Xcode的驗證你的版本 2015年9月22日
我們最近將應用程式從應用程式商店,還建有Xcode的假冒版本有可能對消費者造成傷害。你應該直接從Mac App Store下載Xcode,或從蘋果開發者網站,離開看門人上啟用你的系統,以防止篡改軟體。
當你從Mac App Store下載Xcode,OS X自動檢查Xcode的程式碼簽名和驗證程式碼由蘋果簽署。當你從蘋果開發者網站上下載Xcode,簽名的程式碼會自動檢查和驗證預設情況下只要你沒有殘疾的看門人。
你是否下載Xcode Xcode從蘋果或接收從另一個來源,如USB或雷電磁碟,或者在一個本地網路,你可以很容易地驗證的完整性Xcode的副本。
spctl --assess --verbose /Applications/Xcode.app/
工具應該返回以下結果Xcode的版本從Mac App Store下載:
/Applications/Xcode.app: acceptedsource=Mac
App Store和從蘋果開發者網站下載一個版本,結果應該閱讀
/Applications/Xcode.app: acceptedsource=Apple
/Applications/Xcode.app: acceptedsource=Apple System
“接受”以外的任何結果或任何來源除了“Mac App Store”,“蘋果系統”或“蘋果”表明,
原文:https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=09222015aValidating Your Version of XcodeSeptember 22, 2015We recently removed apps from the App Store that were built with a counterfeit version of Xcode which had the potential to cause harm to customers. You should always download Xcode directly from the Mac App Store, or from the Apple Developer website, and leave Gatekeeper enabled on all your systems to protect against tampered software.
When you download Xcode from the Mac App Store, OS X automatically checks the code signature for Xcode and validates that it is code signed by Apple. When you download Xcode from the Apple Developer website, the code signature is also automatically checked and validated by default as long as you have not disabled Gatekeeper.
Whether you downloaded Xcode from Apple or received Xcode from another source, such as a USB or Thunderbolt disk, or over a local network, you can easily verify the integrity of your copy of Xcode.
To verify the identity of your copy of Xcode run the following command in Terminal on a system with Gatekeeper enabled:
spctl --assess --verbose /Applications/Xcode.appwhere /Applications/ is the directory where Xcode is installed. This tool performs the same checks that Gatekeeper uses to validate the code signatures of applications. The tool can take up to several minutes to complete the assessment for Xcode.
The tool should return the following result for a version of Xcode downloaded from the Mac App Store:
/Applications/Xcode.app: acceptedsource=Mac App Storeand for a version downloaded from the Apple Developer web site, the result should read either/Applications/Xcode.app: acceptedsource=Appleor/Applications/Xcode.app: acceptedsource=Apple SystemAny result other than ‘accepted’ or any source other than ‘Mac App Store’, ‘Apple System’ or ‘Apple’ indicates that the application signature is not valid for Xcode. You should download a clean copy of Xcode and recompile your apps before submitting them for review.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29597077/viewspace-1806922/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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