使用agentDownload指令碼在Unix/Linux平臺安裝Management Agent


Table 6-3 AgentDownload Script. Options

Option Description


To specify base directory of the Agent Oracle home.


To specify the cluster nodes (CLUSTER_NODES)

Note that there should not be any spaces between the entries in the comma-separated nodes list.


Do not automatically discover targets during installation. Host target will be created as needed.


To display and describe the options that can be used with this script.


To specify the inventory pointer location file: Can be used to point the installer to a nondefault inventory. (For advanced users only.)


To specify as local host (pass -local to runInstaller)


To specify the Oracle Management Service host name for downloading the agent install.


To specify the cluster name.


To specify the OLD_ORACLE_HOME during upgrade


To specify static port list file.


To specify the port for connecting to the Oracle Management Service host name.


Do not automatically start the agent at the end of the installation.


To upgrade.


To debug output: Turns on shell debugging.


Do not prompt for Agent Registration Password.

Downloading Agent Installation Software for Different Platforms

To obtain the agent download for other platforms, you must complete the following steps to make the Management Agent installable from the Management Service Oracle home.

To Obtain agentDownload for Unix

Follow the instructions below to download the agent installation software for Unix:

  1. Download the _Grid_Control_agent_download_10_2_0_3.zip file from OTN:

  2. Copy the downloaded file to the /sysman/agent_download/ directory.


    Create the /sysman/agent_download/ directory, if it does not exist.
  3. Go to this directory by executing the following:

    cd /sysman/agent_download/

    When you are here, confirm that the size and checksum calculation of the downloaded file match the information specified on the OTN download page.

  4. Execute the following command:

    unzip _Grid_Control_agent_download_10_2_0_3.zip
  5. If the agent_download.rsp file does not exist in the /sysman/agent_download/ directory, do the following:

    1. Execute mv agent_download.rsp.bak agent_download.rsp

    2. Edit agent_download.rsp and modify s_OMSHost="REPLACE_WITH_OMS_HOST" and s_OMSPort="REPLACE_WITH_OMS_PORT" variables with the correct OMSHost and OMSPort values. For example:



      Even if you are specifying a secure Management Service, you must still enter the non-secure port number here.
  6. Download the agentDownload script. by using cp, rcp, scp, FTP, or wget utility.

    An example of using wget is as follows:

  7. Run the following command:

    chmod +x agentDownload.linux
    ./agentDownload.linux -b -m -r

    For example:

    ./agentdownload.linux - b /oracle/agentinstall -m foo.us.oracle.com -r 4889

    For clusters, use the following command:

    ./agentdownload.linux - b /oracle/agentinstall -m foo.us.oracle.com -r 4889 -c "host1,host2,host3" -n myCRS -l

    To view more options, use the ./agentdownload.linux -h command.

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