ,
  OPERATOR 5 > ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint2cmp(int2, int2) ,
  FUNCTION 2 btint2sortsupport(internal) ,
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int2, int2, int2, boolean, boolean) ;

  -- cross-type comparisons int8 vs int2
  OPERATOR 1 < (int8, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= (int8, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 3 = (int8, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= (int8, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 5 > (int8, int2) ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint82cmp(int8, int2) ,

  -- cross-type comparisons int8 vs int4
  OPERATOR 1 < (int8, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= (int8, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 3 = (int8, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= (int8, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 5 > (int8, int4) ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint84cmp(int8, int4) ,

  -- cross-type comparisons int4 vs int2
  OPERATOR 1 < (int4, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= (int4, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 3 = (int4, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= (int4, int2) ,
  OPERATOR 5 > (int4, int2) ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint42cmp(int4, int2) ,

  -- cross-type comparisons int4 vs int8
  OPERATOR 1 < (int4, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= (int4, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 3 = (int4, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= (int4, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 5 > (int4, int8) ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint48cmp(int4, int8) ,

  -- cross-type comparisons int2 vs int8
  OPERATOR 1 < (int2, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= (int2, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 3 = (int2, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= (int2, int8) ,
  OPERATOR 5 > (int2, int8) ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint28cmp(int2, int8) ,

  -- cross-type comparisons int2 vs int4
  OPERATOR 1 < (int2, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 2 <= (int2, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 3 = (int2, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 4 >= (int2, int4) ,
  OPERATOR 5 > (int2, int4) ,
  FUNCTION 1 btint24cmp(int2, int4) ,

  -- cross-type in_range functions
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int4, int4, int8, boolean, boolean) ,
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int4, int4, int2, boolean, boolean) ,
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int2, int2, int8, boolean, boolean) ,
  FUNCTION 3 in_range(int2, int2, int4, boolean, boolean) ;




51.3. pg_am  
51.4. pg_amop  
51.5. pg_amproc  
51.33. pg_opclass  
51.34. pg_operator  
51.35. pg_opfamily  
