
C:\Users\ibm>mysql -uroot -proot
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mysql> use test
insert into test_innodb select * from data;
(2621440 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:01:46:392
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:01:46:392
insert into test_myisam select * from data;
(2621440 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:00:18:985
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:00:18:985


update test_innodb set c='100';
(2621440 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:02:13:475
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:02:13:475
update test_myisam set c='300';
(2621440 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:00:48:626
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:00:48:626
delete from test_innodb;
(2621440 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:01:13:476
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:01:13:476
delete from test_myisam
(2621440 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:00:00:124
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:00:00:124


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